의 동의어 becoming more numerous


Present participle for to increase in extent, amount, or degree
expanding boosting compounding multiplying augmenting broadening extending growing proliferating raising spreading accelerating accumulating aggrandizing appreciating ballooning booming bourgeoning building up burgeoning climbing developing diversifying enlarging escalating gaining increasing mounting rising snowballing stoking swelling waxing widening amplifying becoming bigger becoming larger hyping making bigger making larger adding to branching out increasing in scope increasing in size rolling up scaling up supersizing upping pumping up broadening one's horizons extending operations mushrooming flourishing rocketing growing rapidly running riot blooming propagating increasing exponentially springing increasing rapidly springing up magnifying heightening doubling thriving adding prospering aggregating manifolding progressing blossoming mounting up maturing sprouting skyrocketing flowering exploding shooting up putting on a spurt flowing emerging spreading quickly developing quickly advancing succeeding intensifying improving building being successful soaring doing well inflating strengthening surging enhancing faring well bearing fruit spiraling spiralling picking up making headway going great guns getting ahead dilating coming on making progress getting on well making it going up getting bigger germinating accruing aggravating going well arising upsurging going places flying high turning out well blowing up arriving shining battening scoring deepening shooting making good incrementing budding making the big time evolving pullulating stretching piling up filling out stepping up coming along thickening lifting beefing up getting on going to town supplementing hitting it big lengthening reinforcing uprising redoubling distending tripling amassing luxuriating leaping up producing fattening yielding slapping on intensating puffing up bursting forth working up bloating triumphing becoming rich prevailing doing wonders catching on moving ahead making good speed moving forward making strides striking gold striking oil growing well making inroads going forward going through the roof growing rich getting there jacking up going up in the world hitting the jackpot getting places getting somewhere spreading your wings annexing rousing elevating appearing ascending getting higher gathering vegetating padding getting larger exacerbating bulking profiting peaking prolonging protracting becoming greater pushing up spreading like wildfire diffusing growing vigorously making greater topping up leaping tacking on pyramiding pushing ameliorating pervading bulking up bulging hiking jumping becoming better benefiting benefitting covering ground going through the ceiling doing all right for oneself taking steps forward gaining ground developing well coming of age getting on in the world making your mark getting stronger dominating putting forth shoots taking root puffing out hitting the target yielding results striking it big moving forward in leaps and bounds hiking up speeding up increasing in extent increasing in complexity growing profusely spreading uncontrolled pumping developing rapidly spurting accentuating spiking upsizing bursting detonating inclining metastasizing going up in price fortifying topping nurturing breeding concentrating going rising in value becoming large getting to growing full increasing in value rising rapidly surging up starting to be parlaying aping up bearing reaching waking up moving up rising up going uphill going off spreading out cultivating overrunning pouring raining cumulating coming to fruition feathering one's nest making out becoming wealthy making money cresting abounding putting up ratcheting up growing in stocking up increasing dramatically increasing suddenly striking it rich making a killing cranking up billowing bumping up stacking up collecting filling growing stronger welling efflorescing escalading towering vaulting starring becoming distended growing fat becoming more powerful living the life of Riley maturating bulging out becoming bloated continuing averaging up prolongating bolstering tumefying intumescing standing out figuring growing up leading performing souping up featuring growing greater growing larger glowing sparkling excelling putting to good use standing in good stead making good use of reaping benefits turning to one's advantage reaping the benefit making the most of unfolding cracking on pressing forward reigning supreme having a gift for having a gift coming into your own standing out in a crowd stealing the show wearing the crown moving onward getting better pushing forward pressing on going ahead pushing ahead sprawling forging ahead outspreading making a go coming off circulating sweeping having legs materializing ripening surfacing spreading across achieving putting forth new growth coming up turning up materialising producing buds starting to grow putting forth buds exaggerating opening out spreading through rolling out spreading like lightning furthering delivering winning out working out panning out coming up with the goods coming through sharpening teeming swarming beating the system attaining control carrying all before one cutting it beating the game cracking it making the grade gaining ascendancy getting to the top carrying all before you carrying off gaining control attaining ascendancy achieving it showing up getting results turning the trick paying off working having the desired result doing the business winning hands down winning conquering doing the trick going as planned marking up running up growing quickly coming into sight popping up

의 반의어 becoming more numerous

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