의 반의어 most unbelligerent


Opposite of superlative for fond of, or prone to, quarreling
feistiest scrappiest snappiest chippiest crossest grouchiest crabbiest huffiest stroppiest difficultest orneriest touchiest unruliest violentest worst-tempered fiercest unfriendliest meanest bolshiest nastiest spunkiest flippest hottest testiest saltiest perversest prickliest pushiest bloodthirstiest awkwardest spikiest pluckiest roughest angriest narkiest surliest sullenest adversest toughest grumpiest snarliest extremest unkindest pepperiest mightiest crankiest gutsiest heartiest peppiest bubbliest friskiest grittiest gamest liveliest most quarrelsome most argumentative most contentious most belligerent most combative most disputatious most pugnacious most confrontational most antagonistic most bellicose most irascible most irritable most litigious most petulant most cantankerous most disputative most fiery most fractious most militant most truculent most agonistic most captious most choleric most defiant most factious most gladiatorial most hostile most discordant most threatening most aggressive most battling most controversial most dissentious most hotheaded most peevish most pettish most polemic most polemical most querulous most warlike most arguesome most arsey most tempestuous most churlish most excitable most impassioned most passionate most turbulent most ill-tempered most quick-tempered most contrary most offensive most oppugnant most militaristic most inimical most jingoistic most hawkish most sabre-rattling most destructive most adversarial most loudmouthed most martial most courageous most spirited most active most military most ardent most challenging most provocative most enthusiastic most rebellious most ferocious most intimidating most troublesome most acrimonious most soldierly most dissentient most opinionated most cussed most sanguinary most determined most assertive most vigorous most uncooperative most inhospitable most radical most abusive most exasperated most malevolent most splenetic most miffy most disruptive most forceful most sensitive most self-assertive most antipathetic most soreheaded most rancorous most fretful most snappish most embattled most fanatical most zealous most zestful most alive most gutty most energetic most mettlesome most short-tempered most revolutionary most assertory most warrish most high-strung most go-getting most negativistic most passive-aggressive

의 동의어 most unbelligerent

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