Sinônimo de iracund


Cranky, disagreeable, or stubborn, especially if prone to odd whims or fancies
crotchety cranky cross grumpy irascible irritable testy fiery fractious grouchy peevish petulant ratty surly touchy argumentative cantankerous choleric crabby moody prickly shirty snappy chippy crabbed difficult disagreeable narky obstinate ornery perverse pettish quarrelsome shrewish snappish churlish contrary crusty curmudgeonly eggy peckish peppery snarky soreheaded stroppy tetchy uncooperative bearish iracundulous miffy snaky snippety snippy stuffy waspish waxy awkward obstreperous out of humor raspy vinegary waspy bad-tempered ill-tempered hot-tempered ill-humored ill-humoured ill-natured quick-tempered short-tempered in a mood out of sorts cross-grained out of temper in a bad mood on a short fuse as cross as two sticks like a bear with a sore head angry uptight querulous huffy feisty bristly ireful bilious dyspeptic captious edgy hasty passionate thin-skinned hot under the collar sulky tense fretful temperamental critical glum curt sensitive huffish disgruntled sullen unsociable impatient gruff whingy volatile pouty oversensitive brusque harsh splenetic misanthropic cynical sour bitter pertinacious discontented contentious hotheaded truculent hypercritical resentful whining miserable whiny crybaby exasperated acrimonious displeased snarling ungracious grumbling gloomy tough liverish fussy brooding annoyed disputatious pouting morose mean scratchy whingeing childish grousing on edge dissatisfied acrid trying dour cavilling carping tart mardy sharp griping malignant acid vindictive nasty caviling sorehead mumpish saturnine sore growling complaining malicious filthy venomous fretting spiteful blunt cussed chuffy short out of humour ugly foul-tempered fault-finding out-of-sorts having got out of bed on the wrong side nasty-tempered hot-blooded having got out of bed the wrong side short-fused easily offended excitable hostile antagonistic aggressive belligerent pugnacious scrappy violent combative fierce confrontational bellicose hot-headed unfriendly militant threatening bloody-minded emotional furious warlike agonistic impetuous malevolent irritated discordant assaultive piqued jumpy vehement wrathful vexed gladiatorial explosive tooshie restless nervous defiant rancorous highly strung uneasy irate restive upset fidgety vitriolic high-strung on the warpath brawly indignant easily upset abrupt twitchy neurotic wild malign anxious arsey hypersensitive tempestuous impassioned irked rude vicious agitated unsettled unpleasant impulsive skittish enraged unkind jittery warring catty fuming disputative ticklish ill at ease inflamed excited raving ferocious headstrong froward hot intense inhospitable up in arms worried stormy impolite rough peeved livid outraged infuriated riled mad litigious snarly apoplectic incensed ardent sarcastic provoked melodramatic heated hateful nervy raging rabid overstrung battling unruly inflammable wired salty aerated fighting antsy hurtful unquiet envenomed wroth perturbed savage incandescent poisonous steamed up aggers grumbly stressy frenzied het up bolshie teed off destructive ranting keyed up hopping mad bent out of shape uncivil foaming at the mouth caustic adversarial fit to be tied in a temper abusive offensive spoiling for a fight inimical loudmouthed discourteous terse mercurial galled brief uncomfortable factious fervent virulent overwrought aggrieved stressed unhappy fervid scathing animated moping maleficent wicked bad uncongenial unstable lively put out faultfinding wrangling ropeable brittle mopey atrabilious troubled ballistic angered rankled spirited dark bickering apprehensive steamed overemotional ill-mannered acerbic crook burning ticked seething boorish malefic aggravated worked up pernicious adrenalized brawling agitable hysterical frantic feverish turbulent demonstrative foaming boiling roiled hawkish recalcitrant disobliging insecure quick militaristic steaming enflamed infuriate censorious rebellious volcanic shaken oppugnant unpredictable hopping riley biffo warmongering hinky goosey dithery atwitter queasy queazy aflutter wound up ticked off choked storming spare passional refractory hacked off sabre-rattling wilful willful ready for a fight evil-intentioned indomitable hung up hate-filled in a lather cheesed off beside oneself in a paddy negative hard to please in a bate easily provoked going crook easily agitated easily frightened sharp-tongued seeing red horn-mad ready to fight in a huff in a fume have a bone to pick blue in the face in bad mood beside yourself with rage in a pet have chip on shoulder in high dudgeon with all guns blazing prima donna-ish in a frenzy distraught scowling embittered wrought up distressed foul menacing humourless humorless disrespectful uncontrollable offended inconsiderate uncharitable unsympathetic vinegarish wreck rattled frowning mopish unsmiling unhelpful spunky acute tempersome forceful naysaying scornful plaintive murmuring bad-humored joyless broody dejected grudging indocile uncompliant evil provocative jaundiced blue wounded mopy kittle baleful viperous mighty antipathetic narked ungenerous zowerswopped glowering louring like a bear toey mean-spirited unindulgent moaning wailing crying deploring lamenting bemoaning whimpering perversely irritable black wriggly pushy perturbable dicey hazardous unsafe apt to fly off the handle flip squirmy jingoistic battleful having short fuse hot under collar sharp-tempered antagonized wiggly maddened hacked very angry miffed bloodthirsty tilting wrestling martial skirmishing controversial polemical polemic dissentious angerful cheerless psyched up disapproving cold convulsed evil-minded on the outs at loggerheads looking for trouble have it in for wired up roused nettled rousted huffy irascible dramatic ructious arguesome got up on wrong side of bed under arms bugged frustrated bundle of nerves over-emotional a bundle of nerves all wound up keen glowing dogged scandalized buffaloed war steamed-up hottempered antagonised shocked scandalised self-assertive itching to fight having a chip on one's shoulder disturbed cruel mordant skittery fluttery spooky flighty hyperexcitable spasmodic hyperkinetic fed up browned off torrid charged amorous blazing trenchant tumultuous boiling mad hyperactive hyper sardonic cutting all steamed up raging mad peed off overcome with anger at boiling point discomposed uncontrolled alarmable rash intolerant reckless galvanic enthusiastic overzealous susceptible in a rage beside yourself rubbed the wrong way blown a gasket off the air burned up bummed out at end of one's rope hot and bothered pushed too far in a filthy temper barbed paroxysmal cyclonic convulsive effusive vigorous zealous abrasive crude alarmed fearful all shook up withering biting pointed unceremonious knock-down-and-drag-out blood-and-guts aroused hammer and tongs bang-bang distracted short fused self-conscious fraught unrestful embarrassed discomfited mordacious brusk stinging vitriolous blowing hot and cold undiplomatic offhand flaming warm perfervid nutty dismayed harassed tormented shaky anguished perplexed bothered wrung disquieted suspicious in turmoil palpitant afraid all nerves like a fish out of water on the qui vive cavalier bluff astringent corrosive fiddle-footed searing wounding acidulous brisk vex slashing red-hot warm-blooded gung-ho hoha razor-edged rapier-like breviloquent thoughtless unmannerly dripping with malice squint-eyed stubborn demanding direct graceless uncompromising bad-mannered not best pleased short-spoken no-nonsense overbearing unrelenting unreasonable unamenable grim intractable unaccommodating matter-of-fact to the point hardheaded hard-nosed obdurate pigheaded picky fastidious rigid inflexible tyrannical finicky on tenterhooks strong-minded hard-line tiresome unmanageable bull-headed steadfast choosy resolute immovable oafish thrawn opinionated delicate dogmatic intransigent oppressive unflinching overcritical wrong-headed obstructive particular over-particular dictatorial importunate pitiless strict single-minded set in one's ways finical hard to handle invidious fiendish uppity troublesome stiff stiff-necked hard to satisfy irritating contrarious inexorable unyielding opinionative unbending perfectionist balky on pins and needles like a cat on a hot tin roof like a cat on hot bricks

Antonym de iracund

iracund Idioma

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