Sinônimo de follows one's nose


To aimlessly move or drift from place to place
ranges roams roves wanders rambles drifts meanders traipses traverses cruises strolls strays travels treks explores journeys sweeps ambles backpacks galavants gallivants hikes peregrinates prowls scours tramps walks bats circumambulates crosses encompasses maunders mooches reconnoitres reconnoiters searches straggles gads about globe-trots kicks around knocks about passes over spreads through goes walkabout hits the road hits the trail makes circuit saunters dawdles potters coasts stravaigs floats trudges moseys jaunts bimbles gads rolls tootles hopscotches circumnutates mills around mills round knocks around mills about walks the tracks mooches around trails circumlocutes vagabonds divagates dallies wanders aimlessly gets sidetracked moves aimlessly goes off at a tangent gets off the point stretches your legs perambulates moves pootles marches promenades toddles tours swans plods goes tromps proceeds takes a walk goes for a walk globetrots shuffles putters voyages loiters migrates stumps sashays slogs strides departs takes the air streels troops wends your way hoofs paces passes bums travels around wends bums around lumbers shifts treads mopes legs it parades goes slowly steps ambulates footslogs walks slowly takes a trip progresses advances idles yomps loafs trogs prances hops struts pads emigrates deviates lingers errs patrols makes your way immigrates makes one's way hoofs it takes a stroll hangs about hangs around moves around goes on foot files runs around trundles canters transmigrates wayfares pounds races sails navigates lolls scuffs percolates ankles limps junkets crawls shambles takes a turn foots it trolls scrambles gets some air gets some exercise stooges droops pushes on foots dilly-dallies bats around goes on a trip goes for a stroll walks casually sets out sets forth hangs trips moves slowly drags your feet danders quits removes goes astray wanders around roams about extravagates runs flits moves abroad travels about gallops tarries oozes trills goes hither and thither breezes transitions waltzes zigzags winds ventures clambers swings trucks steps out trots schleps boogies ganders goes adrift stalks locomotes goes aimlessly finds your way picks your way wanders about hobbles staggers treks through plods on struggles along walks around walks up and down marches up and down pilgrimages pokes along walks to and fro walks back and forth strolls along takes it easy goes for a constitutional goes on a journey goes on a excursion slouches itinerates socializes parties raves covers minces flies drags oneself skips tiptoes descends ascends roams around socialises flits around jaunts around leaves nomadizes transfers rides goes by foot goes up travels on foot goes forward goes down moves forward presses on circumnavigates courses tracks transits follows stumbles goes clubbing goes partying gets no place fast drags along jets heads lives it up raves it up cuts across transmits creeps totters sloughs lags lazes overnights goes round proceeds along moves round busses takes off escapes buses motors cabs coaches barnstorms bustles dodders waddles moves about paints the town red lounges covers ground takes a boat makes a journey passes through goes into orbit gets through goes riding takes a train takes a plane stomps barges skulks scuffles lumps galumphs clumps flounders stamps safaris circuits has a night on the town lazies drags lurches flogs changes chills hies fares dillydallies footles dangles sags drones goes on an expedition goes on an excursion goes on a tour goes places goes on safari languishes spreads hangs down tails falls behind pokes straddles lollygags moons shilly-shallies lags behind pokes around trails behind drops behind goofs off vegges out hacks around kicks back hangs out strings out brings up the rear

Antonym de follows one's nose

Music ♫

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