Sinônimo de more schoolmarmish


Comparative for excessively prim and proper
prissier primmer starchier stuffier stiffer mimsier narrower rigider severer squarer austerer stricter smugger uptighter sterner nicer staider fussier vainer choosier dapperer cleanlier politer straighter better sprucer finickier soberer seemlier stodgier snootier preachier posher fustier seriouser icier frigider earnester puffier fitter pickier comelier meeter better-mannered tougher more prudish more puritanical more Victorian more proper more priggish more formal more schoolmistressy more governessy more genteel more overnice more precious more strait-laced more niminy-piminy more old-maidish more tight-laced more po-faced more prim and proper more namby-pamby more moralistic more narrow-minded more puritan more conventional more bluenosed more straightlaced more nice-nelly more straitlaced more Pecksniffian more self-righteous more demure more sanctimonious more shockable more precise more fastidious more sententious more bigoted more overmodest more censorious more self-satisfied more moral more conservative more overscrupulous more old-fashioned more ascetic more pietistic more forbidding more fanatical more pedantic more virtuous more unctuous more PC more god-fearing more straight-laced more spartan more particular more complacent more pompous more hypocritical more conforming more abstinent more abstemious more politically correct more ceremonious more decorous more correct more meticulous more ceremonial more upright more wooden more snobbish more dignified more squeamish more rigorous more mincing more offish more stilted more artificial more scrupulous more illiberal more pretentious more affected more overexact more sedate more punctilious more respectable more decent more fogeyish more ladylike more reserved more solemn more mannered more ostentatious more pharisaical more stiff-necked more starched more egotistic more religiose more forced more judgemental more pietistical more high-hat more judgmental more impersonal more conformist more labored more laboured more unnatural more humourless more pharisaic more strained more patronising more condescending more patronizing more unrelaxed more self-important more supercilious more important more magisterial more arrogant more humorless more la-di-da more becoming more befitting more gentlemanly more refined more careful more suitable more mannerly more modest more fitting more exact more methodical more inflexible more uncompromising more honorable more orthodox more honourable more conscientious more persnickety more exacting more discriminating more courteous more done more stringent more mathematical more de rigueur more comme il faut more in line more nit-picky more scientific more fixed more choosey

Antonym de more schoolmarmish

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