의 동의어 acting hyper


Easily excitable with an excessive amount of energy
excitable jumpy jittery nervous skittish hyperactive skittery fluttery flighty restless spasmodic hyperexcitable frenzied spooky manic agitated wired hyperkinetic volatile overexcited overactive rash hotheaded unbalanced high-strung keyed up on the edge fiddle-footed edgy fidgety agitable alarmable overzealous highly strung feverish uncontrollable energetic wild heated hectic excessively active passionate excited vehement lively temperamental demonstrative unquiet zippy flappable giddy dizzy lightheaded animated peppy spirited combustible emotional fierce impetuous in a lather tempestuous impulsive light-headed mercurial enthusiastic volcanic adrenalized inflammable overwrought violent frantic furious frenetic rabid ferocious intense fervid mad delirious fiery explosive tumultuous hammer and tongs knock-down-and-drag-out blood-and-guts exciting unrestrained hot rough convulsive boisterous cyclonic paroxysmal maniacal impassioned savage hysterical bang-bang uncontrolled stormy chaotic desperate obsessive impatient turbulent fevered confused swivel-eyed riotous aggressive brutal worked up vicious bloodthirsty harsh forceful potent headstrong full-blooded drag-out knock-down distracted febrile fanciful overcharged abandoned ebullient full-on overpowering overwhelming uninhibited cataclysmal cataclysmic disturbed roller-coaster in turmoil full of upheavals full of ups and downs bullying murderous berserk ruthless cruel intemperate blustering threatening pugnacious callous terrorizing flaming ungovernable raging sadistic pitiless merciless destructive thuggish barbaric barbarous rampageous excessive intensified concentrated extreme homicidal heartless inhuman flurrying flustering ardent maddened assertive rumbustious buzzing brisk bustling fervent zoolike vibrant jungle hassle woolly madhouse wooly unsettled crowded disordered burning nutsy fuming crazy out of control terrorising cut-throat demoniac forcible hot-tempered radge hot-headed passional perfervid rip-roaring avid very active very busy full-hearted fast and furious like Piccadilly Circus hell broke loose zealous fanatical busy in a tizzy like one possessed


Wildly excited or uncontrolled due to worry or fear
frantic frenzied wild hysterical agitated mad distraught excited furious feverish frenetic fierce distracted overwrought rabid crazed distressed delirious maniacal crazy raving anxious desperate hectic uncontrolled worried deranged ferocious insane demented berserk fraught violent unhinged distrait uptight fevered hysteric raging wired panicky berko corybantic unglued unscrewed unzipped angry weird zonkers beside oneself worked up swivel-eyed panic-stricken in a state panic-struck wound up keyed up shook up beside yourself in a flap out of control het up in a tizz having kittens in a tizzy flipped out wigged out hot under the collar in a cold sweat last-minute weirded out hot and bothered in a flat spin freaked out spazzed out at the end of your tether at wits' end in a stew manic intense uncontrollable irrepressible turbulent carried away nervous in a frenzy overexcited energetic tumultuous hyperactive exciting chaotic phrenetic fast and furious irresistible madding ungovernable emotional unrestrained forceful strong unquenchable unstoppable unrestrainable neurotic fervid unruly maniac in a lather high high-strung passional overpowering insuppressible perfervid overwhelming convulsive blazing fiery tempestuous incensed fuming in a panic impetuous spasmodic impassioned maddened vehement seething driven to distraction unnerved possessed passionate rampant very upset in a fit out of one's wits mental nuts nutty ape amok bananas bonkers spare barmy batty bats barro crook porangi crackers postal off the deep end through the roof on the rampage up the wall off the air off your rocker around the bend out to lunch out of one's mind off your head restless lively riotous boisterous animated bustling confused spirited busy heated zealous active fanatical overactive flustering abandoned madhouse vibrant buzzing lunatic irrational disturbed nutsy like one possessed vivacious brisk disordered unsettled zoolike fired up confusing aroused demonic ebullient full-on uninhibited enthusiastic overcome overwhelmed stunned struck incredulous overawed affected obsessive impatient incoherent exacting tiring babbling overpowered eventful challenging hard arduous tough demanding devastated laborious exhausting lightheaded hot hallucinating aberrant deviant light-headed rambling bewildered wandering hallucinatory unreasonable flipped disarranged deviate destroyed trying severe unsparing testing harsh taxing fervent pumped raring obsessed ready not knowing what to do with oneself incontinent unsubmissive festive out of one's head out of one's skull full burdensome strenuous tireless ardent sprightly disorderly disobedient lacking self-control undisciplined running wild stubborn effervescent psyched voracious dynamic game onerous full on wearing imperious action-packed rowdy bumpy raucous stirred up juiced amped high as a kite flurrying high-spirited humming stirring rousing zestful rumbustious woolly wooly jungle hassle crowded burning stirred full of life go-go happening peppy astir flourishing alive electrifying kinetic merry buzzy thriving zesty rip-roaring very busy very active on fire wigged-out steamed up abuzz abubble aboil full of activity like Piccadilly Circus hell broke loose unbalanced psychotic certifiable cuckoo loony screwy gaga wacko loco unstable sectionable psychopathic cracked loopy meshuga touched barking dippy dotty buggy nutso bushed squirrelly schizoid yarra gibbering ranting mentally ill of unsound mind non compos mentis stark mad barking mad mad as a hatter not together away with the fairies sick in the head not all there stark raving mad off the wall nutty as a fruitcake round the bend foaming at the mouth stark staring mad up the pole round the twist mad as a March hare not quite right in the head not the full shilling not right upstairs as daft as a brush have kangaroos in the top paddock have a screw loose have bats in the belfry not right in the head not in your right mind


Feeling anxious, nervous, or under stress
tense anxious nervous worried edgy uneasy uptight jittery jumpy troubled nervy agitated upset perturbed apprehensive antsy restless twitchy insecure unquiet stressed fidgety disturbed dithery queazy aflutter queasy overwrought wired strained hinky goosey fretful atwitter concerned stressy restive overstrung shaky unnerved excited toey panicky spooky squirrelly windy adrenalized unrelaxed choked fluttery overanxious clutched pressured on edge ill at ease keyed up worked up het up hung up on tenterhooks strung out in a state strung up in a tizzy in a state of agitation wrought up on pins and needles beside oneself highly strung in a state of nerves wound up under stress a bundle of nerves high-strung stressed out under pressure white-knuckled under a strain nervous wreck bundle of nerves shot to pieces white knuckled up the wall hysterical unsettled distressed fearful spooked frightened scared neurotic distraught skittish frenzied frantic like a cat on hot bricks sensitive shaking in suspense discomposed in a stew in a tizz in a twitter all of a lather all of a dither in a flap like a cat on a hot tin roof distracted desperate hectic overexcited flurried trembling wrought-up overactive heated febrile emotional irrational brittle feeling anxious nail-biting unstable excitable manic startled terrified alarmed quivering hot and bothered all of a doodah in a sweat having kittens in a twit unrestful quaking fevered nerve-racking stressful bricking oneself frazzled in a cold sweat timorous nerves on edge frisky creepy disquieted fretting bothered afraid careful uncomfortable solicitous rattled watchful angstful shivery unglued angsty taut feverish hyperactive aghast bugged dreading worried sick swivel-eyed tooshie a wreck in a spin shook up obsessive compulsive horrified petrified panic-stricken stirred weary strung-out freaked-out overwhelmed wound-up worn crazy worked-up unstrung touchy tired high keyed-up affected fired-up hot-and-bothered spent sweating bullets a basket case impatient in a flat spin beside yourself throwing a wobbly like a fish out of water flushed annoyed intense shocked steamed up flipped out out of your mind fixated oversensitive phobic in a panic daunted aquiver having butterflies in the stomach all shook up hot under collar abnormal unhealthy paranoid with one's stomach in knots with your heart in your mouth unreluctant flighty at the end of your tether maladjusted dismayed fraught hot under the collar hyped-up afire atingle hyperexcited inhibited disoriented aberrant deviant erratic disordered obsessed hysteric disconcerted ruffled provoked zipped up hot juiced up basket case timid hesitant shy shaken flustered mousy tremulous uncertain intimidated cowardly scared stiff discombobulated in a dither vexed shrinking scary spineless terror-stricken horror-struck tormented fearsome scared to death lily-livered frozen irresolute irritable trepidatious mousey feart running scared yellow self-conscious cowed wriggly squirmy affrighted pusillanimous fainthearted skittery anguished easily frightened frit chicken irked gutless diffident retiring cowering embarrassed unsure wiggly terrorized itchy discomfited terror-struck bashful harassed funky horror-stricken fazed suspicious afeared frightened out of your wits scared out of your wits discountenanced shaking in one's shoes in a funk terrorised in a blue funk tortured faint-hearted waiting for the axe to fall plagued spiritless waiting with bated breath craven awkward wet tentative weak jerky weak-kneed spasmodic soft frightened to death out of place yellow-bellied aroused recreant chicken-hearted unassured unconfident inflamed scared witless sissy hurt restlessly moving chicken-livered unsteady agog confused sad shaking like a leaf afflicted wary unhappy in turmoil grieved beset stunned inconvenienced active fidgeting doubtful hassled saddened gutted rabbity irritated tossing and turning pained muddled spookish skitterish riled harrowed wounded in a fluster stir-crazy worried stiff put out bummed out having cold feet cut up all torn up very nervous angst-ridden twittering indecisive dithering wavering vacillating panic-struck fractious swithering mouselike faltering unnatural gauche Delphic unpoised blushing all wound up withdrawn caught up strict conventional cautious easily agitated moved graceless all of a flutter exasperated disorientated in a frenzy champing at the bit distrustful animated roused abashed weak-willed unmanly boneless pigeon-hearted turbulent unpeaceful bewildered worrying fitful aggravated old-fashioned half-hearted easily scared weakling on the defensive strange perplexed lost miffed foreboding mistrustful numb butterflies jellyfish pestered wrung anxiously waiting nervously awaiting fearfully anticipating apprehensively expecting asea unheroic stiff apprehensive about intimidated by wimpish wimpy candy-assed having cabin fever mentally unsettled dastardly exacerbated displeased chagrined mortified alarmed at avid in awe chickenhearted poltroon jiggly harried gun-shy having stage fright biting nails having a funny feeling all nerves coy poor-spirited on the qui vive in fear and trepidation very scared pushing the panic button have cold feet numb with fear at fever pitch all agog open-mouthed with bated breath reluctant unassertive offended angered disappointed fretted milk-livered goose-bumpy pathetic wakeful meek thrown low impotent insomniac squeamish temperamental verklempt blue unzipped sheepish characterless stirred up in a lather nerveless come apart psyched out broken up at sixes and sevens in disorder amazed miserable awake unsleeping impetuous insomnolent irascible submissive passive alert volatile paralysed with fear vigilant wretched disconsolate dejected despondent depressed fiery moody without sleep wide awake wide-awake quivery attentive sleepless devastated traumatized morose heavyhearted broken melancholy sorrowful doleful bitter heartbroken dolorous desolate inconsolable cheerless lacking confidence lacking self-confidence eccentric lacking in confidence lacking assurance self-doubting not self-assured not confident grieving despairing weeping down bereaved wrecked mournful heartsick rueful hurting hyperexcitable mercurial passionate tempestuous hyperkinetic mourning haunted woeful shook crushed agonized dolesome frozen with fear paralyzed with fear sorrowing woebegone in pain heavy with grief bewailing persecuted bemoaning wailing agonised racked with suffering broken-hearted suffering aching overcome with sorrow racked with pain traumatised grief-stricken brokenhearted


Showing strong feeling or passion
vehement passionate ardent fervent intense fervid impassioned fiery emotional perfervid feverish enthusiastic passional torrid zealous burning eager charged flaming demonstrative warm keen spirited incandescent earnest religious fierce blazing heated superheated fanatical animated glowing lively strong wild powerful vigorous forceful impetuous hearty rabid inflamed delirious emphatic forcible hot-blooded red-hot warm-blooded hopped up excitable temperamental violent tempestuous volatile rash overzealous impulsive agitable dithyrambic hysterical neurotic mercurial volcanic hot-tempered excited hot-headed high-strung short-fuse highly strung avid ebullient enthused exuberant wholehearted pumped motivated stoked dynamic energetic zestful agog hopped-up ready and willing hepped up mad keen as keen as mustard gung ho high-spirited keyed up raring to go keen as mustard champing at the bit chomping at the bit heartfelt furious frenzied raging deep profound white-hot melodramatic consuming steamed up aroused ablaze emotive overemotional acute worked up fired up sincere committed messianic explosive uncontrollable heightened vivid ungovernable stirring deep-seated expressive stimulated thrilling moving sentimental deeply felt heavy feeling blistering extreme hot severe hellacious full-hearted urgent raw tumultuous frantic incensed inspiring eloquent poignant high-pressure hotblooded precipitate affecting headlong quickened high-powered fevered ferocious angry ecstatic thrilled bursting tender responsive all-consuming true blue on fire deep-rooted frenetic desirous wrathful mighty tremendous seething stormy serious pious unfeigned warmhearted contentious inspired immoderate uncontrolled marked gotta have dying to hot for assiduous dedicated steadfast allegiant hectic mettlesome spunky inordinate intemperate potent penetrating unqualified piercing rousing excessive intensified gingery resolute peppery mushy romantic touching turbulent unrestrained fuming susceptible sensitive off the air very excited on the warpath fit to be tied foaming at the mouth stirred exciting overcharged loving roused heartwarming starry-eyed from the heart sentient verklempt touchy-feely terrible almighty dreadful hard excruciating vicious frightful ghastly exquisite intensive fearsome fearful unbearable insufferable searing hellish diabolical unstoppable heavy-duty


Indefatigable or extremely persistent
untiring resolute determined dogged unwavering persistent indefatigable tenacious unflagging persevering tireless unrelenting unfaltering staunch firm unswerving pertinacious dedicated unremitting unflinching industrious steady unshakeable zealous constant spirited keen vigorous energetic forceful strong unfailing indomitable patient incessant unceasing unwearied dynamic intense inexhaustible weariless devoted stout Herculean grind undeterred unstinted eager beaver go-go steadfast enthusiastic unwearying active eager strenuous perky jumping hard-working ball of fire on the go uncomplaining long-suffering assiduous diligent unstinting single-minded unyielding relentless purposeful obstinate stubborn driven earnest committed undeviating resolved uncompromising fixed unshakable strong-willed immovable sedulous unhesitating undaunted intent insistent obdurate unbending stalwart strong-minded set bold ardent sustained assertive unshaken enduring gritty avid fierce ambitious decided plucky enterprising inexorable steely fanatical mettlesome aggressive conscientious unending gutsy sure dead set motivated persisting continuous solid continual full of determination intransigent perpetual ruthless aspiring unflappable endless militant pushy continuing ceaseless uninterrupted passionate bound and determined bent eternal interminable nonstop implacable adamant hard-driving laborious go-getting self-starting unabating goal-oriented unbroken never-ending unabated everlasting serious rigorous self-assertive running unrelieved self-driven perseverant non-stop inspired hungry desirous continued grim striving thirsty abiding importunate courageous faithful unchanging hard-nosed inflexible stout-hearted hell-bent iron-willed hardworking lasting bound wholehearted obsessed unfluctuating unqualified unbendable unvacillating regular true unvarying compulsive tough never-tiring brave stiff-necked meaning business feisty rock-ribbed ironclad round-the-clock dead set on never-failing stop at nothing bent upon bent on focused busy painstaking studious bustling consumed compelled mulish pigheaded sturdy possessed obsessive headstrong rigid gung ho operose perennial permanent galvanized monomaniacal impelled loyal bullheaded unappeasable hard ongoing bulldog valiant fixated obsessional induced resilient focussed recurrent spunky timeless impulsive besetting pushed steered galvanised guided hanging tough even uniform consistent ferocious day-and-night monotonous pat high-powered progressive pioneering invariant self-willed interminate confident stiff decisive brick-wall self-asserting round the clock irrepressible urged on vehement sagacious self-seeking power-loving get up and go high-reaching power-hungry self-confident set in stone restless unretiring unswervable fervent devout daring radical direct set on stanch settled hardboiled buckled down purposive deliberate adventurous unstoppable perseverative sticky fervid impassioned sworn tried-and-true true-blue responsible pious tried inveterate dyed-in-the-wool unwaning frequent manful thrusting dutiful dependable willful wilful diehard game straight trusty reliable habitual repeated undying recurring prolonged ageless unshrinking fearless immoveable unblinking unintimidated like a ball of fire on the make career-minded desiring success chronic remorseless four-square unsinkable in for long haul like bad penny unmovable indurate staying repetitive unquestioning imperishable nose to grindstone good firm in spirit independent perceptive two-fisted keen as mustard hardy animated heroic tough-minded resourceful certain take charge mean never-ceasing long-lasting competitive tough nut oft-repeated around-the-clock never give up hopeful cutthroat bloodthirsty stringent assured warlike gladiatorial defiant brutal scrappy hang-tough full-blooded intensely competitive high-pressure go for broke in-your-face self-assured can-do fiercely competitive having killer instinct self-possessed cut-throat dog-eat-dog hardened hearty emphatic iron lusty fiery cohesive possessive unquenchable burning bitter stony furious granite world-without-end amaranthine on a treadmill day and night


Giving strength, energy and vitality
invigorating stimulating refreshing bracing exhilarating rousing restorative energising energizing vitalizing exciting reviving tonic electrifying rejuvenating enlivening animating galvanising galvanizing stimulative uplifting charged fresh revitalising revitalizing fortifying cordial healthful exhilarative encouraging vivifying interesting brisk lively salubrious vital healthy quickening fascinating heartening strengthening high rejuvenative aesthetic esthetic rallying health-giving stirring thrilling inspiring breathtaking moving hair-raising arousing intoxicating gripping provocative spine-tingling thought-provoking adrenalizing appealing titillating inspiriting challenging electric exhilarant hectic reinvigorating mind-blowing kicky renewing crisp mind-boggling heart-stopping mind-bending revivifying rip-roaring galvanic striking heady cool roborant motivating innerving activating vigorous pick-me-up spirited dramatic strong emotional vivid dynamic life-giving energetic affecting powerful enthralling refreshful riveting restoring motivational life-preserving thirst-quenching cooling influential life-sustaining persuasive bold chilly livening inspirational explosive provoking startling impelling shocking exhilaratory nippy animated instigating affective touching instigative cliffhanging bright triggering meaningful enthusiastic hearty compelling graphic life-saving stem-winding anthemic zesty inciting awakening exalting piquing absorbing captivating knife-edge eye-popping compulsive enchanting impressive racy memorable soul-stirring vibrant spiriting salutary beneficial generous inflammatory cold keen heart-pumping invigorative generative agitational resuscitative analeptic trophic resurrectional life-restoring enabling freshening overwhelming reanimating impassioned life-renewing emotive passionate sexy potent impactful pure clear clean poignant sensational suspenseful intense elating hallucinogenic mind-altering wild regenerative comforting nerve-racking emotion-charged rescue brilliant dazzling edge-of-the-seat adrenaline-charged untainted airy unpolluted pleasant uncontaminated tense jolting buzzy adrenalized volatile sparkling warm blinding radiant colourful colorful glaring notable hot noticeable gleaming pronounced definite biting sharp marked giddy animative imaginative effective forceful intriguing arresting curious entertaining engaging immersing hypnotising magnetic meaty inviting wonderful charismatic astonishing eventful attention-grabbing unique amusing newsy beguiling splashy relatable marvelous fabulous eye-opening hypnotizing amazing prepossessing attractive hypnotic remarkable tantalising engrossing involving piquant enticing out of the ordinary mesmerising pleasurable worthy of note spectacular delightful mesmerizing tantalizing exceptional preoccupying bewitching charming newsworthy unputdownable alluring entrancing portentous action-packed consuming mesmeric spellbinding noteworthy trenchant marvellous topical seductive fine showy pleasing unboring wondrous emphatic diverting buzzworthy magical envigorating glamorous irresistible winning glamourous tempting fetching luring transfixing readable winsome elfin eye-catching exotic lovely beautiful ravishing likable delectable very interesting desirable likeable monopolizing viral monopolising bonny scintillating picturesque agreeable romantic dreamy taking lurid juicy pretty spicy shareable suggestive handsome mysterious cute fair rich salacious stunning enrapturing characterful comely detailed fantastic sensual evocative flamboyant nubile luscious sultry beauteous fanciable seducing unusual smashing tasty eloquent heavenly spunky nice-looking good adorable beckoning fantastical quixotic nostalgic goodly sightly seemly knockout bonnie fit likely active well favoured pulchritudinous adventurous chivalrous highly coloured teasing well-favored easy on the eye as pretty as a picture ensational puzzling extravagant enjoyable addictive distracting fashionable trendy obsessing controlling good-looking all-consuming transporting risqué very exciting endearing sweet nice sirenic disarming graceful siren orphic dainty darling gorgeous sensuous lovable personable bootylicious hunky immersive Orphean rapturous scandalous totally absorbing inveigling influencing prompting dear elegant delicate adorbs erotic scenic appetizing easy relaxing satisfying worthwhile clever ingenious gratifying rewarding smooth trim dreamboat foxy lovesome eyeful dishy bijou appetising pungent shock-horror picture-perfect drop-dead gorgeous savoury saucy mouth-watering to one's liking gay busy vivacious zingy edgy pornographic frenetic heated realistic full of character lewd photographic chocolate-box quaint pictographic titillative red-hot sexually arousing sexually exciting sexually stimulating pert distinctive lifelike stimulant spurring full of life lucid exalté visual telling faithful unforgettable authentic haunting frantic strenuous full savory salty witty lush sexual pictorial delineated distinct eager formidable flashy giving one food for thought graphical expressive theatrical snazzy gaudy true-to-life sharply-etched true to life crystal clear bright-coloured extraordinary pizazzy brightly coloured fancy pizzazzy on fleek bling smart garish come-hither out of this world brightly colored jazzy ideal drawing attention special majestic admirable looking like an explosion in a paint factory like an explosion in a paint factory rare grand one and only standout uncommon singular unordinary golden glorious


Engaging or ready to engage in physically energetic pursuits
active energetic lively vital animated spirited dynamic sprightly nimble vigorous busy frisky perky agile bustling spry alert mobile quick sparky sporty strong vivacious bouncy bubbly vibrant zestful zippy animate brisk occupied springy enlivened gay kinetic peppy pert snappy spanking airy bouncing dashing deedful dextrous dexterous eager eventful forceful fresh jaunty jazzy jumping mettlesome pizazzy pizzazzy racy go-go high-spirited on the go alive and kicking on the move full of beans full of get-up-and-go full of life full of vim and vigour full of zip bright-eyed and bushy-tailed bright zappy chirpy sparkling effervescent zesty chipper frolicsome zingy peart blithe swinging buoyant upbeat industrious full of pep bold fiery enthusiastic passionate ardent gritty gingery valiant peppery playful sportive sparkly barnstorming avid rocking wick hot sharp burning cheerful scintillating light fairylike breezy keen grooving outgoing full of energy exuberant merry skittish youthful blithesome as lively as a grig happy jocund as merry as a grig stirring buzzing astir fun flourishing abuzz humming happening abubble alive hopping aboil thriving fun-loving rousing refreshing jolly cheery ebullient sunny joyful jovial rollicking light-hearted boisterous glad mirthful joyous carefree entertaining gleeful lighthearted genial in high spirits gamesome gladsome exciting witty elated convivial humorous festive irrepressible hearty riotous amusing uproarious spunky bright and breezy excited rowdy stimulating jocular full of the joys of spring optimistic funny noisy colourful hilarious wild pleasant vivid frolic laughing ludic smiley clever social exhilarated happy-go-lucky rumbustious jubilant in good spirits positive impassioned brilliant colorful tireless flamboyant unruly loud facetious of good cheer hopeful jocose unrestrained euphoric smart feisty radiant winsome rough powerful enjoyable coltish romping comic lightsome rambunctious whimsical crank driving emphatic full of fun chucklesome lusty invigorated forcible good-humoured knockabout indefatigable waggish good-humored sportful clubby zealous uninhibited unreserved bubbling exultant untroubled roisterous comical content kittenish friendly festal diverting sociable cordial gregarious good eupeptic jokey piquant canty dazzling tumultuous contented high-powered grinning striking exhilarating sanguine impish cheering smiling untiring unworried droll intense hardy rosy elfish rip-roaring coruscating prankish frolicky disorderly roguish mischievous raucous effusive determined brash punchy tough extroverted robust wanton affable robustious amiable game ecstatic without a care in the world gutsy potent up spicy larky easy joshing turbulent unflagging intelligent antic boon frivolous energized invigorating fay cock-a-hoop hell-raising larking quick-witted activated red-blooded welcoming confident partyish ball of fire interesting pleasing envigorating dynamical moving devilish salty courageous energised larkish showy blissful profound high-octane perk joking refreshed pungent gushing companionable sturdy laughable vibrating eye-catching rested restored delightful pleased high raring to go revived relaxed pleasurable flip wacky fast blooming saturnalian campy astute rough-and-tumble savoury go-getting poignant unwearied extraverted extrovert glowing perceptive like new rehabilitated bright-eyed bushy-tailed full of spirit tart wild and woolly clear full of hope sharp-witted easy-going sexy uplifting full-blooded heartening savory hail-fellow-well-met biting dramatic quick off the mark on the ball quick on the uptake heartwarming welcome fascinating daring plucky screaming generous beaming abandoned debonair vitalized hospitable vehement wonderful slapstick brave sassy farcical jesting delighted electrifying fearless tricksy rascally fancy gratifying overjoyed party flashy peaceful thrilled aggressive wicked devil-may-care arresting orgasmic rugged elvish full honest virile gratified captivated intoxicated blessed blest tickled gallant in fine fettle rose-colored penetrating ludicrous bullish teasing responsive strenuous feel-good stalwart rejoicing gaudy brainy flying high on cloud nine tickled pink can't complain looking good walking on air splashy ballsy warm crazy excitable raw crude crass coarse supersmart bantering deep-felt tongue-in-cheek ultrasmart exceptional approachable side-splitting aware open lurid garish acute hyperintelligent on top of the world effective rhapsodical feeling one's oats over the moon flippant termagant camp warm-hearted boffo unconstrained wide awake all-out clubbable accessible ready all there for grins daffy observant clubable whip-smart at ease hard-hitting with it good-natured have-a-go on the job storming theatrical tangy conversible ambulatory fervent expressive heady frolicking capering magnificent risky unused young undimmed stimulated verdant relieved florid ruddy unfaded wholesome fair dewy creamy unwithered saucy glittering distinctive heated elastic salacious jazzlike psychedelic glitzy fluid amused glimmering glinting naughty flush pulsating poised pacific measured collected composed possessed commodious providential sober jumpy breathless holiday frothy agitated hale and hearty puckish laughter-filled venturesome trim natty turnt gruff spruce mad demoniac motive enterprising locomotive kinematic motile harsh fun-filled wilful willful full of joie de vivre inharmonious hushed unflustered unperturbed sedate unruffled rude insouciant debauched jarring loony chaffing jollying nutty dizzy bucked arch full of the joy of living elevating full of vim and vigor Pickwickian bombastic personable promising great depraved enlivening cheerly chaotic bubbling over peaches-and-cream propitious comforting reassuring encouraging auspicious silly flaky joculous gagged up flakey orgiastic roseate glass half full sunny side up pixieish scampish knavish pixy risible glib pixie sly leprechaunish free and easy cavorting swashbuckling likable resounding rollicksome thumping ripping casual nasty mean believing drunken off-the-wall inspiring lots of laughs talkative congenial intrepid revitalized reinvigorated in jest clowning in fun redeeming at peace self-possessed provocative audacious heroic steely tenacious valorous out of control likeable harum-scarum revivified rejuvenated renewed fantastic resolved steadfast resolute indomitable mettled out of hand steamroller affectionate amicable inspirative inspiriting intriguing ostentatious conspicuous unmarred fabulous gassy stoked wrapped rapt satisfied rapturous enraptured chuffed ridiculous charged revitalised reenergized rapid pronounced prominent neighborly rhapsodic beatific well paradisal triumphant paradisaic fulfilled enchanted paradisiacal thankful paradisaical entranced paradisiac sidesplitting kind gracious conversable comfortable entertained magical engaging sympathetic inspirited strengthened fortified pepped up freshened reanimated motivated perked up take-charge hard-driving snazzy functional matey neighbourly priceless Panglossian full of vim as game as Ned Kelly uncontrolled attention-seeking bright-coloured imaginative combative communicative chummy healthy in a good mood argumentative undisciplined impetuous laid back belligerent glaring brightly coloured graphic roistering quarrelsome close easy to get along with intimate colonial familiar easy to get on with good company regular unfatigued fresh as a daisy like a new person untired quickened on a high in seventh heaven fanciful bellicose pugnacious enchanting as pleased as Punch as happy as a clam beside oneself with joy blissed out as happy as Larry jumping for joy as happy as a sandboy tickled to death starry-eyed floating on air like a dog with two tails bling contentious assured beguiling juicy confrontational original wide-awake Argus-eyed open-eyed tentie tenty charming truculent operating functioning militant certain overexcited brightly colored ingenious disputatious sure warlike epigrammatic agreeable kenspeckle obvious exhibitionistic marked bodacious outstanding noticeable spectacular grabby commanding remarkable glittery catchy distinct like a new man deep devout scrappy piercing handy occupational working diligent efficient operational serviceable operative agonistic chippy doubtless socializing novel gladdening gladiatorial brawling discordant salient assaultive practicable utile demonstrative socialising implicit rib-tickling brawly ridibund undoubtful secure disposed to look on the bright side cocksure self-assured expectant in good heart self-confident deepest backslapping gut-busting looking like an explosion in a paint factory like an explosion in a paint factory cut up ornery over-the-top too funny for words manifest definite well marked evident plain touchy utilitarian well-oiled wise with your wits about you all ears clued-in on the lookout watchful on one's toes attentive cagey vigilant awake good hands on top of on the stick on your toes careful clued up heads up on guard sensible apprehensive people-oriented difficult abiding profuse frank sensitive up-tempo frenetic back-slapping employed discerning deep-rooted genius shrewd perspicacious gutty gifted good natured able thin-skinned on the warpath high-strung hot-blooded at work quick-thinking nimble-witted hard-pressed busy as a bee hard at work engrossed in wrapped up at work on rushed off one's feet with preoccupied with absorbed in hard at it on the hop immersed in

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