Sinônimo de more paleoconservative


Comparative for tending to favor the status quo and averse to change
rigider firmer stuffier boringer devouter stricter truer timider ancienter older soberer quieter fearfuller steadier narrower smaller-minded pettier smaller less blinder primmer starchier prissier stubborner deafer meaner shallower ruder simpler commoner staider more traditional more conservative more orthodox more unprogressive more reactionary more ultraconservative more hidebound more traditionalistic more mossbacked more old-school more old-fashioned more buttoned-down more conventional more fogyish more illiberal more inflexible more conformist more blimpish more dyed-in-the-wool more uncompromising more right-wing more diehard more stable more alt-right more unchanging more intolerant more intransigent more unimaginative more retrogressive more counterrevolutionary more regressive more outdated more strait-laced more unreconstructed more convinced more philistine more immovable more Republican more observant more unadventurous more moderate more medieval more mediaeval more bigoted more prehistoric more unreceptive more unreasonable more historical more established more past more historic more guarded more controlled more obstinate more undaring more constant more uncreative more bourgeois more outmoded more out-of-date more white bread more prejudiced more biased more dogmatic more set more fanatical more puritan more jaundiced more intractable more parochial more individualistic more narrow-minded more close-minded more provincial more insular more sectarian more limited more restricted more myopic more blinkered more localist more jerkwater more picayune more short-sighted more Lilliputian more partisan more claustral more discriminatory more doctrinaire more opinionated more pigheaded more puritanical more prudish more moralistic more priggish more chauvinist more chauvinistic more unsophisticated more shockable more suburban more selfish more partial more one-sided more lopsided more shortsighted more unpersuadable more resistant more inexorable more obdurate more xenophobic more ungenerous more uncharitable more local more contracted more separated more secluded more sequestered more prejudicial more sectional more accepted more ethnocentric more purist more self-centered more self-centred more uninformed more middle-class more corn-fed more unbending more pastoral more unfashionable more bucolic more unpolished more invariant more unvarying more persistent more fixed more sustained more undeviating more commonplace more permanent more consistent more propertied more ordinary more materialistic more monolithic more predictable more Victorian more racist more nationalistic more sexist

Antonym de more paleoconservative

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