Sinônimo de most Eeyorish


Superlative for having a somber or dismal atmosphere or nature
gloomiest saddest morosest mournfullest dolefulest glummest miserablest sombrest forlornest seriousest woefullest unhappiest wretchedest dourest dreariest blackest bleakest cloudiest coldest darkest direst drearest grayest greyest grimmest loneliest murkiest somberest sullenest lowest sorriest droopiest baddest gravest drabbest moodiest dimmest weariest ugliest surliest sulkiest broodiest harshest bitterest horridest austerest chilliest dampest abjectest dullest teariest mopiest weepiest pitifullest crummiest painfullest soberest flattest grumpiest barest starkest dingiest heaviest blandest draggiest wintriest winteriest earnestest uptightest antsiest sourest sorest angriest crossest guiltiest emptiest poorest huffiest sickest sluggishest lostest crabbiest jumpiest awfullest deadliest terriblest unluckiest gruesomest adversest deathliest most lugubrious most dismal most melancholy most cheerless most sorrowful most woebegone most funereal most melancholic most solemn most dejected most depressed most despondent most elegiac most saturnine most sepulchral most joyless most mirthless most chill most comfortless most depressing most depressive most desolate most disconsolate most dreich most elegiacal most godforsaken most lonesome most morbid most pessimistic most sunless most tenebrific most tenebrous most blue most dirgelike most dolorous most down in the dumps most down in the mouth most downcast most crestfallen most dispirited most hopeless most defeatist most disheartened most discouraged most heartbroken most inconsolable most heartsick most low-spirited most brokenhearted most heartsore most oppressed most downbeat most cynical most negative most disappointed most fatalistic most foreboding most subdued most chapfallen most worrying most dispiriting most troubled most disheartening most crabbed most mopish most oppressive most heavy-hearted most fed up most brassed off most cheesed off most unfortunate most suspicious most distrustful most unenthusiastic most distressed most desperate most grief-stricken most tearful most upset most anguished most spiritless most crushed most rueful most devastated most choked most afflicted most bummed out most dismayed most piteous most wistful most hurt most out of sorts most regretful most pained most distraught most cut up most bereaved most tristful most gutted most pathetic most tragic most lachrymose most heartrending most emotional most saddening most humorless most humourless most bearish most heartbreaking most pensive most distressing most plaintive most ripped most dysphoric most unwelcoming most grievous most aggrieved most listless most lamentable most broken most uncomfortable most displeased most calamitous most dolent most disillusioned most discontented most perturbed most bothered most drearisome most uninviting most doubtful most cowed most shattered most pitiable most helpless most inhospitable most dolesome most plangent most aching most harrowing most brooding most heart-rending most clinical most ruthful most deplorable most impersonal most low-down most jarring most institutional most hapless most worried most disgruntled most forsaken most abandoned most suicidal most enervated most concerned most anxious most dashed most defeated most shamefaced most disturbed most disconcerted most discombobulated most intimidated most abashed most bugged most lorn most sheepish most irked most angst-ridden most unsatisfied most unamused most sobersided most peed off most teed off most browned off most unconsolable most regrettable most long-suffering most unhopeful most po-faced most languid most languorous most stony-faced most apathetic most remorseful most mortified most annoyed most fraught most nostalgic most frantic most drained most doomed most emo most browbeaten most churlish most worthless most lovesick most furtive most maudlin most dirgeful most sedate most spineless most off most discontent most ill-humored most afflictive most dolorific most embarrassed most ashamed most depressant most luckless most troubling most affecting most taciturn most unfavorable most unfavourable most reflective most unconfident most unenthused most strained most beat most forgotten most ailing most dissatisfied most taken aback most uncared-for most bummed most powerless most uneasy most uncertain most frustrated most defenceless most alone most fruitless most defenseless most put off most miffed most agitated most discomposed most vexed most aghast most beaten most wrecked most flustered most discountenanced most plagued most aflutter most misanthropic most worsted most haunted most spooked most atrabilious most clouded most sagging most drooping most isolated most unglued most disastrous most dreadful most strung out most appalling most catastrophic most outcast most ruinous most cataclysmic most galling most moving most devastating most agonizing most estranged most withdrawn most unloved most distressful most disturbing most vexatious most horrendous most crushing most mortal most lethal most unwanted most unpopular most destructive most fateful most ill-starred most ill-fated most unbefriended most unsocial most uncherished

Antonym de most Eeyorish

Music ♫

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