Sinônimo de kibitz on


To meddle, pry or intervene in the affairs of others
interfere intrude meddle obtrude pry mess intermeddle interlope nose snoop poke intervene interpose encroach intercede intermediate gatecrash butt in muck about muck around barge in horn in meddle in encroach on mess with nose into be a busybody mix in poke your nose in get involved be nosy about step in fool with entrench on horn in on impose oneself on stick your oar in barge into butt into intercede in intervene in intrude into muscle in on pry into get involved in impinge on tamper with put your two cents in stick your nose in interrupt cut in interject chime in infringe muscle in break in put your oar in chip in interfere with tamper trespass busybody enquire invade inquire intrude on break in on impose hinder disturb bother interfere in push in worm in chisel in stick one's nose into impede kibitz encumber advance molest stickybeak nosy pester peek impinge mouse sidewalk-superintend be inquisitive enquire impertinently poke around interpolate overstep insinuate poke about be curious divide abuse rights mess around dabble in come uninvited disrupt crash the gates be nosy crash entrench work in come between involve oneself poke one's nose into inquire impertinently make inroads mind someone else's business put in one's oar thrust gossip stir poke into bug move in intercalate spy cut off watch snook stare peep peer be inquisitive about meddle with sneak hold up thrust oneself in go beyond throw a spanner in the works of throw a monkey wrench in the works of do some detective work examine inspect interpose oneself insinuate oneself put in two cents be drawn in join in creep infiltrate act burst in inch worm charge in trench usurp violate poke one's face in get into the act heckle appropriate arrogate nose around elbow in tread on someone's toes step on someone's toes eat into squeeze in invade someone's space impose oneself make inroads into arbitrate arrive enter come become involved cut in on cut stay separate check prevent barge in on disunite intersect inject disconnect disjoin in shortstop arrest take action take measures be invited butt in on chime in on put in bust in cut short chip in on edge in crowd in break train of thought get in the way lend a hand take a hand push force introduce transgress wander offend stray sin fall err thrust oneself force yourself foist oneself control poach lapse displease misbehave penetrate deviate affect touch do wrong by take charge of nose in gain control of enter without permission call the shots call the tune influence rule the roost pull the strings run the show burst in on trespass on exert influence on leave a mark on bear upon make an impact on make an impression on be in the saddle have an effect on have a bearing on be in the driving seat

Antonym de kibitz on

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Copyright: Proverb ©

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