Sinônimo de mental gymnastics


An explanation or justification for behavior or for a belief or occurrence
rationalization justification excuse rationale reasoning defence case defense premise validation argument explanation pretext reason vindication grounds mitigation extenuation basis plea apologia apology story account palliation alibi cause song and dance motive why and wherefore expedient accounting foundation cop-out cover pretence pretense assertion evidence whitewash get-out cover-up mitigating circumstances ostensible reason wherefore coverup line motivation thesis declaration fabrication subterfuge reasons cover story answer claim footing contention logic why front expostulation line of reasoning fish story base inducement advocacy support exculpation exoneration warrant polemic factor approval antecedent argumentation presumption evasion suit sense point whyfor whatfor authority routine disguise pleading raison d'être underpinning proof subject valid point whys and wherefores postulation sake meaning groundwork bedrock call allegation action confession fish tale out right statement good case point well taken well-founded argument good argument good point upholding endorsement explication philosophy theory thinking principle sour grapes the big idea the whole idea logical basis hypothesis copout insistence on excusing explaining response promotion the why and wherefore jive apologetics apologizing return cleanup testimony apologising retort supporting evidence issue questioning occasion demonstration dialectic goal purpose intention aim incentive impetus objective ground way around design end target causation object causality exposition driver instigation source genesis origin inspiration causal agent driving force chief ingredient principal element absolution whitewashing palliative acquittal just cause whole idea rationalisation determinant belief spur reason why stimulus stimulant catalyst persuasion stimulation drive hope raison d'etre incitement provocation impulse supposition proposition assumption encouragement surmise speculation postulate conjecture presupposition boost enticement carrot notion consideration guess proposal position influence view opinion idea ethos assurance reason for existing justification for existing necessity mainspring need requirement root count prompting obligation score hunch feeling urge suspicion lure bait sweetener momentum yeast attraction rationality intent insistence exhortation allurement douceur premium thought understanding stab guesswork presentiment thoughts outlook supposal impression judgement judgment provision spring temptation shot in the arm come-on ambition interest thought process concern focus desire line of thought incitation push goad impulsion determination resolve wish aspiration preoccupation pretension ideal dream train of thought resolution mission vision care plan agenda process of reasoning chain of reasoning motivating force end game carrot and stick holy grail hidden motive hidden agenda Holy Grail vested interest score to settle object of desire special interest theorem concept axiom interpretation scheme inference suggestion deduction lemma conclusion derivation educated guess shot in the dark


A theory or attitude that acts as a guiding principle for behavior
philosophy ideology doctrine wisdom belief principle value conviction credo knowledge outlook reasoning teaching thinking understanding creed custom dogma scholarship science tenet viewpoint argument attitude axiom culture ethic faith idea logic rationale rationality sense system theory thought tradition view argumentation gospel line lore notion saying truth conception idealogy legend superstition testament dialectics aesthetics esthetics folklore legendry myth mythology beliefs ethics ideas notions principles sayings teachings truths values attitude to life school of thought world view basic idea formal system way of life chain of thought folk-wisdom logical thought Weltanschauung oral tradition traditional wisdom line of reasoning chain of reasoning how-to know-how process of reasoning position opinion canon thesis stance tenets sentiment concept rules persuasion interpretation convictions supposition mindset judgment code point of view judgement rule perspective ideals canons precept angle standpoint way of thinking opinions postulation perception views thoughts proposition premise feeling hypothesis reason fundamental inference convention guideline approach impression slant instruction accepted wisdom assessment assumption ethos learning conjecture disposition presumption intellection standards maxims stand frame of mind estimation set of beliefs indoctrination articles of faith basis motivation inclination inculcation concepts maxim sentiments foundation feelings abstraction conceptualization leaning policy picture study presupposition cogitation axioms law inspiration conventions consideration regulation guidelines lesson postulate suggestion deduction moral conceptualisation rationalization rationalisation explanation ratiocination syllogism bias morals mind vantage point headset standing politics morality hunch suspicion conclusion essence discernment ism presentiment article kaupapa surmise speculation evaluation laws erudition credenda theme reaction guess virtues contention article of faith dialectic code of belief mood proposal grounds theorem form verity justification syllogistics mores set of principles orientation formula case precepts code of behavior motive cause mind-set prejudice predilection proclivity validation excuse vindication good sense ethical codes moral principles raison d'être moral philosophy why and wherefore bent ethical values where one is at way of looking at things code of behaviour two cents' worth rules of conduct moral beliefs POV value-system moral values moral law logical basis moral code code of ethics code of conduct standards of behavior moral standards practice movement belief system worldview leanings ideal hope meaning purpose sympathies dictum message aphorism motto mental picture mind's eye connection orthodoxy fool notion alliance customs traditions enlightenment core beliefs legends criterion standard credence scheme superstitions tenor intuition drift trend religion conceptualizations lemma ground derivation tendency shot in the dark educated guess attitudes raison d'etre way of looking at it supposal tune presumptions hypotheses angles fundamentals cult cyber etiquette theses premises school stab guesswork provision bases catechism conclusions stamp way method messages pictures set of ideas system of ideas principled explanations air temperament character demeanor essential truism themes mind's eyes take religious belief religious persuasion religious beliefs religious conviction cyber law reading viewpoints assumptions demeanour system of belief vision prescript determinant essentials prescripts postulates formulae truisms conceptualisations way of looking science of reasoning syllogistic reasoning eye view predicate logic science of thought science of deduction mental state mental outlook mental attitude musing meditation line of thought rumination ideation deliberation reflection cerebration introspection contemplation cognition golden rule theorems determinants foundations points of view norms appreciation statement induction cyberethics line of thinking apprehension basic declaration propaganda implantation excogitation image preconception vagary caprice observation education train of thought universal law unwritten rule set of guidelines sound judgment course of thought antithesis and synthesis learnedness letters attainments literacy accomplishments book-learning grasp academic study ability expertise book learning intellectual attainment research awareness academic achievement schooling whys and wherefores whyfor song and dance whatfor the whole idea story accounting reasons sour grapes the big idea account

Antonym de mental gymnastics

Music ♫

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