Sinônimo de most addle brained


Superlative for foolish or stupid
foolishest stupidest daftest silliest thickest goofiest simplest dullest flakiest barmiest dumbest obtusest craziest battiest unwisest ignorantest dottiest balmiest dippiest whackiest loopiest dimmest pottiest daffiest densest slowest stolidest bluntest doziest dopiest dorkiest softest in the head softest nuttiest giddiest screwiest scattiest flightiest ditziest dizziest shallowest crassest sluggishest absurdest ditsiest yeastiest maddest frothiest zaniest flippest lightest fruitiest looniest kookiest wackiest crankiest perkiest most dopey most witless most halfwitted most thickheaded most dim-witted most simple-minded most idiotic most moronic most doltish most dull-witted most brainless most unintelligent most mindless most imbecilic most doolally most feeble-minded most senseless most nerdish most fatuous most simpleminded most inept most featherheaded most glaikit most gormless most feebleminded most tomfool most chowderheaded most bubbleheaded most dotish most crackpot most slow-witted most empty-headed most vacuous most vapid most imbecile most nitwitted most deficient most gullible most naive most oafish most opaque most unsmart most birdbrained most lamebrained most boneheaded most chuckleheaded most dunderheaded most cretinous most knuckleheaded most pinheaded most airheaded most softheaded most muttonheaded most thick-witted most bovine most slow on the uptake most inane most wooden most thick-skulled most unreasoning most blockheaded most unthinking most half-baked most vacant most thoughtless most blockish most scatterbrained most thick-headed most nuts most cracked most crackers most mental most cuckoo most lumpish most asinine most featherbrained most harebrained most uneducated most boorish most superficial most skittish most numskulled most frivolous most insensitive most retarded most uncomprehending most numbskulled most insensate most backward most cloddish most loggerheaded most clottish most fatheaded most impassive most torpid most lethargic most unintellectual most illiterate most nonsensical most unschooled most untaught most unreasonable most laughable most impolitic most risible most ridiculous most pointless most ill-advised most pea-brain most ill-considered most puerile most insane most unhinged most deranged most futile most lightheaded most flippant most touched most whimsical most irresponsible most childish most juvenile most facetious most moonstruck most meshugge most psychotic most wud most bughouse most haywire most bats most lunatic most unbalanced most gaga most maniacal most crackbrained most loco most demented most crazed most unsound most psycho most whacko most kookie most certifiable most meshuga most brainsick most wacko most light-minded most fried most looney tunes most loony tunes most off the wall

Antonym de most addle brained

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