의 동의어 dead pan


Showing little or no feeling
unemotional cool impassive cold calm indifferent composed emotionless unfeeling aloof unresponsive collected dispassionate apathetic passionless phlegmatic distant detached stolid undemonstrative unruffled unmoved serene reserved stoical unconcerned frigid tranquil remote controlled unsympathetic stoic equable numb unexcitable restrained sober impassible affectless impersonal glacial quiet businesslike disinterested rational listless unagitated inexpressive callous reticent flat insensitive unsentimental chill clinical objective heartless blah uncompassionate unimpressionable coldhearted marble obdurate cold-blooded self-controlled level-headed laid-back cool-headed cool, calm and collected poker-faced hard-headed hard-hearted hard-boiled thick-skinned along for the ride going with the flow rolling with the punches blank expressionless vacant wooden stony dull icy hollow matter-of-fact dead toneless catatonic placid heavy empty torpid inert unexpressive lethargic bland dry passive nonemotional unimpassioned immovable nowhere unaffected imperturbable stony-eyed steely frosty chilly flinty bovine hardened unflappable glazed groggy uninvolved desensitized lymphatic lifeless desensitised sluggish spiritless asleep inhuman benumbed numbed pokerfaced anesthetized lukewarm glassy senseless insipid uninterested still anaesthetized paralyzed paralysed inactive supine laid back straight-faced withdrawn nonchalant uncaring incurious impartial unsociable insensible uncommunicative unfriendly uncurious neutral standoffish casual stand-offish offish heedless blasé antisocial unclubbable asocial unbiased standoff unprejudiced unforthcoming unapproachable unbending haughty insouciant pococurante unimpressed buttoned-up cold-eyed impervious evenhanded heedless of uncommitted removed equitable regardless formal taciturn undecided stiff nonpartisan introverted fair-minded disengaged unaroused unpassioned abstract bored bystanding unaligned diffident oblivious to nonaligned on the fence perfunctory on sidelines unmoved by complacent introvert unresponsive to uppity could care less untouched careless half-hearted cavalier fair inhospitable unwelcoming unenthusiastic oblivious independent gelid candid equal silent uninfluenced lackadaisical nonbelligerent noncombatant autonomous couldn't care less dismissive uncolored straight unallied staid negative unconcerned about easy neuter nonparticipating middle-of-road pacifistic relaxed offhand about uninvolved with apathetic towards nonchalant about uninvolved in not giving a monkey's unconnected spacey Olympian disdainful abstracted bored by preoccupied supercilious impervious to stubborn forbidding inattentive lukewarm about phlegmatic about unenthusiastic about austere spaced-out out of it unmindful of solitary stuffy proud uncompanionable stuck up cold fish indifferent to putting on airs self-contained outside enduring resigned philosophic indomitable inscrutable unfazed avoidant unreceptive unimpressible insusceptible introspective unrelated unrevealing sedate indurated inexcitable unbothered offhand tepid trivializing uncordial not interested unincluded unstirred not give a tinker's damn off trivialising uninquiring dry-eyed undismayed unperturbed untroubled rigid stilted starchy clammy unenthused ceremonious weary insociable arrogant keeping people at arm's length mean-looking stuck-up put on airs retiring stony-hearted unworried negligent going through motions easy-going aloof from bored stiff turned off detached from steady nonaffected unexcited incurious about distant from bureaucratic annoyed offended impudent impertinent brittle procacious insolent antiseptic muted selfish hardhearted non-committal languid not caring shy featureless depersonalised faceless colorless careful soulless depersonalized gray colourless grey measured nondiscriminatory uncongenial anonymous monolithic unambitious unmotivated immune just watching the clock not giving a damn Laodicean hard-eyed resolute unmindful nonplussed draggy droopy wimpy dispirited lazy moony shrinking immune to insensate unyielding timorous inward-looking casual about apathetic about uncaring about uninterested in strictly business cold turkey proof against deaf to reclusive frivolous about just reckless about dismissive of mindless of unimpressed by regardless of careless of cavalier about square what the hell weary of sheepish private media-shy timid coy backward demure bashful modest self-effacing recessive don't give a damn without favouritism unsocial highbrow scornful superior socially inhibited non-partisan non-discriminatory balanced even-handed inhibited nongregarious aseptic retreated thoughtful recluse retired open-minded non-aligned non-discriminating disconnected unhearing broad-minded non-participating on-the-fence middle-of-the-road without favor unslanted unbigoted unconcerned with self-willed deaf unwilling intractable pigheaded perverse unaware obstinate untouched by headstrong unaware of strong-willed insensible to mulish unaffected by unconscious of dispassionate about pertinacious bullheaded to listen blind not taking sides snooty lofty lone wolf on ice


Having or showing a sensible and practical idea of what can be achieved or expected
matter-of-fact down-to-earth unsentimental plain practical realistic sober dull flat pragmatic dry mundane prosaic rational sensible unemotional factual lifeless literal no-nonsense straightforward unembellished unimaginative unvarnished businesslike commonsensical hard-headed level-headed earthy hardheaded pragmatical unadorned uncreative emotionless humdrum pedestrian accurate apathetic calm cold cold-blooded exact faithful feasible hard-boiled impassive impersonal naked phlegmatic prosy serious stoic stolid straight-thinking truthful unaffected undistorted unembroidered unidealistic unimpassioned with both feet on the ground logical stale uninspired trite banal everyday lacklustre spiritless lackluster ordinary vapid heavy hackneyed dead routine boring plodding vacuous workaday commonplace insipid bland jejune tame undistinguished terrestrial unpoetic nitty-gritty clear uninspiring monotonous reasonable sound sane shrewd levelheaded astute commonsense prudent hard grounded unromantic utilitarian balanced common-sense judicious reasoned wise hard-nosed well-founded solid sagacious discerning thoughtful unfantastic analytical analytic informed coherent valid sage good justified just intelligent firm discriminating commonsensible objective lucid tough-minded canny responsible circumspect well-reasoned serious-minded mature robust full of common sense functional together real well-advised well-grounded discreet well-thought-out farsighted sharp cool joined-up forceful viable workable cogent right all there clear-sighted perceptive consequent with one's feet on the ground deductive clear-headed well grounded intellectual well advised well reasoned stable colourless literal-minded tedious tough colorless expedient hard-bitten clever enlightened florid uncompromising clear-eyed straight philosophic deliberate politic perspicacious soulless knowing clear-thinking cool-headed vigorous sharp-witted steady-going in one's right mind au courant having all one's marbles well-informed common-sensical dispassionate well considered plain-spoken easy earth-bound plainspoken common hardboiled simple unrefined rough unsophisticated natural have one's feet on the ground direct homely uninhibited unpretentious frank telling substantial convincing powerful easygoing lusty folksy down homey funky lowbred gross basic outdoorsy credible strong sustainable plausible justifiable compelling believable supportable uncorrupted able to hold water maintainable conclusive probable proven holding water weighty persuasive acceptable authoritative defendable perspicuous bona fide germane defensible attested tested irrefutable potent reliable vindicable pertinent legitimate confirmed determinative consistent well thought out trustworthy arguable congruent legit relevant efficacious true kosher effective compos mentis in possession of all your faculties well adjusted controlled unbothered poised unflustered steady normal of sound mind self-controlled collected self-possessed able to reason clearly sound of mind well balanced composed unagitated having all marbles clearheaded mentally sound cool, calm and collected possessed even-tempered unfazed able to think clearly well-balanced right in the head assured home folk down home doable useful practicable possible serviceable working useable applicative constructive usable actionable accomplishable efficient applicable utile handy real-world user friendly helpful user-friendly applied both feet on the ground ultrapractical orderly systematic within the bounds of possibility within the realms of possibility nuts and bolts convenient step-by-step


(of a joke or sense of humour) Subtle and expressed in a matter-of-fact way
dry cynical sarcastic sardonic sharp sly subtle biting cutting droll laconic satirical wry ironic keen mordant acerbic caustic deprecating ironical mocking sarky scoffing waggish apathetic harsh salty sour straight-faced poker-faced low-key matter-of-fact sharp-tongued quietly humorous sneering derisive scornful scathing contemptuous stinging satiric bitter mordacious acrid acidulous acid acerb trenchant tongue-in-cheek pungent snarky barbed derisory arrogant scalding corrosive smart-mouthed double-edged twisted smart-alecky smart-aleck witty acidic offensive taunting jeering tart disrespectful irascible wise scorching mean carping nasty evil malicious disdainful misanthropical unbelieving skeptical cynic pessimistic misanthropic suspicious contorted vitriolic sceptical deformed distorted crooked warped uneven aslant askew humorous pawky awry skewwhiff acidulated vinegary acetic acidy smarting sourish burning tartish with a kick briny astringent acetous piquant tangy soured acetose green ridiculing backhanded burlesque clever implausible jibing atypical incisive ridiculous defiant disparaging uncomplimentary curious spicy contradictory exaggerated critical backbiting alert chaffing poignant quick-witted snide acrimonious contumelious severe irreverent two-edged insulting virulent quizzical rapier-like corroding polemic venomous razor-edged ambiguous waspish teasing catty pithy rough spiteful rude unkind uncivil sneaky parodying Hudibrastic pointed Rabelaisian lampooning paradoxical spoof spoofing farcical bantering disingenuous with tongue in cheek brusque twitting saucy scurrilous captious needling austere ornery weisenheiming doubtful mistrustful distrustful doubting disbelieving incredulous jaundiced disillusioned negative disenchanted nonbelieving hardened hard bleak black detracting world-weary hard-bitten hard-boiled


Having a straight face, not revealing excessive emotion, especially amusement
straight-faced glum grave austere cheerless expressionless impassive sedate severe somber sombre staid stern sullen blank grim humorless humourless intense serious sobersided solemn unhumorous unsmiling joyless poker-faced stony-faced long-faced no-nonsense po-faced earnest sober uncomic weighty subdued funereal downbeat dour bookish quiet thoughtful moody studious owlish businesslike pokerfaced saturnine leaden gloomy sage dignified forbidding strictly business ponderous cold sober grim-faced sad muted stone-faced unplayful contemplative resolute bound and determined pensive deep in thought composed resolved introspective reflective ruminative significant important consequential critical crucial exigent profound urgent major momentous substantial pivotal vital considerable portentous key heavyweight acute dull far-reaching serious-minded of great import of moment of significance of great importance of consequence all-important high-priority life-and-death life and death no laughing matter of great consequence big deal decisive no joke strict underlined hard restrained disapproving understated repressed dry unpretentious unflashy heavy conservative dismal lifeless rigid spiritless tempered mournful straight boring tedious sour controlled low-keyed unamusing inobtrusive low-key heavy-going toned-down uncomical stolid stiff discreet dreary douce puritanical material appreciable monumental eventful big major league tough heavy-duty hefty difficult matter of life and death withdrawn inactive passive chastened


Deadpan comedy

의 반의어 dead pan

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Copyright: Proverb ©

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