Sinônimo de grazeland


Districts and small settlements outside large urban areas or the capital
country countryside sticks farmland backwoods boondocks outback provinces boonies bush hinterland wilderness wilds outdoors backblocks backveld booay nowhere platteland backlands farms forests grazing hicksville pastures woodland woodlands woods green belt back country great outdoors rural areas agricultural land a rural area a rural district back of beyond up country beyond the black stump middle of nowhere tall timbers the back of beyond the middle of nowhere wide open spaces wide open space cow country Woop Woop backcountry backwater rural districts the sticks backland a backwater backwaters shires Timbuktu farming land outlying areas outlands frontier rural area green area rural district desert badlands scrubland rural remote up-country hinterlands remote areas wasteland rough country brush jungle forest back o' beyond godforsaken place the boonies isolation timberland interior borderland the wilds emptiness the backwoods terra incognita retirement unexplored unknown outskirts bush country Podunk solitude isolated place province middle America non-metropolitan areas middle England non-metropolitan counties undisturbed area unspoilt area unspoiled area savanna plant creeper bramble shrubs boscage briar vine chaparral scrub jerkwater town secluded spot remote place sleepy town one-horse town farm the wild rest of the country wastes out-of-doors open nature wild waste bundu uninhabited region badland uncultivated region no-man's land open air barrens inhospitable region primeval forest

Antonym de grazeland

grazeland Idioma

Music ♫

Copyright: Proverb ©

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