의 동의어 council of representatives


A large meeting or conference, especially of members of a political party or a particular profession or group
convention meeting assembly congress conference convocation gathering council get-together conclave forum huddle powwow summit symposium synod chapter colloquium con diet hui runanga assemblage caucus clambake confab delegation meet rally reunion show council of delegates get together congregation parley seminar session muster consultation discussion talk company body panel collection ingathering crowd turnout gang concourse colloquy throng round-robin roundtable group mob flock panel discussion band crew bunch government debate legislative body mass confabulation horde multitude parliament palaver party senate cabinet herd committee swarm audience pack faction cluster ring engagement aggregation round table consistory troupe awayday union conventicle drove convergence army interview chamber roundup crush tweetup dialogue set legislature gabfest league community dialog stream house clique association sit-in foregathering parade groupthink encounter appointment rendezvous affair outfit camp coming together coffee klatch clan coterie bevy legislative assembly gaggle business meeting call date shower rap session discussion group conflict bevvy board meeting accumulation chinwag secret meeting forgathering webinar federation delegates hearing reception ministry summit meeting private meeting the house the Hill moot exchange deliberation give-and-take counsel consult argument argy-bargy back-and-forth argumentation folkmoot ecclesia cabal mobilization open discussion group discussion evening class buzz session confrontation showdown rabble administration executive governing body demonstration host council of war cattle call consideration conversation municipal authority local authority corporation civic authority local government interchange think-in ventilation conferring one on one demo confederacy round-up sea march audition hearership directorate celebration combination roll call review circle team squad unit troop press question and answer session flood platoon club brigade ensemble posse mass meeting draft roll roster congeries call-up draught mobilisation junto tribunal schism camarilla regime dictatorship leadership round robin pow-wow order protest march official family kitchen cabinet brain trust sitting junta ruck retinue pep rally celebratory meeting array ballet legion court lower chamber lower house second chamber upper house upper chamber nose count head count military government tournament Chamber of Deputies talking shop Members of Parliament rout crowd of people large number competition event contest match theater company theater group touring company concert party game bout tourney fight jamboree knot society function quiz matchup hunt junction confluence intersection meetup assembled group stockpile tryst concentration sports event sweep-stake athletic event sweepstakes social function lot load organization coven network organisation fellowship fold scrum cram bike corps number klatch klatsch board scores contingent fraternity detachment covey batch deluge abundance grouping agglomeration cloud profusion assortment lineup consort majority crop ruling body slew detail cell myriad alliance tribe clump conflux combo push bundle suite sellout composite plenary denomination joining pile aggregate sect period concursion block sederunt church package clutch constellation battery guild school section institution brotherhood total entirety totality parcel passel force sodality amalgamation miscellany selection battalion boodle affiliation sorority hodgepodge flight patrol quantity formation cohort galaxy variety caboodle mountain zoo plenitude conglomeration jam great number plurality complement masses large group many people linkage worshipers disciples public collective flocks crowds Commons firm division term homecoming sheet syndicate bulk many expanse convoy soviet house of assembly general assembly chamber of deputies institute college gild consortium drive run surge workers class sector aircrew commons skein colony large crowd everybody regiment lots wad dazzling assemblage illustrious group brilliant gathering score plenty wealth litter brood drift progeny squadron garrison cronies comrades insiders intimates companions dream team whole lot sum integrality plethora troopers combatants servicemen forces troops fighting men concurrence conjunction convergency plenum lawmakers representatives the whole kit and caboodle the whole enchilada in-group system watersmeet sangam multiplicity manifoldness creed one thing a lot shedload building block large quantity swag great quantity bank thicket tuft law-making body vast number much infinity heap ocean infinitude flowing together joining together belief persuasion faith clot shock mat tussock tangle tuffet national assembly voice of the people house of representatives clutter jumble communion hauhau orchestra counsellors cast chorus senior ministers counselors assistants authority bureau administrators bureaucracy advisers ism doctrine cult religion connection trio quartet medley duo quintet inner circle octet department heads sextet parishioners mix religious group septet nonet cattle partnership confraternity lodge parish blowout sisterhood mishmash potpourri cumulation pot-pourri amassment cadre glee club supporting cast choir accretion hotchpotch conglomerate hoard hodge-podge trove agglomerate menagerie line-up brethren mixed bag faithful laity followers adherents churchgoers believers following everything but the kitchen sink working party communicants souls loyal members brothers and sisters

의 반의어 council of representatives

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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