antiblackout suit
roupa antigravidade, traje espacial usado por astronautas e projetado para neutralizar os efeitos fisiológicos causados pela aceleração
black Idioma
a black mark
a mark beside your name means you are bad If you cause an accident, you get a black mark beside your name.
a blackout (TV)
refusal to broadcast an event during that event A blackout is intended to encourage fans to attend an event.
a blackout (war)
a policy that requires lights to be turned off Blackouts prevented bombers from seeing their targets at night.
black and white
thinking of everything or judging everything as either good or bad He tries to see everything in black and white although he knows this is impossible.
black eye
an eye injury that causes the skin to turn black """How'd you get the black eye?"" ""Fighting - in a hockey game."""
Black Friday
the day the stock market crashed (failed) in 1929 In the 1980s, there were days to remind us of Black Friday.
excluded, not be invited, not allowed to join Gore was black-listed because he led the demonstration.
black mark
(See a black mark)
black out
remove the nameplate and trim from a vehicle James Dean drove a blacked-out Merc in Rebel Without A Cause.
black sheep
the bad one, the one who does bad things He's the black sheep in that family - always in trouble.
black sheep (of the family)
a person who is a disgrace to a family or group The man is the black sheep in his family and is the only member who has not made a success of his life.
(See a blackout)
give a black eye
cause a loss of respect for a person or organization, pride goeth before a fall When a priest is convicted of sexual assault, it gives the Catholic Church a black eye.
in black and white
in writing The company refused to deal with the customer's complaints until they saw them in black and white.
in the black
showing a profit, in a sound financial position After one year our company was in the black - showing a profit.
pot calling the kettle black
a guilty person accusing another guilty person When thief accuses robber, it's the pot calling the kettle black.
black book
1. a small book carried by graffiti artists for others to do work in
2. a book to carry phone numbers in
3. The Bible
black gangster disciple
a Chicago based street gang, founded in the late 60, early 70s many experts feel that they are the for-runner to the Crips. Although the BGD's often wear blue, it's not mandatory. The major way to tell members of this gang is by the way they wear their caps with the brim cocked to the right
Black Panther movement
this movement was founded in Oakland, California by Huey P. Newton, H.R. Brown and Bobby Seale. Fought for the rights of black to bear arms like white people in the late 1960's and the early 1970's
look black
1.look angry面现怒容
He looked black at his enemy.他怒视敌人。
2.appear threatening;indicate misfortune(形势等)看上去严峻;呈现危机
The future looked black when father got hurt and could not work.父亲受了伤不能去上班,前景很严峻。
As prices dropped lower and lower,things looked black for Henry's company.价格一再下跌,亨利的公司面临了危机。
put sth down in black and white
Idiom(s): put sth down in black and white
to write down the terms of an agreement; to draw up a written contract; to put the details of something down on paper. (Refers to black ink and white paper.)
• We agree on all the major points. Now, let's put it down in black and white.
• I think I understand what you are talking about, but we need to put it down in black and white.
give sb a black eye
Idiom(s): give sb a black eye
Theme: HARM
to harm the character or reputation of someone.
• The constant complaining gave the whole group a black eye.
• His behavior gave him a black eye with the manager.
get a black eye
Idiom(s): get a black eye
to get a bruise near the eye from being struck.
• I got a black eye from walking into a door.
• I have a black eye where John hit me.
Idiom(s): black-and-blue
Theme: HARM
bruised; showing signs of having been physically harmed. (Fixed order.)
• The child was black-and-blue after having been struck.
• She was black-and-blue all over after falling out of the tree.
black sheep of the family
Idiom(s): black sheep of the family
the worst member of the family.
• Mary is the black sheep of the family. She's always in trouble with the police.
• He keeps making a nuisance of himself. What do you expect from the black sheep of the family?
black as pitch
Idiom(s): (as) black as pitch
very black; very dark.
• The night was as black as pitch.
• The rocks seemed black as pitch against the silver sand.
black as one is painted
Idiom(s): (as) black as one is painted
as evil as described. (Usually negative.)
• The landlord is not as black as he is painted. He seems quite generous.
• Young people are rarely black as they are painted in the media.
Beyond the black stump
(AU) An Australian idiom idicating that even if you go as far as you can, the black stump is still a little further.
Black and blue
This means bruised, either physically or metaphorically.
Black as Newgate's knocker
(UK) If things are as black as Newgate's knocker, they are very bad. Newgate was an infamous prison in England, so its door knocker meant trouble.
Black hole
If there is a black hole in financial accounts, money has disappeared.
If you vote against allowing someone to be a member of an organisation or group, you are blackballing him or her.
To emphasise just how black something is, such as someone's hair, we can call it jet-black.
in a black mood
"Be careful what you say - she's in a black mood today."
black market
illegal trade: "You can change dollars for a much higher rate on the black market."
black economy
a part of the economy unregulated by the authorities: "He doesn't pay any taxes and thinks that the black economy will make him rich." (He's working on the black.)
give someone a black look
look at someone as if you are angry: "Why is he giving me such a black look?"
on the black list
be on a list of "undesirables": "We won't be invited to their party this year - we're on their black list."
be banned: "Many actors and writers were blacklisted in Hollywood in the 1950's because they were considered "un-American."
black spot
a dangerous spot: "his roundabout is a black spot for traffic accidents."
black and blue|black|blue
adj. Badly bruised. Poor Jim was black and blue after he fell off the apple tree.
black and white|black|white
n. phr. 1. Print or writing; words on paper, not spoken; exact written or printed form. He insisted on having the agreement down in black and white. Mrs. Jones would not believe the news, so Mr. Jones showed her the article in the newspaper and said, "There it is in black and white." 2. The different shades of black and white of a simple picture, rather than other colors. He showed us snapshots in black and white.
black day|black|day
n. A day of great unhappiness; a disaster. It was a black day when our business venture collapsed.
black eye|black|eye
n. 1. A dark area around one's eye due to a hard blow during a fight, such as boxing. Mike Tyson sported a black eye after the big fight. 2. Discredit. Bob's illegal actions will give a black eye to the popular movement he started.
black out|black
v. 1. To darken by putting out or dimming lights, In some plays the stage is blacked out for a short time and the actors speak in darkness. In wartime, cities are blacked out to protect against bombing from planes. 2. To prevent or silence information or communication; refuse to give out truthful news. In wartime, governments often black out all news or give out false news. Dictators usually black out all criticism of the government. Some big games are blacked out on television to people who live nearby. 3. informal To lose consciousness; faint. It had been a hard and tiring day, and she suddenly blacked out.
black sheep|black|sheep
n. A person in a family or a community considered unsatisfactory or disgraceful. My brother Ted is a high school dropout who joined a circus; he is the black sheep in our family.
adj. Divided into only two sides that are either right or wrong or good or bad, with nothing in between; thinking or judging everything as either good or bad. Everything is black-and-white to Bill; if you're not his friend, you are his enemy. The old man's religion shows his black-and-white thinking; everything is either completely good or completely bad.
get a black eye|black|black eye|eye|get
v. phr. 1. To receive a dark ring around the eye after being hit by someone's fist or an object. In the fistfight Tom got a black eye from Pete. Sue got a black eye when she ran into a tree. 2. To have one's character denigrated. Our firm received a black eye because of all the consumer complaints that were lodged against our product.
in the black|black
adv. or adj. phr., informal In a successful or profitable way; so as to make money. The big store was running in the black. A business must stay in the black to keep on.
Antonym: IN THE RED.
pot call the kettle black|black|call|kettle|pot
informal The person who is criticizing someone else is as guilty as the person he accuses; the charge is as true of the person who makes it as of the one he makes it against. When the commissioner accused the road builder of bribery, the contractor said the pot was calling the kettle black. Bill said John was cheating at a game but John replied that the pot was calling the kettle black.
An black idiom dictionary is a great resource for writers, students, and anyone looking to expand their vocabulary. It contains a list of words with similar meanings with black, allowing users to choose the best word for their specific context.
Dicionário de palavras semelhantes, Diferentes palavras, Sinônimos, Expressões idiomáticas para Idioma black