Sinônimo de afraid of one's own shadow


Cowardly or lacking courage
yellow cowardly spineless gutless craven pusillanimous chicken timid timorous fearful weak recreant unheroic dastardly poltroon soft cowering chickenhearted wimpish feeble wimpy quaking trembling spiritless shrinking sissy wet sissified lily-livered faint-hearted chicken-livered weak-kneed pigeon-hearted milk-livered chicken-hearted yellow-bellied candy-assed poor-spirited afraid frightened scared fainthearted apprehensive irresolute unmanly hesitant nervous boneless tremulous weakling submissive nerveless weak-willed meek lacking courage pathetic base abject mousy jittery limp-wristed shy easily frightened mousey effete skittish pigeonhearted tentative characterless wussy unassertive vacillating namby-pamby wishy-washy diffident white-livered frail daunted jumpy weakened caitiff scary fearsome retiring panicky tame anxious dismayed feckless invertebrate intimidated cowed wavering milk-and-water having cold feet feart nervy half-hearted easily scared mean-spirited spooked coward niddering coy funky poltroonish reluctant cringey uncourageous emasculated milksoppish ignoble capricious gentle browbeaten bullied unassured Milquetoast shaky unnerved frightened of one's own shadow epicene weedy lame like a lamb to the slaughter dishonourable dishonorable cringing snowflake swishy trepidatious faint shuddering sookie cowhearted backward worthless indecisive squeamish forceless pithless fickle impotent ineffectual passive emasculate faltering inept dithering useless ineffective running scared paper tiger no guts having the willies indeterminate fallible powerless undetermined without a will of your own afraid of one's shadow slack-spined corruptible supine yielding hemming and hawing unreliable unsure waffling easily led undependable enervated listless insipid weak-minded doubtful limp uncertain languid halting impressionable infirm equivocating unenthusiastic hesitating uncommitted unresolved vapid debilitated compliant jejune mediocre sapless undecided changeable teetering divided ambivalent fluctuating insecure torn iffy shilly-shallying unstable in two minds sitting on the fence in a quandary in a dilemma blowing hot and cold inadequate passionless simpering colourless colorless petrified unexcited pliable daft nerdy errant imperfect erring flawed resistless stumbling lifeless inert disorganized unfit disorganised flabby pussyfooting weak of mind waxen uneventful astraddle hot and cold of two minds on the fence apathetic indifferent lacking feeling unconfident persuasible persuadable bloodless wooden languorous self-conscious self-doubting lacking assurance lacking self-confidence approval-seeking not confident not self-assured lacking in confidence lacking confidence unimpassioned obedient draggy unmoved subdued tractable unconcerned droopy biddable slothful acquiescent low dopey inanimate deferential feeble-minded unresisting lacking in vitality unprotesting without guts unsteady reverent unsettled doubting changing halfhearted wobbly on-the-fence in doubt full of doubt hot-and-cold

Antonym de afraid of one's own shadow

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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