의 반의어 right in the head


Crazy or suffering from psychosis
psychotic demented crazy mad crazed deranged unbalanced unhinged daft disturbed unstable maniacal sectionable wacky delirious frenzied loopy manic psychopathic distraught hysterical insane lunatic touched batty cuckoo gaga loco loony mental nutty psycho raving screwy wacko whacko whacky balmy bonkers brainsick buggy bughouse certifiable crackbrained cracked crackers crackpot cranky daffy frantic fruity haywire kookie kooky looney maniac meshugge moonstruck psychopathological schizophrenic unsound bananas barmy bedlam bushed nuts nutso scatty sociopathic barking distracted meshuga nutsy sick squirrelly wud bats porangi raving mad barking mad not quite right in the head not the full shilling off one's gourd off the wall off your head up the pole around the bend as daft as a brush away with the fairies flipped-out manic-depressive not all there not right upstairs nutty as a fruitcake off your rocker of unsound mind round the twist stark mad foaming at the mouth looney tunes loony tunes mad as a hatter mentally deranged out to lunch round the bend with a screw loose mad as a March hare non compos mentis not right in the head not together over the edge severely mentally ill off one's nut off your trolley mentally ill dotty sick in the head stark raving mad unsettled stark staring mad out of one's mind one card shy of a full deck a few cards shy of a full deck a few sandwiches short of a picnic schizoid dippy irrational unglued invalid unsafe aberrant fantastic rabid derailed disordered paranoid raging panic-stricken have a screw loose yampy ape maddened schizzo unscrewed berserk have bats in the belfry severely mentally disordered have kangaroos in the top paddock flipped out off your chump

의 동의어 right in the head

Music ♫

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