의 동의어 unshockable


Tolerant of opposing viewpoints
broad-minded open-minded liberal tolerant catholic flexible indulgent progressive permissive receptive unbiased dispassionate unbigoted undogmatic unprejudiced forbearing freethinking cosmopolitan impartial libertarian nonconventional nonorthodox nontraditional open radical responsive unconventional unorthodox fair free-thinking just advanced forward-thinking nonjudgmental wide free thinking lenient understanding sympathetic soft magnanimous latitudinarian easy-going forgiving charitable clement reformist humanitarian merciful accepting broad kind enlightened kindly kind-hearted compassionate humanistic big mild considerate humane generous loose free accommodating left high-minded revolutionary patient lax complaisant easy favourable easygoing favorable easy-oasy gracious benevolent kindhearted benign gentle free and easy tender thoughtful friendly obliging caring all heart liberal-minded anti-discrimination non-discriminatory receiving rational avant-garde reasonable general intelligent interested nonconformist antitraditional large-minded anticonventional modern contemporary antiestablishment liberated liberalistic fond nonconservative moderate progressivist compliant soft-hearted left-wing left of center revisionist reforming doting cosseting mollycoddling pampering accommodative gratifying tender-hearted giving soft-shelled overpermissive unrestricted overindulgent generous to a fault agreeable long-suffering acquiescent allowing unprescriptive hands-off live-and-let-live non-restrictive permitting approving laissez-faire going easy on going along with able to live with tenderhearted unselfish beneficent altruistic benignant sensitive empathic commiserative accessible civilized sentimental good-natured righteous pitying good-hearted nice genial amicable philanthropic good helpful amiable warmhearted approachable big-hearted warm softhearted human empathetic bleeding-heart civilised stoic stoical uncomplaining excusing condoning sophisticated easy with easy on

의 반의어 unshockable

unshockable 관용구

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