Sinônimo de most irreformable


Superlative for that cannot be reformed
lostest gravest seriousest severest deadliest saddest baddest completest firmest staunchest steadfastest loyalest arrantest truest deepest devoutest earnestest stubbornest supremest torridest staidest most hopeless most irrecoverable most irretrievable most irreparable most uncorrectable most impossible most cureless most inveterate most unsalvageable most uncurable most unfixable most unalterable most final most permanent most helpless most ill-fated most unrepairable most unwavering most unshakeable most fruitless most lasting most mortal most absolute most chronic most habitual most hardened most persistent most unapologetic most diehard most unreformable most uncontrite most addicted most unreformed most intractable most recidivous most dyed-in-the-wool most hard-core most established most thorough most thoroughgoing most committed most dedicated most faithful most devoted most unswerving most unfaltering most fixed most uncompromising most bred-in-the-bone most ingrained most well-established most deep-seated most traditional most unreconstructed most undying most irrepressible most genuine most unchanging most old-fashioned most seasoned most rooted most settled most resolute most set most indelible most fervent most wholehearted most ardent most enduring most unyielding most stalwart most vehement most fanatical most intransigent most unshakable most compulsive most fiery most inexorable most zealous most obsessive most obstinate most explicit most accustomed most definite most red-hot most deep-set most hard-shell

Antonym de most irreformable

Music ♫

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