Sinônimo de hold a gun to one's head


To bully in an intimidating, bossy, or supercilious way
browbeat threaten bully intimidate coerce dragoon pressurise pressurize bulldoze cow hector badger bogart domineer compel persecute pressure blackjack bullyrag force goad harass harry hound mau-mau menace nag strong-arm terrorise terrorize bluster frighten impel push railroad lean on pick on ride roughshod over boss about boss around lord it over put heat on twist one's arm use strong-arm tactics on put the chill on put through the wringer force one's hand tyrannize tyrannise push around oppress press torment steamroller drive bludgeon put the screws on oblige dominate constrain make prevail on scare hustle obligate impress awe put pressure on sandbag muscle plague subdue terrify subjugate push about use pressure on squeeze victimize twist someone's arm put the squeeze on daunt victimise unnerve overawe order about order around buffalo influence fast-talk press-gang mistreat pester brainwash prod abuse enforce walk all over boss dismay bring pressure to bear on disconcert command maltreat urge repress overbear give orders to turn on the heat alarm kick around treat harshly hassle put the heat on persuade spook suppress deter require faze brutalize brutalise discourage dictate rule bounce overwhelm psych out order torture act on work on put under an obligation trample on dictate to ill-treat put down tighten the screws on call the shots be cruel to throw your weight around have someone do something shake abash petrify ruffle affright discomfit rattle control crush chivvy necessitate overpower appall dishearten aggrieve distress perturb beset agitate bother enslave disquiet cajole concuss give orders sway trouble tell someone what to do bind appal cause scare off insist ramrod demand charge put the frighteners on impose breathe down someone's neck blackmail come at trample underfoot rule with an iron hand bring someone to their knees be overbearing rule with a rod of iron ill-use turn the screws on mess over throw one's weight about lay down the law keep under thumb be brutal to smother inhibit suffocate heckle spur lean compress taunt antagonize chivy antagonise constrict condense squash despotize importune wheedle assail crowd manhandle sell politick argue be a tough guy misuse besiege talk mishandle make things hot for someone act the tin god vex induce work over make it hot for someone embarrass blind someone with something tread on walk heavy ride roughshod have under one's thumb pull rank on take your breath away steamroll frighten off ride kick about issue threats to will put the screws to bring force to bear on hold a gun to someone's head play the heavy with insist on railroad into put the wind up tighten the screw on put up to high-pressure have impose on turn the screw on prevail upon effect master whip around scare hell out of utter threats to dragoon into conquer steamroller into overcome scare the bejesus out of trample bulldoze into confuse bewilder exert influence on perplex nonplus occasion foist keep down browbeat into bear down on go to town on confound use duress on burden conscript use force on urge by force choke apply obtrude contract enjoin move hold down discompose unsettle exert force on domineer over subordinate make uneasy fluster make anxious bear down pin down put the bite on grind down bear hard on put screws to put squeeze on bring pressure to bear upon throw jolt baffle destabilize unbalance hold sway over gain mastery over train mystify flummox rule despotically rule over tyrannize over gain ascendancy over render helpless gain control of treat brutally weigh heavy upon have someone under your thumb render incapable render powerless bring to heel beat down direct startle put off take aback shake up blind destabilise panic shock prevail oversee run superintend predominate horrify preponderate shotgun throw off balance reign restrict pound put to work work hinder govern quarterback supervise lead captain swagger fright bend henpeck alarum lord spearhead administrate head manage put off one's stroke pull the rug out from under pull the rug from under chill high pressure call the tune try to control take charge make an offer they can't refuse put the arm on discomfort rule the roost preside over be in charge impose one's will on repel disburb unhinge astound demoralize stiff worry run the show silly push the buttons lead by the nose lord over be in the driver's seat run things be in the saddle bend to your will demoralise scarify scare to death strike terror into scare away curdle the blood make teeth chatter make one's blood run cold chill to the bone make one's hair stand on end scare the daylights out of

Antonym de hold a gun to one's head

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