의 동의어 suspend action


To delay taking action
procrastinate dally delay stall dawdle temporise temporize adjourn defer dither haver hesitate postpone prolong protract retard vacillate waver cool goldbrick lag poke swither tarry wait drag linger loiter pause stay dilly-dally put off be dilatory defer action drag your feet hold off let something slide shilly-shally take a raincheck hum and haw play for time postpone action hang fire put off doing something be indecisive be undecided use delaying tactics play a waiting game kick the can down the road drag your heels hang back dillydally lollygag diddle hang about waste time mope hold back hang around lallygag creep crawl falter take one's time filibuster take your time equivocate halt prevaricate kill time stonewall gain time fluctuate plod idle fritter away trifle trail stagger straggle hedge mark time blow hot and cold teeter lag behind wabble pussyfoot around scruple wobble goof off beat about the bush buy time amble putter while away time fool around fall behind get no place fast stop potter loaf saunter lose time loll oscillate balance be unsure be slow potter around potter about potter round drift hover hang out sit around stay put warm a chair horse around hem and haw let the grass grow under one's feet sit on the fence discontinue cease burn daylight fiddle about piddle fritter away time pass the time take one's own sweet time while away the time obstruct penelopize hold on tergiversate totter bide be irresolute slack slouch slow-walk remain be evasive use dilatory tactics hang on not keep pace wait around prevent block demur be uncertain drop behind shirk trudge meander palter balk sit tight put on the back burner traik be doubtful dodge mess around um and ah hinder stroll baulk tail tool rest lodge boondoggle be long be tardy hang round fool with while away trifle with play games with fool about avoid committing oneself stay back shy away shrink back stay in the background be reluctant to come forward move slowly adopt Fabian tactics goof around stop over shillyshally be ambivalent employ delaying tactics stall for time use Fabian tactics avoid making a decision hold the phone mooch mosey skulk shamble wander ramble pass time go slowly slacken flag slough shuffle dabble lurk traipse be in two minds faff about distract divert avoid the issue beat around the bush hold over toddle diddle-daddle fritter time away shlep along scrounge around bum around sit on one's butt think twice hang go at a snail's pace deliberate abide hold your horses take too long stick around limp inch drop desist trail behind dwell await take a breather let up stop briefly take a break slow down reside take ten have a breather call time take five squat put on hold perch nest bunk roost keep on sweat it out hold your fire hold the fort bide your time be left stay behind refuse avoid rebuff evade see-saw yo-yo resist get cold feet take time kick about kick around stand nose snail stick settle ooze draggle endure remain behind put down roots continue outstay establish yourself stay out establish oneself refrain surcease creak along limp along refrain from creep along hang heavy wear on advance slowly appear to pass slowly go on too long go on and on put something off take no action become tedious avoid doing something fall back drop back be behind sojourn break keep from doing something drag behind bring up the rear fall off inch along slow up bivouac live inhabit cling interrupt break off stay over make camp stay on reflect pull up sideline shake suspend take a breath look forward lie in wait be patient lie low sit up for hold one's breath stand by wait on kick your heels cool your heels save it sweat it stay up for hang onto your hat wait patiently cool it hold everything twiddle thumbs wait in the wings alternate come to standstill catch one's breath break it up seesaw pussyfoot stumble stop what you're doing doubt boggle flounder ponder mammer debate weigh be hesitant be reluctant be unwilling pull back think about sit on fence

의 반의어 suspend action

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Copyright: Proverb ©

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