の同義語 so lonely


(of a place or location) Very remote or inaccessible
remote secluded isolated sequestered removed outlying faraway distant unreachable inaccessible quiet obscure private secret cut-off out of the way far-flung out-of-the-way far-off off the map off the beaten path off the beaten track cut off in the back of beyond in the middle of nowhere unfrequented godforsaken hidden retired lonesome cloistered unapproachable solitary unget-at-able deserted hard to find far concealed tucked away covert backwoods lone desolate undisturbed uninhabited sheltered jerkwater incommunicado in the hinterlands Barcoo segregated in the backwoods in the booay in the sticks in the backblocks in the backveld in the platteland in the tall timbers beyond the black stump reclusive blockaded seclusive personal insular deep undiscovered screened shut off god-knows-where in a backwater off-lying forsaken withdrawn quarantined peripheral reserved outer abandoned isolate close closet beleaguered shy unsociable outermost secluse hermetic confidential singular alone aloof apart disconnected far-out away impassable off the grid beyond in the depths of … hard-to-reach hidden away off beaten track out of reach barren unpopulated marooned separate inconspicuous far off far removed difficult to get to beyond reach shrouded set apart boondocks foreign unknown unsettled back frontier wild middle of nowhere unvisited in the boondocks unattainable inconvenient provincial afar far-removed furthest fringe impervious suburban miles away far flung uncontactable alien outlandish un-get-at-able elusive ulterior unobtainable external in the distance in the boonies abroad a good way a long way stone's throw hard to get to unavailable inapproachable untouchable good ways away ways off miles deep at the end of the rainbow retreated recluse departed well away lost quite a ways beyond the horizon taken out


Feeling or showing great unhappiness or loneliness
desolate sad dejected despondent miserable unhappy downcast depressed melancholy downhearted mournful forlorn down glum blue woebegone crestfallen inconsolable dispirited joyless dismal distressed despairing upset anguished grieving crushed devastated cheerless sombre somber hurting sullen tragic solemn bereft lonesome gray grey lorn companionless saddening grief-stricken heavy-hearted broken-hearted cast down down in the dumps in low spirits cut up in a blue funk bleak gloomy dreary depressing funereal dark comfortless depressive morose wretched morbid drear tenebrous dire disconsolate cold godforsaken saturnine lugubrious sepulchral tenebrific plutonian darkening black chill elegiac dreich murky elegiacal Cimmerian sunless cloudy doleful grim dull dolorous dispiriting sorrowful woeful drab dour melancholic disheartening abject oppressive dim down in the mouth unwelcoming sorry pathetic pessimistic mourning dingy heartrending heartbreaking hopeless spiritless rueful teary tearful piteous afflicted mirthless low-spirited discouraging in the dumps drearisome uninviting down-and-out austere grave humourless humorless bare inhospitable stark bland serious sober clinical dejecting draggy mopey uncomfortable impersonal wintery institutional wintry jarring chap-fallen low long-faced earnest sedate stern unpromising weighty severe unsmiling staid heartbroken moody sourpuss muted subdued sorrowing dirgelike stony-faced no-nonsense poker-faced moping in the pits colourless colorless lacklustre lackluster deep boring monotonous macabre shadowy lifeless unexciting blah uninteresting uninspiring humdrum sinister poignant plaintive horrible foreboding ominous distressing defeatist taciturn troubled lamenting nostalgic brooding Eeyorish atrocious threnodic threnodial sunk in gloom obscure deathly hollow Stygian moving touching dirge-like in the doldrums given to looking on the black side pitiful pitiable poor worthless saddened brokenhearted heavyhearted droopy heartsick hangdog heartsore choked gutted powerless calamitous helpless bummed downtrodden sour hapless oppressed weary dragged crabbed mopish surly chapfallen broody ugly sulky blue funk disheartened discouraged bad weeping disappointed demoralized demoralised agonized in pain fed up distraught agonised regretful wistful bitter bereaved bummed out tormented destroyed plangent dolesome wailing lamentable bewailing pained bemoaning aching grieved down and out tristful funeral suffering deploring traumatized painful weighed down broken hurt dysphoric crummy traumatised weepy cast-down down-hearted pensive grievous lachrymose ripped bleeding aggrieved emotional dolent out of sorts sick at heart all torn up sick as a parrot torn up taken down overwhelmed desperate anxious overcome resigned heavy with grief overcome with sorrow angst-ridden heart-rending brassed off cheesed off in doldrums in grief listless in despair low-down on a downer shot down let down in tears in the toilet singing the blues perturbed bothered dismayed shaken shattered tortured suicidal concerned harrowing heavy daunted wounded discombobulated uptight deplorable harrowed shook bugged disturbed unconsolable antsy cynical downbeat ruthful shook up sunk in mourning in sorrow bowed down racked with pain racked with suffering down in dumps negative full of sorrow long-suffering low in spirits at the end of your tether languorous triste languid displeased worried sapped bummed-out undermined fraught drained torn-up unsatisfied discontent sorry for yourself burned sore contused afflicting empty devitalized down-in-the-mouth dirgeful regrettable afflictive dolorific emo as sick as a parrot troubling tear-jerking affecting disillusioned heart-sick deflated uneasy abashed doomed sheepish very sad flat defeated unmitigable unfortunate at wits' end prostrate with grief unable to be consoled unable to be comforted destitute beside oneself with grief feel-bad down in mouth frantic disconcerted vexed ruffled disquieted unnerved agitated discomposed up the creek without hope harassed flustered irked aflutter wrecked discountenanced plagued taken aback in a funk at crabby languished having blue devils having the blahs no-win strabilious haunted spooked jumpy unglued persecuted can't win distracted in the soup not a prayer at end of one's rope strung out sob story heart-stricken heart-struck stricken in a tizzy in a stew dashed shamefaced clouded dampened atrabilious drooping sagging mortified pining

の反対語 so lonely

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