의 동의어 use duress on


To obligate to do something
force compel drive make pressure coerce constrain oblige press impel necessitate dragoon pressurise pressurize railroad strong-arm browbeat obligate overcome push steamroller urge blackjack bludgeon bully cause charge impress menace muscle sandbag terrorise terrorize bulldoze command demand enforce foist impose occasion order apply bind blackmail burden choke concuss conscript contract enjoin insist move obtrude require urge by force use force on exert force on bear down bring pressure to bear on pin down put the bite on tighten the screws on twist someone's arm bear hard on press-gang put screws to put squeeze on use strong-arm tactics on put the squeeze on put the screws on bring pressure to bear upon force one's hand goad hound influence induce harass intimidate prevail on badger prod spur persuade exact hustle lean on prompt threaten harry squeeze nag thrust propel inflict motivate pester put pressure on incite encourage twist one's arm use pressure on inspire cow hector claim fast-talk insist on provoke brainwash extract instigate bounce tyrannize solicit direct put under an obligation tyrannise rouse stimulate bring trigger put the heat on send domineer extort lead exhort bullyrag frighten bogart sway dictate effect work on call for set actuate promote request turn on the heat expect push around requisition mau-mau introduce effectuate key up unload express egg on land with push for take lumber someone with saddle with bear fire up spur on shotgun force upon instruct ramrod get cajole convince oppress act on challenge create stir nudge ask excite incline wreak bluster dispose engender beseech prick spark put up to seek determine render levy steer invoke summon impose on quest press for work stir up breed bring about result in have someone do something burden someone with commit stipulate for cause to be clamor for cause to become whip up palm bother restrain restrict pass off hassle lay inveigle draw tempt palm off put wish goose advise beset dragoon into fob off make necessary persecute bid steamroll beg leave pulp implore need wrest adjure precipitate condition browbeat into inflame buffalo crave postulate ordain overbear overawe predispose torment rally importune plague produce breathe down someone's neck despotize prescribe whip turn sting rule put the arm on crack down come at generate entreat establish invigorate turn the screws on besiege call animate arouse coax galvanize embolden mandate beget spawn galvanise envigorate enact put the chill on enkindle inspirit activate decree carry out pick on strike do boss around catalyse catalyze authorize authorise clamour for call upon appeal for talk into pester for nag for translate into lay claim to give rise to put your foot down badger for bring on contribute to lay down the law bay for petition for insist upon ask for shove throw place shanghai astrict indebt compress constrict condense squash repress hinder suppress catapult sell politick apply pressure worry mobilize leave someone no option will high pressure make indebted bring pressure upon reduce kick lean have work over wheedle assail mobilise enthuse subjugate pitchfork intrude scare terrify egg argue tighten the screw on turn the screw on prevail upon castigate pressurize into coerce into dog subdue daunt talk bludgeon into bully into ride roughshod over put the frighteners on orient high-pressure root terrorize into intimidate into trouble vex walk heavy ride roughshod make an offer they can't refuse commandeer proclaim decide boss about forcefully persuade unnerve needle pronounce put through the wringer lord it over hold a gun to one's head put heat on assert oneself ride awe ruffle admonish exert achieve accomplish roust sic lash titillate affright spook pull throw your weight around advocate expedite appall appal volunteer someone unwittingly pray for arrogate beg for apply for hit up supplicate hold out for sue for impetrate whistle for inquire about inspan leave someone no option but to adjudge recommend tell employ milk work up foment advance bring forth perform fulfill fulfil develop attain pull off foster push about announce read the riot act declare lay down bring force to bear on make compulsory pick abet brew raise ferment scare the bejesus out of scare off bleed hold a gun to someone's head subject fine assess speed up try to persuade set on drive on procure put the screws to manipulate tell someone to volunteer wring warrant carry railroad into elicit impassion agitate for forward craze agitate taunt get to set off juice fan the fire root on psych further pour it on assign consign involve energize incentivize evoke steel task beckon steamroller into bulldoze into turn on subpoena appoint warn hearten impact exhilarate convert uplift empower vitalize entail appeal to sell one on ransom shake bribe give orders to give orders give the order to call on call the shots give the command to give directions sweep condemn doom incentify refresh incentivise energise help exert influence on voluntell go to town on extort money from bear down on want mean hint to pump up cheer on pep up win over boost up suggest to offload dump unleash shake down suck behoove affect bias vent demand hush money from hold to ransom put the shake on give obtain bring round make willing impress on entice yield behove be grounds for subject to prevail kindle finagle deliver administer indulge exercise bestow perpetrate visit fix emphasize to instil in instil drum into stress to inculcate inculcate in instill stress execute gratify begin lead to look for shift on to lay on wreck end in draw on trigger off press out touch off make happen spark off mete out serve out squeeze out be the cause of give free rein to give vent to deal out din something into bring home to drive into ingrain in knock into leave no choice but to compel to accept thrust upon inflict upon get rid of bring home get into head fix deeply in someone's mind establish in someone's mind drive home leave in no doubt bait annoy tease chivvy victimize bug heckle bedevil give a hard time victimise irritate alarm disconcert keep on at eat devil distress heavy be on your back disturb irk criticize go on at dismay petrify discomfit rattle molest chivy criticise faze aggravate pursue scold drive up the wall get at henpeck nettle upset perturb exasperate psych out peck at harp on at keep after gripe attack pick at find fault with give someone grief make things hot for someone make it hot for someone abash deter discriminate against carp discourage confuse berate grumble at fuss unsettle embarrass abuse growl disquiet niggle fluster carp at rag peeve discompose single out issue threats to perplex rile disrupt nark be down on grate pique rasp itch frost spite gall chafe mither exploit beleaguer find fault put off shake up put out try flummox fleece fret burn up hack off hunt have a down on have it in for throw off balance gnaw rowel sound be on one's case bend someone's ear rattle one's cage give the business prey on drive round the twist drive round the bend take advantage of get on someone's back hog keep at dominate swagger give someone hell harp on remind inhibit frighten off mistreat antagonize antagonise be on at someone punish repeatedly and unfairly anger chide flurry put the wind up blind someone with something cavil discountenance take your breath away stress out noodge jerk around burn macerate give a bad time despoil pain foray strain shock panic scarify horrify fright alarum startle discombobulate miff make nervous make fun of be critical of jeer interrupt stump put into a flap put someone off their stroke furbelow abrade floor wind up get across frill cause someone to lose their composure throw into a tizz wear throw into tizzy fuddle barrack boo strike terror into strike terror in scorn rib chaff shout down toy with fiddle with dishearten bewilder crucify aggrieve outrage injure expel wrong beat exile haze hiss fill with terror inspire panic in anguish afflict curse torture rack excruciate harrow agonize overwhelm nonplus venture peril jeopard adventure jeopardize imperil risk compromise endanger hazard snarl comminate fulminate scowl caution forewarn confound dis gibe ridicule hurt agonise punish break smite bone scare to death put the fear of God into frighten out of your wits jibe at shout at get the knife into stick the knife into make uneasy make anxious be a nuisance to upbraid portend jeopardise chill gamble with impend lower loom bad-eye jolt baffle destabilize unbalance butt in shout catcalls at make game of get in your hair be in someone's hair be a pest to drive bananas make threats against threaten to harm flex muscles look daggers make threat threaten to kill make threats to mystify beef grouse yowl holler mutter grumble kvetch complain squeal crab yammer wail moan caterwaul whine grump scream grouch repine squawk inveigh whimper bellyache bleat murmur yaup croak keen grizzle yawp whinge maunder put through wringer take aback blind destabilise lead someone a merry dance play cat and mouse rub salt in wound shake fist at whip around utter threats to moan at moan on at keep complaining to catch put off one's stroke pull the rug out from under pull the rug from under bust someone's balls bust chops take it out on scare hell out of misuse cheat swindle enslave curdle treat unfairly step on suck dry walk all over play on walk over live off the backs of ill-use take for a ride put one over on rip off withhold rights from ill-treat take advantage of somebody preoccupy live off haunt depress load plunder feed on depredate seize consume live on kill devour tax raid weigh be at yap at scratch around rag on search high heaven

의 반의어 use duress on

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