Sinônimo de not know where to put yourself


Feeling or showing embarrassment
embarrassed ashamed uncomfortable abashed awkward humiliated shamed humbled sheepish blushing flustered shamefaced shy demeaned discomfited disconcerted discountenanced thrown uneasy unsettled discomposed chastened discredited dishonored dishonoured nervous self-conscious red-faced ill at ease put out of countenance shown-up caught with egg on your face wishing the earth would swallow one up with egg on one's face mortified disgraced edgy tense degraded troubled anxious strained bashful apprehensive restless upset disquieted guilty distressed unrelaxed chagrined shown up worried disturbed jittery nervy antsy uptight perturbed on edge insecure timid debased hesitant sorry remorseful contrite retiring like a fish out of water regretful out of place hangdog flushed unsure repentant penitent rueful conscience-stricken crestfallen fidgety unquiet guilt-ridden twitchy compunctious jumpy bothered humble vexed modest in sackcloth and ashes unnatural stiff inhibited gauche cheap restive uncertain shrinking fraught stilted afraid apologetic on tenterhooks fazed discombobulated reserved hinky goosey dithery atwitter queasy queazy aflutter keyed up agitated hung up het up suspicious fearful stressy fretful tormented with one's tail between one's legs shaken perplexed in turmoil in disgrace difficult hot and bothered sweating constrained coy abased cheapened disorientated stigmatized introverted reddening flushing withdrawn disoriented bewildered diffident strange high-strung lost unconfident discomforted stigmatised turning red blushful timorous mannered artificial ill-at-ease affected aw-shucks put to shame wired lacking social skills tongue-tied overwrought impatient alarmed put down out of countenance unrestful made to eat humble pie unsure of yourself irritable dismayed palpitant anguished wrung harassed peevish irascible shaky faltering all nerves on the qui vive on pins and needles distrustful insignificant diminished doubtful chastised castigated stupid whipped derided condemned belittled disparaged shunned crushed scorned inferior fallen tarred and feathered foolish disdained low deflated small reviled mocked reluctant loath unwilling disinclined prudish meek deterred submissive restrained stammering stuttering distraught muddled rattled slow indisposed scared averse blush to think of angry annoyed galled chafed

Antonym de not know where to put yourself

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Copyright: Proverb ©

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