의 동의어 so unfortunately


In a manner of bad luck, or due to an unlucky circumstance
unluckily regrettably lamentably sadly unhappily woefully alas regretfully ruefully agonisingly agonizingly bitterly inconsolably painfully unsuccessfully disastrously dismally grievously horribly miserably inauspiciously unfavorably unfavourably worse luck sad to say sad to relate adversely badly dreadfully pitifully sorrowfully mournfully wretchedly plaintively lugubriously resentfully terribly awfully deplorably wailfully sorely dolefully dolorously frightfully hard hardly inopportunely tragically disappointingly depressingly bad lousily abysmally wrong crummily execrably poorly weakly atrociously appallingly erroneously ineptly ill distressingly alarmingly worryingly upsettingly excruciatingly insufferably disturbingly harrowingly chillingly markedly clearly excessively torturously disconcertingly unenviably unbearably unpleasantly uncomfortably cruelly embarrassingly unendurably gloomily drearily sombrely glumly cheerlessly forlornly somberly bleakly desolately elegiacally morosely disconsolately melancholily darkly funereally comfortlessly direly sullenly joylessly solemnly grimly depressively morbidly blackly grayly depressedly greyly sorrily dejectedly sepulchrally tenebrously coldly saturninely godforsakenly despondently murkily melancholically bluely lonelily cloudily lonesomely sunlessly downcastly crestfallenly woebegonely downheartedly heartbreakingly dispiritedly pathetically lowly hopelessly drably heartbrokenly heartrendingly dishearteningly tearfully saddeningly gravely dispiritingly brokenheartedly despairingly pessimistically dourly discouragingly heavyheartedly droopily heavy-heartedly distressedly severely uninvitingly disheartenedly discouragedly forbiddingly abjectly tearily moodily distressfully dimly mirthlessly dingily austerely oppressively starkly anguishedly piteously inhospitably horrendously pitiably heart-rendingly shockingly unwelcomingly humourlessly humorlessly seriously ominously rottenly harshly forebodingly disagreeably unpromisingly horrifyingly soberly poignantly troublesomely horrifically afflictedly ghastlily horridly dauntingly sourly traumatically frighteningly desperately sinisterly spiritlessly lachrymosely troubledly troublingly heavily foully movingly disappointedly threateningly shadowily defeatistly surlily macabrely disquietingly unpropitiously sedately barely difficultly direfully loathsomely hostilely sulkily sternly loweringly nightmarishly cloudedly off-puttingly uglily gruesomely vilely objectionably gut-wrenchingly abominably stressfully sickeningly unsmilingly wearily nastily displeasingly menacingly toughly foggily afflictively ruthfully gallingly demoralizingly revoltingly leadenly unsettlingly irksomely grumpily nebulously fearsomely unpalatably terrifyingly repulsively abhorrently detestably impersonally negatively offensively intimidatingly weightily clinically calamitously monstrously impoverishedly repugnantly vexatiously broodingly affectingly touchingly unwelcomely demoralisingly crabbedly duskily dangerously institutionally portentously worrisomely mistily unfriendlily staidly catastrophically distastefully grislily repellently crushingly churlishly opaquely tormentingly dolesomely painedly boringly luridly sufferingly earnestly troublously plangently perilously mopishly scarily hurtfully wintrily parlously egregiously jarringly roughly hazily balefully ruggedly hideously doomily disgustingly pensively grouchily intensely sordidly undesirably shamefully obscurely odiously weepily unspeakably disadvantageously cynically fearfully dreadly emotionally diabolically irritably wistfully colorlessly fiercely hairily discomposingly blandly colourlessly shadily redoubtably unamusingly resignedly meanly formidably mortifyingly hellaciously deeply subduedly monotonously ill-fatedly terrifically bleedingly barrenly broodily muddily unproductively drily minatorily infertilely muckily disgruntledly despicably deadly heinously hatefully crossly crepuscularly darkishly squalidly bonily sickly densely nontransparently discontentedly ruinously straightly tediously brutally tryingly huffily gruffly unappealingly disgracefully aridly sterilely stinkingly mushily taciturnly cataclysmically solitarily contemptibly stonily spartanly uncommunicatively unsociably taxingly achingly emptily wildly nauseatingly indistinctly obnoxiously flatly devastatingly crabbily filthily cryingly pressingly sheepishly inferiorly fatefully shamefacedly injuriously stirringly pitchily lightlessly extremely unkindly annoyingly irritatingly nauseously mardily chronically godawfully lacklustrely lacklusterly spookily uncomically ferociously grossly scurvily indigently apocalyptically deathlily repellantly pitilessly treacherously exigently viciously exactingly listlessly suspiciously unexcitingly nail-bitingly in distress in anguish humdrumly unconsolably uninterestingly lifelessly uninspiringly nerve-rackingly unpleasingly in despair uncongenially low-spiritedly turbidly unamusedly uncaringly unencouragingly suicidally unimpassionedly darksomely apathetically maudlinly nostalgically confusedly indefinitely unmovedly formally fatalistically reprehensibly frantically anxiously degradingly creepily hollowly helplessly intolerably fatally obscenely remorsefully bearishly dysphorically testingly lucklessly distraughtly sluggishly repentantly contritely scandalously basely lornly abashedly damply untowardly mercilessly ruthlessly savagely woundedly uniformly routinely skeptically monumentally gorily ghostlily grotesquely defeatedly apologetically penitently frustratingly mephitically perplexingly unforgivingly hellishly bewilderingly unmitigably gauntly jeopardously harmfully doubtfully messily discommodiously precariously rockily boredly unclearly unsavorily tiredly crucially critically accursedly damnably inconveniently distrustfully jadedly mawkishly sentimentally unenthusiastically chillily soppily unacceptably unsatisfactorily ickily urgently unoptimistically lethally mortally shoddily sceptically trashily cursedly confoundedly defectively premonitorily sobbingly wetly moistly waterily drastically outrageously rainily commiseratively awkwardly grottily uncoolly yuckily dirtily sably haplessly destructively compunctiously weirdly unhealthily blasély derisorily destitutely irretrievably cripplingly ungently steelily flintily unappetizingly unattractively untemptingly irritatedly keenly profoundly cantankerously concerningly unsavourily annoyedly hauntingly doomfully banefully presciently minaciously sinistrously malignly malefically prophetically impendingly suggestively petulantly unsympathetically testily peevishly onerously cavernously exasperatedly fractiously burdensomely stringently ashamedly soupily snappishly crustily crotchetily unresponsively aloofly chippily vexedly angrily poutily perversely stiffly dashedly brumously gauzily droopingly atrabiliously saggingly inhumanly waspishly obstinately uncooperatively ornerily querulously fretfully stroppily irredeemably irremediably searingly murderously hardhandedly backbreakingly beyond all hope without hope naggingly heftily uninhabitedly unfruitfully smoggily weepingly in sadness in sorrow


Giving small ground for hope


Very; extremely
terribly very extremely awfully desperately dreadfully exceedingly seriously frightfully thoroughly decidedly immensely really uncommonly eminently greatly incredibly most exceptionally fantastically hugely much remarkably unco downright extraordinarily fearfully heartily jolly majorly positively profoundly stinking awful devilishly mighty quite real right terrifically tremendously way exceeding madly mega mucho oh-so sore ultra achingly almighty archly badly beastly blisteringly bone colossally corking cracking dang dead deadly enormously especially ever extra fabulously fair far fiercely filthy full gravely heavily highly intensely mightily monstrous mortally particularly passing plumb powerful rattling roaring roaringly severely so sorely spanking specially such super supremely surpassingly that thumping too vastly vitally well whacking wicked wildly devilish ever so lekker very much discouragingly disturbingly drastically horribly markedly notoriously staggeringly unbelievably unhappily really bad unusually truly excessively distinctly utterly inordinately to a great extent singularly a lot notably significantly outstandingly bloody darned acutely hellish abundantly good and strikingly as all get-out totally considerably deeply completely monumentally overly amazingly extensively absolutely astronomically monstrously dirty appreciably entirely all that signally largely substantially surprisingly perfectly fully noticeably massively to a great degree too-too astonishingly in the extreme uniquely conspicuously stupendously peculiarly big-time to the nth degree superlatively prodigiously painfully sizably to a fault broadly critically over wholly immoderately indeed altogether strongly plenty mad powerfully immeasurably distressingly materially exorbitantly outrageously simply clearly radically grievously passionately vehemently wonderfully obviously keenly too much alarmingly incomparably to the core emphatically obscenely irretrievably dearly palpably dangerously chronically infinitely a great deal thrice hopelessly perilously strangely ridiculously hard positive precariously so much screamingly impossibly très rather in all respects in every respect by much stonking socking one hundred per cent incalculably every inch pretty discernibly confoundedly blasted flaming blooming by leaps and bounds in a marked degree visibly deplorably regrettably thundering in great measure hellishly dashed violently parlously unwontedly prominently easily oddly suitably intently unduly curiously manifestly to unreasonably worryingly hazardously sharply enough dramatically by far in every way by a great amount by a great deal catastrophically by a mile hysterically a hundred per cent by a long way to the hilt sincerely unequivocally certainly soundly exactly unconscionably unnecessarily par excellence abjectly beyond unsafely unsecurely direfully all sure too … for words on a grand scale surely preeminently over- harmfully riskily uber all over like mad like crazy genuinely through and through to too great an extent in excess flat-out to too great an degree from the bottom of your heart spectacularly astoundingly phenomenally disgustingly revoltingly abominably exclusively sufficiently heartbrokenly distressfully absurdly incorrigibly crackingly crazy carelessly prohibitively deathly somewhat grandly shockingly rightly forsooth frankly honestly truthfully verily actually admittedly abnormally uncustomarily unaccountably darn sizeably Esp undoubtedly veritably certifiably properly firmly … enough rotten in specie principally that much patently fatally glaringly inimitably before all else much too plentifully marvelously exaggeratedly marvellously lots famously undeniably expressly unquestionably uncommon on a large scale by a considerable amount rarely indisputably unmistakably definitely solemnly a fair amount sadly very badly as all get out grimly feelingly earnestly extremely badly decisively movingly affectingly assuredly legitimately mournfully no end by half determinedly to the quick to the heart no holds barred no catch in spades no ifs ands or buts no strings attached no mistake for a fact by all means straight out of course excruciatingly the most to the greatest degree most deeply best to the highest degree most fully most highly unqualifiedly undisputedly agonizingly fast consummately comprehensively unconditionally entire wholeheartedly even unrestrictedly wide unmitigatedly out flat clean all of in toto lock, stock and barrel at all unbearably intolerably unendurably insufferably ferociously almightily whopping ghastlily hardly hellaciously furiously viciously explosively exquisitely intensively direly urgently harshly draconianly pressingly forcefully crucially compellingly stringently rigorously burningly exigently stiffly cruelly strictly punishingly cryingly austerely toughly swingeingly imperiously oppressively weightily punitively imperatively fanatically sweepingly importantly momentously clamantly importunately necessitously uncompromisingly sternly rigidly hardhandedly thoroughgoingly forcibly unbendingly burdensomely emergently relentlessly inflexibly demandingly potently cripplingly brutally revolutionarily unyieldingly fearsomely energetically consequentially extravagantly unrelentingly roughly bitterly formidably egregiously toweringly vigorously exhaustively appallingly difficultly zealously authoritarianly onerously tryingly woefully downrightly instantly extortionately essentially ruinously mercilessly tyrannically savagely ruggedly exactingly steeply tellingly consumingly murderously searingly unmercifully overweeningly inhumanly baroquely intractably hardheadedly insanely pitilessly plethorically inexorably puissantly afflictively ascetically heavy-handedly whoppingly pivotally clamorously pervasively crushingly concentratedly rabidly testingly challengingly fatefully virulently truculently encyclopedically widely ruthlessly iniquitously paramountly necessarily toilsomely arduously strenuously universally encyclopaedically outlandishly iconoclastically closely gruellingly unpleasantly gruelingly immediately integrally fundamentally royally fairly cuttingly diligently penetratingly vividly bitingly piercingly stingingly pungently complicatedly backbreakingly foremostly primarily indispensably drivingly capitally leadingly disastrously laboriously uncomfortably sweatily complexly chiefly pre-eminently ragingly penally iron-handedly headstrongly fervidly effortfully unjustly cataclysmically calamitously intricately dourly starkly turbulently titanically fervently unspeakably atrociously robustly eagerly uncontrollably dominantly commandingly gutsily punchily heftily dynamically elementally dismally harrowingly gloomily elaborately sophisticatedly obstinately hard-heartedly uncharitably unflinchingly hardheartedly disciplinarily bullheadedly immovably unsympathetically resolutely domineeringly unforgivingly steadfastly obdurately doggedly unsparingly mulishly callously solidly autocratically single-mindedly astringently effectively scarily frighteningly devastatingly dreadly horridly wretchedly miserably godawfully horrendously intimidatingly redoubtably ominously forbiddingly terrifyingly horrifyingly ardently feverishly portentously lousily abysmally involvedly cogently validly impressively flamingly perfervidly heartbreakingly lamentably uglily remorselessly frenziedly convincingly persuasively unseemlily unconventionally preposterously flagrantly intemperately grossly trickily lavishly nonsensically sheerly irrationally fancily improperly imprudently plausibly efficiently influentially actively efficaciously compulsorily eloquently conclusively credibly unanswerably coercively aggressively assertively militantly

의 반의어 so unfortunately

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