의 동의어 non serious


jokey funny amusing humorous jesting playful droll facetious mischievous teasing wisecracking prankish waggish comical flip flippant good-humored good-humoured joshing lighthearted witty jocular jocose light-hearted comic whimsical merry sportive joking entertaining hilarious chucklesome laughable frivolous mirthful gay roguish ludicrous tongue-in-cheek frolicsome diverting farcical bantering in jest risible jolly high-spirited camp jovial impish sidesplitting in fun glib tongue in cheek antic unserious ridiculous campy blithe lively cheerful jocund gleeful priceless uproarious wacky fun pleasant side-splitting puckish riotous rib-tickling arch ludic screaming blithesome killing comedic humoristic hysterical hysteric for a laugh silly boffo absurd gelastic scampish leprechaunish rascally knavish as a joke to tease sunny festive kittenish spirited snappy bubbly gamesome joyous rollicking sprightly fun-loving wry clever smart beguiling zany laughing happy flakey flaky scream har-har riot unusual eccentric rich mocking inane bizarre fantastic for grins too funny for words ribald stimulating pixieish tricksy pixy pixie sly devilish wicked elvish cheery frisky flirtatious nonsensical derisive asinine derisory preposterous ribbing quizzical rallying fooling chaffing funning razzing kidding jaunty clowning joculous crazy daffy coltish gagged up unsatisfactory inadequate embarrassing pitiful unimpressive good-natured perky exuberant wanton skittish zippy peppy elfish fay sportful larky frolic frolicky espiègle full of beans capering satirical hysterically funny loony jerky goofy ironic fool dippy a scream fool-headed nutty batty killingly funny a hoot gump dizzy light screwy goofus a laugh a card a caution not serious fool around crazy shtick Mickey Mouse putting one on pulling one's leg engaging interesting enjoyable delightful pleasing enchanting pleasurable charming agreeable cheering gratifying novel gladdening gut-busting cut up foolish slapstick stupid daft cockamamie odd insane pathetic outrageous cockamamy hare-brained mad senseless fanciful fatuous very funny irrational idiotic screamingly funny off the wall incredible witless outlandish strange brainless unreasonable extremely amusing unbelievable sparkling unthinkable fantastical derisible unwise grotesque peculiar weird pointless crackpot whacky kooky cuckoo harebrained kookie looney oddball dotty wild featherheaded astonishing queer imbecilic scintillating clownish off-the-wall half-baked half-witted quirky lunatic quick-witted curious slaphappy simpleminded lunkheaded cockeyed screwball extravagant bubbleheaded incongruous illogical balmy sappy implausible shocking unlikely monstrous singular unreal barmy weak-minded bright quaint madcap foolhardy joyful sharp quick mindless inept tomfool original piquant captivating convivial appealing unconventional rip-roaring sharp-witted moronic amazing dumb improbable compelling absorbing fascinating scatterbrained far-fetched intriguing riveting dubious unrealistic extraordinary extreme doubtful too much inconceivable vivacious a barrel of laughs capricious kinky grandiose offbeat unimaginable striking freaky relaxing cock-eyed make-believe comedical custard-pie outrageously funny ludicrous. laughable childish knee-slapper hearty convulsive very amusing burlesque irreverent very humorous raucous laffer crack-up noisy vacuous puerile impossible exhilarating excessive laugh-a-minute dry funny ha-ha ha-ha funny futile exorbitant escapist fantasy distracting highly amusing exhilarated surreal contemptible useless vain ineffectual far-out thick foolheaded brilliant a laugh a minute worthy of scorn freakish incompetent in vain meaningless irritating taking the cake out of the question irresponsible rash imprudent reckless unintelligent thoughtless inappropriate intelligent to no avail feather-brained keen carefree annoying inconsistent penetrating ignorant inadvisable glad ingenious idiosyncratic epigrammatic piercing injudicious misguided a joke a bit much OTT a bit thick over the top chirpy crotchety chimerical obtuse upbeat highbrowed snazzy profound quick on the draw tactful smart-aleck racy nimble-witted smart-alecky cutting quick on the uptake dicey imaginative random chancy uncertain old-fashioned creative arbitrary flighty genial buoyant rejoicing naive dopey doltish idiotical improvident in good spirits remarkable unconstrained boisterous content jumping saturnalian winsome zingy boon zappy ecstatic pleased larking rocking grooving exultant dim-witted ill-considered unique exceptional rare phenomenal without a care in the world uncommon imaginary congenial recreative nice surprising unconvincing illusory incredulous sensational astounding zestful stunning notable momentous prodigious miraculous unconceivable erratic misleading romantic ambitious visionary uncompelling artificial airy naughty animated energetic zesty larkish bouncy sparky unforgettable eye-catching arresting excitable pizazzy feeling one's oats bright-eyed and bushy-tailed in high spirits full of vim and vigour full of fun full of life full of pep jazzy full of get-up-and-go full of joie de vivre pizzazzy illusive suppositious different potty hallucinatory moving stirring enthralling provocative exciting enticing poignant impressive inspiring engrossing fun-filled gas restorative rousing entrancing thrilling affecting special spectacular stupendous unwonted uncustomary noteworthy conspicuous exceeding uncanny extraordinaire unprecedented serious especial eye-popping unco atypical preternatural unaccustomed abnormal aberrated aberrant freak anomalous tremendous out-of-the-way wondrous outré be a ball unfamiliar amazeballs out of sight cock-and-bull heavy flash gnarly forby unexpected off beaten path never to be forgotten unheard-of out of this world out of the ordinary cranky wacko cracked nuts dilly off-centre avant-garde out there way out in left field off the air


Silly in a childish way
frivolous silly giddy dizzy flighty foolish superficial light-minded empty-headed facetious light-hearted birdbrained ditzy flippant merry puerile shallow whimsical zany flip idle irresponsible juvenile non-serious skittish thoughtless batty childish dippy ditsy dopey featherbrained feather-brained frothy futile goofy harebrained ill-considered lightheaded light-headed pea-brained scatterbrained vacuous vapid yeasty dotty lacking seriousness nutty barmy gay idiotic lacking in sense light lighthearted perky playful tongue-in-cheek unprofound vain volatile not serious fatuous inane stupid scatty trifling brainless dappy crazy empty hare-brained bird-brained reckless bubbleheaded trivial petty careless wild impulsive fickle lightweight heedless asinine simple madcap wacky senseless daft capricious rash half-baked insubstantial impetuous foolhardy forgetful imprudent daredevil rattlebrained simplistic paltry daffy erratic kooky glib inconstant hasty hot-headed carefree screwy gaga ignorant incautious facile crackpot flimsy sketchy witless unintelligent temerarious daring meaningless airheaded lunkheaded skin-deep one-dimensional half-witted weak-minded ridiculous infantile dingdong dingbat unstable heady changeable weird flakey slight flaky immature childlike excitable insignificant unnecessary pointless insouciant frilly unsubstantial lacking substance worthless unsystematic disorganized dreamy excited bemused inconsequential feather-headed inattentive slaphappy absent-minded wool-gathering ill-advised vague woolly-headed illogical irrational unreliable precipitate flat depthless adventurous disorganised of no value of no merit of no account devil-may-care indiscreet overbold audacious overconfident impractical brash slapdash casual precipitous crackbrained radge passing basic nonsensical not with it not thinking clearly hell-for-leather haphazard overhasty kamikaze chaotic hotheaded lively inconsiderate smattery cosmetic generic schematic divvy with a mind like a sieve absurd preposterous oversimplified uncritical cursory surface hollow loony cuckoo looney insane simpleminded lunatic harum-scarum romping negligent regardless kookie disorderly simple-minded lacking in depth dumb screwball jerky cockeyed mad unwise tomfool whacky unthinking piddling unscholarly farcical dense mindless obtuse inept sappy balmy unsmart dull fool featherheaded out to lunch slow dim lamebrained boneheaded thick thickheaded doltish oafish lamebrain chuckleheaded bonehead opaque wishy-washy illiterate softheaded gormless dozy knuckleheaded pinheaded dorky dunderheaded dopy soft know-nothing not the full shilling uneducated slow-witted slow on the uptake untaught dim-witted vacant unschooled brain-dead thick-witted pea-brain soft in the head

의 반의어 non serious

Music ♫

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