의 동의어 chicken heartedness


The vice of being timid and cowardly, and thus not living up to one's full potential
poltroonery cowardliness cravenness pusillanimity timidity fearfulness faint-heartedness cowardice gutlessness spinelessness unmanliness dastardliness faintheartedness wimpiness fear funk mousiness cold feet pusillanimousness apprehension timorousness timidness nervousness weakness shyness discourage tentativeness apprehensiveness hesitancy chicken tremulousness trepidation hesitation anxiety agitation worry uneasiness disquiet nerves disquietude perturbation willies shakes butterflies creeps jitteriness collywobbles twitchiness abdabs heebie-jeebies alarm unease fright tension restlessness tenseness anxiousness edginess jumps jumpiness stress worriment yips fidgets flap jitters fluster turbulence habdabs fuss tizzy butterflies in the stomach excitability discomfiture touchiness moodiness dithers neurasthenia trembles quivers sensitivity feverishness neuroticism delirium stimulation jim-jams all-overs cold sweat stage fright screaming abdabs Joe Blakes to-do diffidence reticence bashfulness coyness shivers dither jimjams fretfulness trembling fidgeting shaking shiver tremble whim-whams buck fever screaming meemies the shakes fit of nerves DTs softness wimpishness spiritlessness sissiness feebleness cowardness recreance cowardship recreancy concern care concernment nervosity solicitude sweat strain agita antsiness impatience nerviness anger animation nervous tension screaming habdabs terror horror panic dread consternation dismay distress angst discomposure unrest foreboding misgiving doubt suspicion blue funk tremors qualms scare alarum inquietude paranoia

의 반의어 chicken heartedness

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Copyright: Proverb ©

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