의 동의어 cognisant


Having an understanding of a fact
aware conscious acquainted conversant informed mindful knowledgeable sensible versed abreast apprised familiar sentient witting savvy knowing perceptive apprehensive alive ware observant awake judicious sussed grounded au courant in the know wise to acquainted with in on switched-on hip to clued-up plugged in alive to knowledgeable about no stranger to alert to familiar with up to date sensitive to tuned in well informed about sensible of up on up with well up on well versed in au fait with genned up on on to in the know about clued in on with it au courant with down with sensible to ware of conversant with hep to in the picture on the beam up to date with discerning percipient understanding well-informed au fait attentive observing up-to-date enlightened versant apperceptive up alert privy cognizant of experienced sophisticated aware of certain watchful at home in the loop vigilant appraised appreciative expert cluey clued recognizant competent seasoned down wary apprised of sensitive kept posted at home with clued up on respectful sure regardful sharp skilled educated across perceiving schooled awake to posted abreast of intelligent introduced well informed well-read well versed well-versed up to speed clued up genned up plugged into recognizant of versed in regardful of tuned-in on the ball well up in with-it self-aware sentient to supportive at ease with used to in touch sympathetic enlightened about proficient noting recognizing noticing assured prescient remarking recognising keen primed wise current genned up about clued up about switched on to up-to-the-minute au parfum good wide-awake practised omniscient trained practiced leet responsive to mindful of able to recognize seized of clued-up on percipient of privy to considerate learned illuminated literate with a knowledge of know one's stuff well-rounded switched on with an understanding of responsive well-grounded well-educated partaking of informed of switched-on to party to advised of sharing in sussed of briefed cultured instructed erudite comprehending affectionate receptive hep well educated hip plugged-in apprized well briefed abreast of the facts filled in shrewd astute canny acute practised in skilled in proficient in up to speed on informed about experienced in up to date on perfect in worldly heedful cunning clever urbane unprovincial calculating qualified sage careful brilliant insightful bright smart wily thoughtful cautious cagey chary sagacious perspicacious conscientious solicitous observative quick brainy sharp-witted clear-sighted clear-eyed worldly-wise having been around quick-witted conscious of chary of wary of careful of watchful of heedful of on the job on one's toes be up on know ins and outs with eyes peeled know all the answers cultivated intellectual scholarly lettered well read tutored literary civilized academic bookish civilised widely read refined polished advised advanced accomplished developed discriminating studious highbrow liberal scientific scholastic accustomed wised up well-taught on top of things knowing what's what intellectually aware in control clued in well-briefed well schooled turned on in well-acquainted cognizant in familiarised familiarized having your finger on the pulse plugged in to mondaine freed disenthralled disillusioned disentranced geared up confident taught coached nurtured cerebral with great knowledge capable professional formed fitted shaped enriched corrected prepared finished initiated confident with competent at connected involved rational progressive reasonable elegant open-minded genteel broad-minded polite in tune free-thinking tasteful courteous mannerly couth artistic gallant chivalrous able tolerant esthetic arty savant distingue traveled aesthetic travelled well-bred high-class artistically aware with good taste blue-stocking


Having or displaying an appreciation of the feelings of others
sensitive perceptive sympathetic thoughtful feeling understanding receptive tactful comforting commiserating commiserative compassionate condoling considerate consoling empathetic empathic supportive sympathising sympathizing tender tenderhearted tender-hearted warm attentive aware careful intuitive caring concerned conscious diplomatic discerning kind patient impressionable reactive responsive sensitised sensitized emotionable impressible insightful kindly knowing perceiving unselfish finely tuned supersensitive touchy feely tuned in turned on to benevolent humane affectionate gentle soft softhearted kindhearted warmhearted charitable beneficent pitying benignant warm-hearted loving soft-hearted good-hearted kind-hearted merciful generous solicitous helpful good-natured altruistic gracious big-hearted all heart sentimental mild tolerant forbearing indulgent lenient goodhearted doting benign large-hearted giving sweet selfless maternal humanitarian philanthropic forgiving obliging great-hearted magnanimous genial human bighearted bleeding-heart appreciative encouraging motherly fatherly fatherlike friendly open-hearted accommodating clement moved emotional approachable mindful nurturing consolatory good protective respectful sorry philanthropical piteous fond touchy-feely comprehending decent having heart in right place neighborly neighbourly mushy ruthful nice amiable amicable bleeding heart open-minded well-disposed full of pity condolatory paternal approving socially conscious accepting fiery high-strung sensible demonstrative fragile passionate soothing soppy regardful in harmony with reassuring civilized soft-centred hospitable enlightened accessible righteous liberal broad-minded civilised conciliatory sparing alert attuned to old softie touched observing well disposed do-good well meaning loving and giving well-intentioned interested stirred cooperative heedful polite agreeable pleasant impressed lovable personable civil circumspect discreet congenial affable lovely cordial complaisant cheerful likeable mellow melted stimulated affected influenced like a sport easygoing prepossessing winsome delightful unpresumptuous charming unassuming engaging simpatico reasonable sweet-natured companionable barley-sugar as nice as pie likable sociable winning appealing taking mild-mannered enchanting good-tempered captivating good-humoured sweet-tempered good-humored even-tempered harmless deeply moved easy-going easy permissive unprejudiced big moderate free munificent chivalrous high-minded unbiased long-suffering noble greathearted calm unbigoted progressive catholic public-spirited honourable honorable broad courteous gallant stoical stoic uncomplaining brotherly fair cool unflappable loose bounteous bountiful lavish unstinting just open-handed latitudinarian advanced radical devoted flexible lax moral virtuous ethical quiet resigned valiant princely self-sacrificing placid serene open relaxed ungrudging imperturbable peaceful favourable unexcitable honest lofty unruffled peaceable restrained longanimous nonjudgmental comradely humble favorable compliant self-controlled self-restrained modest angelic pleasing hearty chummy conscientious unoffensive condoning observant pardoning free and easy dutiful fraternal going easy on principled moralistic well intentioned heroic heart in right place unorthodox left rational unconventional avant-garde intelligent reformist humanistic receiving libertarian general vulnerable excellent acceptable prodigal soft-touch profuse willing unsparing equitable patriarchal generous to a fault natural liberal-minded soft-shell avuncular understandable loyal vigilant wonderful social thoughty liberalistic pitiful living with being big pampering accommodative mollycoddling cosseting gratifying acquiescent breezy happy maternalistic wholesome pally well-bred placable swell ingratiating self-effacing jovial softie marshmallow going easy with casual nonchalant reverential insouciant eleemosynary soft touch propitious openhearted deferential benefic openhanded freehanded well-mannered soft-shelled overpermissive elevated high lordly respectable upstanding upright goodish great unconcerned responsible mannerly carefree personal intimate willing to please favourably disposed untroubled willing to forgive equable blithe well-meaning chilled eager to help eager to please free-handed unworried going along with mother together watchful well mannered unfazed matey able to live with sheltering undemanding easy-oasy protecting supporting caretaking collegial unhurried amenable palsy sophisticated wide excusing composed bonhomous clubby laid-back harmonious happy-go-lucky easy on easy with easy-peasy cozy enduring concordant agreeing accordant cosy persistent persevering philosophical like-minded palsy-walsy hail-fellow-well-met right nice hail-fellow buddy-buddy submissive equanimous untiring mild-tempered self-possessed inexcitable tranquil passive impassive philosophic fortitudinous impartial objective neutral dispassionate disinterested detached with the patience of Job balanced undogmatic unprescriptive even-handed anti-discrimination non-aligned acceptant fair-minded acceptive prejudice-free non-partisan non-judgemental non-discriminatory pacific meek bland demure lamblike temperate dovelike reverent shy retiring sisterly laid back non-confrontational dove-like soft-spoken


Done in full awareness or consciousness
knowing deliberate conscious intended intentional premeditated purposeful wilful willful witting advised calculated considered purposive volitional express wanton willed aforethought measured mindful planned reasoned voluntary wary weighed aware designed designful meditative preconceived predetermined schemed thoughtful pre-planned thought-out cut-and-dried done on purpose thought out thought out in advance with forethought studied set prepense willing prearranged unforced contemplated strategic studious determined judicious purposed well-thought-out well thought out prudent rational on purpose investigated examined deliberately planned thought-through thought-about mannered contrived careful meant computed artificial self-conscious prepared aimed autonomous well-considered free-willed meditated informed predestined cogent lucid methodical reasoning reflective responsible preconcerted sensible justified intelligent commonsense proposed contracted anticipated circumspect accidentally on purpose predesigned thought through well advised well-founded well chosen predeterminate tactical scrupulous well thought-out politic cold-blooded pondered provident organized organised sober diplomatic shrewd scheduled projected cunning outlined prospective estimated well-planned carefully chosen selected with care optional freewill feigned strained forced labored affected laboured guarded discretionary overworked reviewed plotted overdone open gone into ungrudging volunteer elective discretional uncoerced unenforced unconstrained non-compulsory non-mandatory readily given permissive uncompelled self-imposed spontaneous independent unprescribed controlled freely gratuitous wished unasked not required chosen elected unbidden opted willingly given self-induced gladly given self-inflicted with intent at your discretion up to the individual open to choice of your own free will fixed programmed rigged expected slated envisioned promised due targeted sewn-up framed up required destined pinned arranged set up hoped-for asked for counted on wished-for in the making on the docket according to a plan entrepreneurial planful laid-out set-up steered marked directed preset preplanned settled agreed cut and dried inevitable encoded established in advance inexorable pre-decided arranged in advance precogitated forethought decided beforehand pre-established bound pre-agreed doomed

의 반의어 cognisant

cognisant 관용구

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