의 동의어 buzz through


To arrive at, or get to, a destination
come arrive enter appear show approach materialise materialize land show up turn up be along bob up breeze in check in clock in close in drop in fall by fall in get here make it pop in pop up punch in ring in sign in blow in get in get there make an appearance present oneself roll in roll up spring in turn out come along come on the scene get through make the scene put in an appearance show your face sky in burst through punch the clock reach one's destination report reach be present attend emerge get to pull in fetch up go clock on punch the time clock come up alight pitch up visit surface come on come into set foot in walk on come into view barge in get ride up be settle announce oneself find oneself finish up end up make yourself known gather go in access loom present yourself disembark dismount assemble be at hand drop by gain ingress get inside hit present make come in land up wind up buzz in hit town bust in draw near drop anchor come to roll out pile out arrive on the scene get as far as set foot on make it to end up at come forth wind up at break through begin occur start put in appearance come out take place kick in pass in set foot go on go to be there join be a guest be at grace with your presence walk in land at arrive at wash up land on sail into unfold fetch up at stop land up at pull up draw up make way into step in reappear weigh in find itself beach patronise patronize take part be in attendance haunt show yourself frequent gain entrance cross the line gain admission cross threshold touch down cross the threshold intrude

의 반의어 buzz through

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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