Sinônimo de most anti democratic


Superlative for serving to repress or suppress
severest toughest harshest cruelest strictest rigidest meanest wilfullest pushiest lordliest unfairest supremest powerfullest high and mightiest cockiest haughtiest hardest sternest austerest roughest grimmest firmest unkindest stiffest fiercest heaviest proudest fullest extremest flintiest dourest ruggedest bitterest coldest intensest brusquest briskest narrowest gruffest direst steadfastest gravest smallest-minded completest stubbornest violentest thickest-skinned stoniest greediest bloodiest sourest most repressive most undemocratic most authoritarian most coercive most despotic most dictatorial most oppressive most tyrannical most autocratic most fascist most totalitarian most tyrannous most absolute most brutal most draconian most iron-fisted most suppressive most exploitive most forbidding most illiberal most restrictive most domineering most overbearing most high-handed most peremptory most autarchic most arbitrary most bossy most autocratical most tyrannic most authoritative most masterful most monocratic most overweening most magisterial most ruthless most arrogant most dogmatic most ironhanded most inflexible most absolutist most unlimited most demanding most commanding most heavy-handed most inhuman most fascistic most unjust most summary most merciless most doctrinaire most unyielding most uncontrolled most willful most dystopian most controlling most dominant most iron-handed most unaccountable most almighty most omnipotent most unconstitutional most unreasonable most relentless most pitiless most pushing most driving most czarlike most Neronian most overwhelming most crushing most punitive most exacting most hardhanded most officious most unrestrained most imposing most inexorable most exigent most pushful most inconsiderate most overpowering most Stalinist most monolithic most downright most totalistic most total most disciplinarian most nationalistic most xenophobic most nationalist most isolationist most chauvinist most jingoistic most corporatist most racist most Falangist most anti-Semitic most absolutistic most imperative most unbending most assertive most imperial most callous most rigorous most uncompromising most unmerciful most unfeeling most forceful most intolerant most insensitive most unsparing most unforgiving most pontifical most monarchical most unsympathetic most insistent most egotistic most murderous most savage most drastic most stringent most excessive most heartless most unrelenting most obstinate most unrestricted most obdurate most uncharitable most onerous most hardhearted most sovereign most pompous most unconditional most opinionated most insolent most bullish most confident most emphatic most inhumane most cocksure most abusive most categorical most sadistic most inclement most power-hungry most unequivocal most barbarous most unquestionable most definite most unpitying most cold-hearted most hard-boiled most affectless most stoney most self-important most implacable most cold-blooded most ironhearted most stonyhearted most stony-hearted most no-nonsense most bullheaded most hardened most stiff-necked most determined most intemperate most excruciating most burdensome most trying most grievous most self-willed most troubling most depressing most dogmatical most clamorous most self-assured most aggressive most stifling most masterly most assured most self-confident most inordinate most tactless most overproud most presumptuous most decisive most compulsory most mandatory most required most obligatory most compulsatory most supercilious most outrageous most extortionate most thoughtless most preponderant most ascendant most cavalier most disdainful most prevalent most abrupt most traditional most classical most customary most enforceable most conventional most binding most punishing most bungling most inept most undiplomatic most positive most overstrict most hostile most ironfisted most swingeing most preceptive most normative most didactic most accepted most compelling most finished most certain most fixed most decided most over the top most prescriptive most adamant most resolute most dyed-in-the-wool most mulish most disciplinary most dogged most ossified most immovable most single-minded most astringent most ascetical most intractable most formidable most pressing most hard-core most solid most hardheaded most ascetic most opinionative most unchallengeable most narrow-minded most strong-willed most formal most wrong-headed most one-sided most prejudiced most egotistical most bigoted most fanatical most tenacious most pigheaded most unqualified most unbounded most predominant most categoric most tormenting most brutish most truculent most maleficent most torturous most wolfish most barbaric most infinite most boundless most wholesale most peerless most unmitigated most soulless most insensate most pachydermatous most indurate most matchless most uncompassionate most unregenerate most indefatigable most sanguinary most avaricious most vindictive most unrepenting most uncontrite most critical most hard-shell

Antonym de most anti democratic

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