의 동의어 most Lucullan


Superlative for marked by lavishness and richness
lavishest plushest plushiest lushest poshest ritziest splendidest fanciest richest swankiest grandest swishest costliest swankest classiest stateliest glitziest best-appointed chicest choicest superbest finest snazziest comfortablest showiest frilliest princeliest comfiest spiffiest priciest daintiest augustest proudest kingliest smartest splashiest loveliest flashiest courtliest sublimest gaudiest lordliest trendiest loftiest amplest greatest toniest tawdriest wealthiest largest brightest heavenliest queenliest plentifullest easiest excellentest loudest best-off suavest catchiest grabbiest boldest noisiest comeliest jazziest dictiest sightliest sharpest snappiest bravest elitest vastest swellest plummiest spraunciest highest-priced brashest fattest fullest vulgarest ambitiousest haughtiest fabbest powerfullest portliest fussiest kitschest splurgiest busiest pleasantest nicest best-dressed best off best-bred floweriest fleshiest intensest deepest glossiest wordiest niftiest foxiest most luxurious most sumptuous most opulent most deluxe most luxury most luxuriant most magnificent most gorgeous most extravagant most expensive most grandiose most elegant most elaborate most luscious most upmarket most ornate most upscale most stylish most impressive most ostentatious most pretentious most epicurean most sensual most exquisite most majestic most voluptuous most imposing most sybaritic most exclusive most sensuous most high-class most hedonistic most self-indulgent most resplendent most indulgent most splendiferous most prodigal most fancy-pants most exuberant most affluent most regal most abundant most beautiful most excessive most velvet most profusive most precious most valuable most embellished most exaggerated most pompous most glamorous most spectacular most over the top most ultra most profuse most dear most glittering most handsome most aristocratic most awe-inspiring most dignified most refined most cultivated most overdone most decadent most dissolute most overindulgent most debauched most libertine most select most bacchanalian most unrestrained most hedonic most quality most special most delicate most rare most loaded most recherche most immoderate most pleasurable most noble most glorious most monumental most striking most fashionable most imperial most epic most massive most heroical most baronial most Homeric most magnific most heroic most royal most distinguished most brilliant most flash most gallant most sophisticated most dazzling most tasteful most graceful most commanding most flamboyant most breathtaking most modish most sensational most dashing most magnolious most divine most remarkable most marvelous most marvellous most charming most polished most classic most overwrought most dramatic most eye-catching most meretricious most extraordinary most stunning most prosperous most awesome most splendorous most towering most priceless most bountiful most terrific most artistic most attractive most discerning most garish most cultured most conspicuous most urbane most well-heeled most gracious most appealing most prominent most bodacious most emphatic most pronounced most baroque most noticeable most kenspeckle most marked most screaming most histrionic most glaring most tinsel most peacocky most sovereign most elevated most colorful most outstanding most affected most colourful most over-elaborate most theatrical most high-toned most prestigious most considerable most wondrous most amazing most prodigious most ominous most formidable most colossal most solemn most statuesque most fabulous most tremendous most stupendous most poised most invaluable most exorbitant most splendrous most upper-crust most overpriced most extortionate most bombastic most overwhelming most egotistic most unfathomable most transcendent most radiant most multicoloured most multicolored most cosmopolitan most chichi most prolific most la-di-da most bounteous most liberal most substantial most staggering most smashing most unreal most eminent most admirable most illustrious most tasteless most obtrusive most venerable most generous most decorated most aesthetic most florid most plenteous most decorous most debonair most genteel most tinselly most cornucopian most suitable most sufficient most esthetic most stylized most detailed most satisfactory most adequate most adorned most complex most complicated most alluring most pleasing most exciting most entrancing most gingerbready most gingerbreaded most affective most charismatic most bewitching most enchanting most fascinating most sensualistic most overelaborate most wedding-cake most bedecked most aureate most seductive most ceremonious most superficial most ornamental most metaphorical most verbose most decorative most variegated most colored most coloured most flaunting most captivating most intriguing most beguiling most fetching most magnetic most elfin most irresistible most engaging most tantalizing most tantalising most righteous most desirable

의 반의어 most Lucullan

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