の同義語 true up


To adapt something to be consistent with
square adapt align fit mold mould tailor accommodate adjust realign regulate attune conform fashion quadrate reconcile condition organise organize orient position set tailor-make set straight make consistent modify alter convert change shape customize suit reshape edit doctor put customise transform rework revise remodel revamp tweak improve vary amend readjust tune make cut style acclimate acclimatize gear trim cut to fit dovetail custom-build make to order personalise custom-make personalize make to measure design acclimatise shape up fix arrange rectify balance order calibrate rejig rearrange reform settle repair enhance normalize correct redress jigger coordinate recast overhaul focus tighten troubleshoot normalise grade harmonise harmonize sharpen twiddle mend straighten sort set right patch up bring into line fiddle with make good put in working order set to rights fix up see to fine-tune make conform put right tune up refashion redesign restyle qualify reconstruct redo reorganize prepare bend refine metamorphose reorganise make alterations to make adjustments to make improvements to remake accustom reorient remould reorientate familiarize permute habituate remold make over assimilate integrate familiarise renovate season proportion transmute acculturate transfigure get used to revolutionize modulate reorder reconstitute permutate reconfigure regenerate diversify revolutionise pattern prime harden ready acculture temper rebuild become accustomed domesticate match gear to rehabilitate renew mutate update evolve get accustomed transmogrify shift upgrade get used morph fit in retool reshuffle rehash translate make ready develop become seasoned turn familiarize with become naturalized come to accept familiarize oneself with recalibrate come to terms with make innovations adapt to affect shift gears warp rejigger switch over align with commute adjust to learn to live with redraft turn around make different tamper with plan produce plot size measure dispose process naturalize inure treat become inured make appropriate to make fitting to make appropriate for make fitting for become become resigned naturalise resign yourself put in position put in place soften jack up make specially contrive tamper emendate moderate rewrite alternate review freshen up remix shuffle replace become different reword train toughen individualise individualize key conciliate accord climatize counterbalance compensate transubstantiate alchemize diverge transpose equip dial back phony up make changes to correct mid-course fine tune metamorphosize redevelop interchange turn over new leaf turn the tables denature turn the corner stir up change completely refit sing different tune recondition cook refurbish transfer turn upside down switch do up blend follow compose be in harmony with make agree grow accustomed to be in tune with become used to be in accord with groom empower coach reconciliate better comply correspond go along to get along run with the pack roll with punches follow the crowd follow tradition be guided by be conventional follow custom follow convention keep in step follow beaten path swim with the stream make suitable ameliorate find one's way around get your bearings find your feet become accustomed to emend restore frame sculpt form cast model remedy restructure uplift reclaim sculpture create cure modernise resolve modernize debug red-pencil bring up to code make better carve hew whittle forge block manipulate roughhew assemble pat crystallise smooth fabricate throw together crystallize mint block out knead bring together chisel

の反対語 true up

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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