Sinônimo de make one's hair stand on end


To frighten greatly
terrify alarm frighten scare horrify panic petrify scarify spook terrorise terrorize affright alarum appal fright intimidate scare witless shock startle appall awe chill dismay fill with fear freeze frighten to death paralyse paralyze scare to death strike terror into stun stupefy paralyse with fear scare stiff fill with terror frighten someone out of their wits frighten the life out of give someone goose pimples scare someone out of their wits scare the hell out of scare the life out of frighten the living daylights out of give one the creeps make one's flesh creep put the fear of God into scare the bejesus out of scare the living daylights out of scare the pants off send into a cold sweat strike fear into throw into a panic make someone shake in their shoes throw into a blue funk frighten out of your wits make one's blood run cold scare the pants off of daunt unnerve perturb agitate disturb discomfort scare away put the wind up curdle the blood make teeth chatter disconcert cow disquiet upset worry faze deter shake discourage unhinge dishearten repel demoralize disburb stiff demoralise chill to the bone scare off freeze your blood get the wind up throw into a fright fluster rattle ruffle unman consternate perplex depress give someone the heebie-jeebies chill to the marrow scare someone half to death make someone jump out of their skin browbeat send chills down the spine of bulldoze astound silly surprise scare the daylights out of make someone jump out of his skin bully unsettle bother discompose trouble torment distress throw threaten harass hector menace discomfit vex get to plague freak out distract make nervous harry shake up psych out coerce concern pressurize confound put off bewilder blackjack throw off balance flurry fuss ail bullyrag distemper badger frazzle bogart persecute undo subdue derail hagride overawe pester take aback pressurise strong-arm abash tyrannize dragoon mau-mau weird out nonplus lean on pick on push around confuse railroad buffalo annoy irk give a turn exercise tyrannise domineer discombobulate make anxious jolt floor embarrass make jump discountenance make afraid oppress bug irritate psych pressure flummox force hassle make someone's blood run cold compel make uneasy fret afflict hound pother bluster goad ride roughshod over use strong-arm tactics on give someone a fright haunt sadden make someone's hair stand on end bludgeon chill someone's blood make someone's hair curl strike terror in disappoint mystify overwhelm inspire panic in bedevil tease mistreat sicken aggrieve dominate beset abuse throw into a tizzy turn on the heat nag scare silly push enforce throw into a tizz overbear torture stir up make waves push about mess with someone's head drive away chase off warn off put heat on do someone's head in give a hard time frighten away inhibit knock for a loop impress become horror-stricken become horror-struck freak flabbergast blind someone with something frighten off spring stagger take your breath away incommode make worried stampede baffle destabilize unbalance unquiet make fearful give someone a jolt give a shock put chill on pain rouse spring on make flesh crawl make restless make fretful blind destabilise bait pursue move deject mortify muddle addle throw into disarray traumatize jar uncalm discommode steamroller traumatise unstring fill with panic bowl over put out put off one's stroke pull the rug out from under pull the rug from under heckle rattle one's cage put someone off their stride put out of countenance roust throw off put into a flap accost molest stress whip around scare hell out of utter threats to issue threats to cause someone to lose their composure chivvy tax throw a curve knock props out strain besiege burden despair beleaguer constrain impel weigh down test importune try needle chafe oblige press grieve tantalize dun tear tantalise hustle prod brainwash displease flush cause anxiety to put through the wringer lord it over hold a gun to one's head boss around put the chill on force one's hand boss about twist one's arm persuade influence hurt anger inconvenience offend sweat out weigh heavily on one's mind gnaw at lie heavy on be a great weight on maltreat subjugate walk heavy ride roughshod fast-talk put the squeeze on put pressure on despotize prevail on put the screws on bring pressure to bear on put under an obligation act on press-gang work on use pressure on peeve dispirit victimize manhandle wound nark indispose miff misuse overpower repulse turn incapacitate flip craze cramp debilitate get at fire up wind up egg on tick off flip out mishandle brutalize victimise brutalise revolt get someone bum out get across turn on hack off lay up key up put down be cruel to walk all over kick around play the heavy with treat harshly ill-use ill-treat mess over be brutal to disgust rock the boat make a scene give someone grief frustrate hurt somebody's feelings get on your wick dash nauseate dumbfound chagrin give someone the creeps puzzle disillusion disenchant disgruntle be repugnant to make someone want to throw up be distasteful to make shudder make your gorge rise knock for six knock sideways let down foul up screw up mess up fill with consternation

Antonym de make one's hair stand on end

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Copyright: Proverb ©

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