Sinônimo de most bodeful


Superlative for likely to lead to an adverse or bad outcome
doomiest darkest direst blackest gloomiest grimmest ugliest winteriest wintriest fearfullest unfriendliest unluckiest evillest adversest baddest heaviest nastiest scariest harmfullest unhappiest bleakest woefullest unhealthiest glummest morosest moodiest nearest closest creepiest eeriest deadliest spookiest wickedest perversest bitterest wretchedest awkwardest poorest spitefullest most ominous most baleful most inauspicious most menacing most minatory most portentous most sinister most threatening most direful most forbidding most foreboding most unpromising most unpropitious most fateful most ill most ill-boding most unfavorable most unfavourable most augural most baneful most clouded most dangerous most dismal most doomed most doomful most haunting most hostile most ill-fated most ill-omened most inhospitable most lowering most malefic most malign most perilous most prescient most sinistrous most suggestive most worrying most unfortunate most intimidatory most alarming most frightening most brooding most infelicitous most disturbing most thunderous most intimidating most malignant most pernicious most malevolent most injurious most inopportune most disadvantageous most untimely most hurtful most disheartening most loury most deleterious most mischievous most poisonous most ill-starred most disastrous most ruinous most calamitous most terrifying most fearsome most untoward most unwholesome most pessimistic most significant most momentous most comminatory most troubled most crucial most predictive most important most prognosticatory most aggressive most forthcoming most impendent most lowery most imminent most unchancy most disquieting most thrilling most exhilarating most remarkable most extraordinary most inspiring most phenomenal most exciting most intriguing most noxious most eldritch most vindictive most venomous most minatorial most regrettable most antagonistic most lamentable most blackhearted most dishonest most obnoxious most malicious most acrimonious most luckless most cursed most hopeless most deplorable most hapless most unprosperous most forsaken most afflicted most nocuous most maleficent most damaging most detrimental most prejudicial most vitriolic most virulent


Superlative for causing fear or terror
unfriendliest scariest severest direst dreadest fearfullest ghastliest grimmest horriblest spookiest terriblest creepiest bleakest darkest gloomiest ugliest unpleasantest awfullest woefullest extremest cruelest gravest seriousest horridest miserablest wretchedest lousiest fiercest most forbidding most frightening most threatening most ominous most daunting most hostile most menacing most sinister most fearsome most disturbing most foreboding most brooding most chilling most direful most disquieting most uninviting most unwelcoming most alarming most dreadful most formidable most frightful most hair-raising most horrendous most horrifying most inauspicious most intimidating most redoubtable most spine-chilling most terrifying most unpromising most baleful most dangerous most depressing most dismal most ferocious most inhospitable most life-threatening most odious most offensive most perilous most repulsive most appalling most imposing most awesome most overpowering most awe-inspiring most disastrous most ruinous most desperate most catastrophic most cataclysmic most critical most calamitous most pressing most crucial most urgent most unspeakable most grievous most distressing most atrocious most harrowing most outrageous most drastic most devastating most godawful most irretrievable most hopeless most crippling most portentous most exigent most chronic most abysmal most parlous most lamentable most regrettable most deplorable most heartbreaking most unfortunate most terrific most afflictive


Superlative for serving to caution or warn

Antonym de most bodeful

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