Sinônimo de break one's heart


To cause unease in one's mental state
pain sadden grieve distress trouble worry bother perturb disturb torment afflict oppress harrow deject depress torture aggrieve mortify upset burden concern disconcert dishearten dismay dispirit agitate agonise agonize bring down irk wound sting vex cast down crush dampen spirits discommode discompose gnaw at hurt pester plague stress weigh down annoy break the heart of bum out burn up cause anguish to discourage drag down exasperate fret gall get to harass irritate make blue make miserable make wretched nark put a damper on put into a funk rack rile strain chasten cut to the quick displease hack off desolate dash get down down press deplore make sad bring tears to your eyes throw cold water on cast a gloom upon pour cold water on turn off make one's heart bleed cast a gloom on bedevil persecute try beset crucify offend excruciate bug cause suffering to curse anguish outrage needle hassle peeve disquiet ail perplex harry anger affront pique provoke miff devastate fuss nag besiege ruffle nettle tick off chafe give someone grief injure aggravate alarm discomfort hound give a hard time disgust tease shock cause agony to rend affect unsettle put out sear inflame hurt somebody's feelings drive up the wall martyr get faze flurry wring unhinge ride distemper dog frazzle eat molest exercise mither inflict anguish on freak out rub up the wrong way move weird out insult get on your nerves pierce stab traumatize slight infuriate grate badger disgruntle fluster alarum incense madden rattle enrage cut spite discomfit pursue shake hagride itch derail undo rankle cause pain to frustrate traumatise abuse eat at give offence to wrong tax put down grate on shake up hack you off make uneasy rankle with give a bad time strike lacerate touch smite unnerve distract rasp inconvenience diss dis disrespect frost gripe discombobulate break haunt devil tantalize rark gravel tantalise cut up chivvy visit prick horrify sicken assail scare jar rouse disoblige pick on burn interrupt embarrass chagrin dissatisfy puzzle bite cause anguish cause offense make unhappy attack dump on wind up beleaguer get on your wick do in tear to pieces get across breathe down someone's neck stir up make somebody's hackles rise make someone see red give someone the hump make anxious be a pain in the neck get in your hair be a thorn in someone's side put your back up get your back up prey on your mind gnaw get your goat get under your skin drive bananas tear apart damage shatter maltreat suffer mistreat test hurt deeply muse labor labour stir excite frighten scar startle thrill hit hard tear squirm gut convulse preoccupy rock repulse repel nauseate overwhelm drain exhaust stretch weary sap pick at occupy fester tire cause suffering be hurtful to bleed mourn lambaste nag at cause sorrow tear at try your patience ruffle one's feathers get your dander up make your blood boil be a thorn in someone's flesh get up someone's nose get your hackles up be prey to discountenance be disagreeable to push the buttons of pother prey on cause someone distress cause pain throw confound sweat fear stew niggle inflict trauma deeply upset knock for six bait be the victim of roil ire enflame mad embitter occupy thoughts do someone's head in make someone scratch their head lie heavy on antagonize strap nit-pick indispose push spook tear to shreds thumb nose at snub cause annoyance to cause resentment to grind psych slap zing slur antagonise humiliate get at tire out wear out eat away at eat up steam up obsess redden blight push buttons cause concern to cause discomfort to make waves grip give offence be disagreeable tread on someone's toes be an affront to be offensive put someone's nose out of joint make severe demands on put a strain on make demands on arouse anxiety in weigh on make uncomfortable flip out take buffet lie heavy on someone's mind weigh heavy on someone's mind stress out do a number on make it tough for cause trouble to throw off balance bully rattle one's cage noodge jerk around drive round the twist drive round the bend heckle be on your back intimidate macerate keep on at despoil foray bullyrag work on abrade be on one's case sensitize swell be at mix up inflict hurt the feelings of wreck wreak befall impose sensitise descend on avenge descend upon punish force upon bring down on goad taunt heavy chivy browbeat nudge bore impede cross hinder intrude upon impose on bend someone's ear carp at get on someone's case


To diminish the confidence or courage of
discourage dishearten dispirit dismay depress daunt demoralise demoralize deject distress unnerve cow crush chill alarm abash dash unman trouble scare bother frustrate afflict vex awe confuse disappoint try appal appall overawe irk droop prostrate repress cast down make despondent weigh heavily on make downhearted psych out beat down dampen the spirits of put a damper on cause to lose heart dampen someone's hopes take the wind out of your sails cause to lose hope sadden upset deter disconcert shake perturb oppress dampen weigh down faze disturb bum out burden chagrin throw desolate rattle frighten worry disquiet get down intimidate subdue agitate throw cold water on put off pour cold water on mortify sap unsettle knock sideways discomfit enervate bring down discompose ail knock for six terrify fluster terrorize damp grieve knock the stuffing out of aggrieve confound terrorise nonplus make unhappy make sad panic make gloomy give someone the blues startle horrify bug discountenance humble spook unhinge discomfort annoy get to weaken irritate undermine overwhelm shock concern perplex devitalize scare off disparage embarrass disillusion alarum petrify scare away affright exasperate disenchant torment take aback embitter shake up debilitate browbeat deflate throw off balance bring low mystify harrow puzzle anger make someone fed up hang over bring tears to your eyes sour dash hopes dampen spirits make one's heart bleed enfeeble bewilder disempower emasculate undo frazzle humiliate make dejected disincline psych dissatisfy aggravate bully baffle cloud flummox abase paralyse dumbfound shatter paralyze squash disgruntle weary ruffle flatten disoblige fright nark put down muddle harass reduce to tears haunt hack off dull chasten put someone off their stroke make desolate hurt put the wind up let down scarify pain repel cast a gloom upon disburb stiff turn off warn off cause suffering to scare to death strike terror into make miserable make blue drag down make one's blood run cold chill to the bone drive away chase off make teeth chatter put into a funk make one's hair stand on end frighten away break someone's spirit curdle the blood break someone's heart dispraise consternate discombobulate thwart cast a shadow lower break suppress subjugate lie prey on lie heavy on make uneasy make anxious put into a flap castrate bulldoze dampen someone's spirit astound jolt destabilize unbalance geld underwhelm silly defeat overcome throw into a tizz unstring devastate buffalo scare the daylights out of take the wind out impress cause someone to lose their composure down press deplore blind destabilise infuriate bear down on damp down lobotomize undermine one's confidence disarrange disorganize snarl unglue cripple jumble unzip disorder knock the wind out of dash the hopes of desiccate blind someone with something harsh one's mellow dehydrate shatter the illusions of burst bubble floor take your breath away take the heart out of madden cast a pall over deaden send up blow out blow up take apart torture set back sap the confidence of drain put off one's stroke pull the rug out from under pull the rug from under make dispirited make crestfallen indispose cast a gloom on take steam out dissuade demotivate shame dump miff drag darken beat wound agonize run down sting blanket plague discommode gnaw at pester stress agonise burn up rile make wretched fret rack displease cause anguish to strain break the heart of gall cut to the quick drive crazy make discontented drive mad keep under envenom wind up stamp out harsh someone's mellow bear down make someone's heart bleed alienate poison antagonize debunk belittle snub destroy quash give someone the hump knock down let wind out of sails puncture balloon take down kick in the teeth take down a peg or two shoot down cut down to size let down easy disaffect fill with fear scare witless scare stiff scare the pants off make someone jump out of their skin give someone goose pimples make one's flesh creep give one the creeps scare someone out of their wits get the wind up put the fear of God into chill to the marrow scare someone half to death scare the bejesus out of throw into a fright give someone the heebie-jeebies freeze your blood scare the living daylights out of throw into a blue funk make bitter jaundice empoison make resentful exacerbate worsen rankle acidulate estrange antagonise bitter venom make rancorous acerbate flurry distract fuss distemper exercise hagride derail surprise pother freak out weird out give a turn foul up screw up mess up fill with consternation throw into a tizzy stun offend sicken provoke hassle scandalize outrage astonish stir up stagger stupefy daze scandalise disgust revolt nauseate flabbergast work up amaze chafe set someone back on their heels make someone scratch their head stop someone in their tracks bowl over peeve move gravel disorient needle beset bedevil harry rock traumatize pick on make waves dumfound jar traumatise catch off balance thunderstrike take by surprise electrify give a hard time cause to be at a stand blow away leave open-mouthed throw a curve strike dumb do someone's head in leave aghast excite bustle rouse hector craze bemuse nettle derange make someone's hair stand on end badger curse addle befuddle egg on affect give someone grief make a scene turn on get at stump despair tick off make fretful tantalize tantalise cause anxiety to beleaguer nag push buttons frighten to death throw off persecute put out of countenance get benumb put someone off their stride distress greatly knock for a loop hurt somebody's feelings gross out frighten someone out of their wits send into a cold sweat make someone's blood run cold make someone shake in their shoes frighten the life out of scare the life out of scare the hell out of frighten the living daylights out of throw into a panic mess with someone's head knock out blow your mind boggle the mind hurry put out flutter hustle quicken pique make uncomfortable dement preoccupy incommode frenzy cause disquiet to occupy unquiet cause anxiety tangle tax freeze make restless bamboozle boggle besiege inconvenience tease hinder paralyse with fear inflame mess with one's head balk test importune numb insult baulk prey on your mind occupy thoughts anguish hound disengage unfasten separate unhitch disconnect uncouple detach knock props out fuddle strike with awe spring on cause wonder dazzle render speechless dun tear goad strike fear into fill with terror frighten out of your wits scare the pants off of give offence to incite injure arouse fox stimulate completely surprise raise someone's eyebrows shake out of your complacency hit like ton of bricks fear turn incapacitate flip cramp dump on do in inflict trauma deeply upset ferment strap dog nit-pick prick push martyr sweat stew befog fire up flip out flap maze sweat out be a great weight on fidget get someone get across lay up key up weigh heavily on one's mind muddy pose rock the boat blackjack drive insane eat at cut up upset the applecart be agitated fog obfuscate dragoon take pains wilder be in a tizzy be worried arouse anxiety in weigh on send over the edge make flip bug up bullyrag do a number on be on one's case make it tough for labour over metagrobolize be in a flap mix up be all Greek to set someone thinking get worked up get in a stew be in a stew bogart get on your wick make jump make afraid chill someone's blood make fearful give someone a fright make someone's hair curl make nervous railroad tyrannize bludgeon tyrannise strong-arm mau-mau lean on surprize push around strike touch turn on the heat put one away

Antonym de break one's heart

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Copyright: Proverb ©

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