의 반의어 indorsement


A formal expression of disapproval
reprimand rebuke reproof reproach censure scolding castigation admonition admonishment criticism upbraiding lecture remonstration reproval lambasting condemnation chiding wigging carpeting roasting rollicking earful denunciation rap excoriation blast rating row bollocking caning stricture objurgation rocket blame reprehension commination serve comeuppance warning ragging grooming dressing-down telling-off talking-to tongue-lashing ticking-off bawling-out ticking off rap over the knuckles riot act slap on the wrist telling off hard time going over bawling out calling down oral punishment what for flea in ear slap on wrist piece of your mind disapproval stick obloquy disapprobation attack accusation sideswipe reprobation dressing down berating flak abuse objection deprecation denouncement remonstrance vilification scorn contempt arraignment proscription revilement vituperation fault-finding dissatisfaction displeasure rebuff opprobrium expostulation shame correction disrepute discredit disparagement odium slur stain slight slating animadversion knocking blemish damnation chewing-out sentence conviction doom judgment blaming judgement bad press slap in the face going-over kick in the teeth a bad press harsh criticism put down anathema curse malediction execration imprecation excommunication implication invective stigmatization threat inculpation indictment fulmination incrimination threat of punishment upbraidment charge stigmatisation smearing knock character assassination cursing damning derogation

의 동의어 indorsement

indorsement 관용구

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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