Sinônimo de rug pull


To gain an advantage or profit by using unfair or deceitful methods
scam cheat con trick swindle fiddle rip off dupe deceive defraud bamboozle hoodwink sucker mislead bilk cozen fool stiff gaff take for a ride hoax fleece flimflam delude diddle shaft gull victimize sting snooker rook double-cross pull a fast one on victimise screw beguile burn finagle hose mulct do put one over on euchre string along hornswoggle bluff chisel take in hustle shortchange pull a swifty on have snow humbug bleed chouse skin buffalo pluck juggle short misguide stick misinform suck in take to the cleaners beat gammon spoof squeeze take advantage of catch sandbag fake out bunco skunk ream shake down thimblerig nobble have on betray do in kid lead up the garden path exploit outwit swizzle chicane pull the wool over someone's eyes sharp milk do a number on inveigle lead on entrap sell a pup to illude pull a fast one rope in embezzle pull one's leg jive sell manipulate fudge take double-deal rob ensnare outfox gazump clip gouge give someone a bum steer set up caboodle disinform jockey bait swizz shuck befool goldbrick outmanoeuvre overreach impose on steal screw over lie to outmaneuver fake sell a pup jerk around stitch up do the dirty on sell down the river put on run a game on lead down the garden path misdirect misstate prevaricate play misrepresent seduce wheedle pervert rush overcharge finesse trap mousetrap cross take to cleaners wangle lead astray trim distort short-change sell a bill of goods to circumvent frame play for a sucker pull fast one throw dust in someone's eyes lead up garden path play trick on do out of double deal sell a bill of goods dodge duck weasel cop out worm one's way out of slip out beat around the bush pull something funny stack the cards stretch the rules hit below the belt bend the rules pilfer welsh play dirty soak plunder despoil sham blag extort bilk of gip bleed dry cajole lure coax butty be sold a pup juke throw do number on get the better of pull someone's leg make a sucker of fox lull sucker into do someone in the eye wind up play for a fool pull wool over hocus-pocus catch out make a fool of play-act play a trick on psych out play a jest on play a prank on play a joke on murphy hook falsify disappoint cuckold sweet-talk play a practical joke on play games with play joke on beat out of play away cross up step out take for a fool hand a line take for ride doublespeak lie contrive sway two-time propagandize bunk fabricate impress entangle enmesh propagandise bias cover up double-talk gaslight give wrong information to send on a wild goose chase throw off the scent put on the wrong track put on an act wrong steer put up smoke screen put on false front bait and switch give the wrong impression fail backstab baffle pull let down break faith with four-flush sell out be disloyal to split play someone false be unfaithful to stab in the back pull wires play games twist around your little finger stage-manage pull strings hack machinate maneuver manoeuvre rig affect engineer influence doctor mastermind cook interfere with fiddle with find a loophole in tinker with fudge with exploit a loophole in game tamper with lirt blench rogue belirt crib fast talk take out give bum steer break the rules give the shaft outsmart outthink confuse outplay outjockey outslick steal a march on outdo tempt entice out-think bewilder outgeneral be cleverer than run rings round make rings round allure decoy defeat top outguess cap persuade goose worst jip end run figure out trip up wrong-foot draw fix thwart induce expose attack charm solicit prey on use unsettle disconcert trip lead drag rope perjure equivocate be unfaithful draw in forswear go back on be economical with the truth be disloyal break promise bear false witness commit perjury stretch the truth corrupt lead off balk deprive do someone dirty deke attract slip something over on stump pigeon pull in outperform outflank heist filch frustrate ruin foil molest put one over flam baulk rip-off dally trifle toy wanton put someone up to something intimidate harass hound go one better than massage poke borack toy with trifle with dally with play with lie under oath swear falsely discover make use of forge doublecross play fast and loose with terrorize blackmail pick on give the runaround send on a wild-goose chase gerrymander arrange desert implicate make a monkey of make a monkey out of make somebody look an idiot involve ingratiate pressure press pool turn traitor commit treason pimp on find out play Judas trump up arrange fraudulently mock up incriminate terrorise embroil embrangle mistreat abuse broil be dishonest mire talk into engage captivate fit up best lay a trap for invite mess around beckon steer train fib discomfit discountenance win over turn on get dissimulate come on exaggerate throw off throw off balance put someone off their stride catch on the hop pretend dissemble misspeak palter bull overdraw misinstruct BS not speak the truth make up a story tell stories invent a story lie through one's teeth be untruthful make believe tell a lie lack candor put up a front forswear oneself say something untrue tell an untruth not tell the truth fake it tell a falsehood tell a white lie perjure oneself tell untruths tell a terminological inexactitude concoct a story be forsworn depart from the truth


A fraudulent deal
scam fraud swindle con flimflam hustle racket bunco trick bunko diddle fiddle kite ramp shakedown sting twist boondoggle fraudulent scheme grift rort blackmail cheat cheating con trick deceit deception dodge double-cross double-dealing extortion hoax hosing rip-off sham shell game confidence trick con game crooked deal dirty pool fast one shady deal snow job sucker game ruse wile artifice scheme subterfuge stratagem ploy manoeuvre imposture maneuver contrivance device machination trickery game plot pretence shift wheeze pretense fast shuffle gambit gimmick feint put-on sleight fastie blind spoof fake tactic canard confidence game fetch fix stunt bluff whitewash set-up sell humbug chicanery lurk dirty trick conspiracy jig intrigue shenanigan flanker expedient plan skin game play setup dishonesty knack juggle schlenter craft hanky-panky imposition misrepresentation sharp practice jive bill of goods move bunco game dirty work strategy chicane rig leg-pull design duplicity method corruption bit of sharp practice shenanigans wrong swizz bamboozlement swizzle crime game plan trap secret plan graft sweet talk Ponzi boiler room bait-and-switch swindling falseness kidology codology cunning Trojan horse machinations frame-up tactics hocus-pocus song and dance angle programme program blueprint smoke and mirrors recreancy plant frame jazz baloney master plan plan of action course of action ground plan line of action pretext cozening hoaxing prank ripoff duping exploitation illusion lie cover up run around wangle falsity snare smokescreen infidelity embezzlement fraudulence decoy faithlessness joke perfidiousness hokum mare's nest dupe stealing quackery cabal project perfidy guile legerdemain skulduggery brainchild funny business treachery enterprise venture skullduggery craftiness jugglery gold brick switch sellout sleight of hand artfulness slyness piece of deception gamesmanship arrangement cunning plan booby trap action covin con job scheming jiggery-pokery dissimulation disaffection the business treacherousness soft soap bait and switch put-up job monkey business dirty dealing stab in the back brigand charade victimisation victimization masquerade pretension roguery knavery evasion mockery charlatanry fakery caper overcharging thimblerigging thimblerig rip loophole ambush jest take-in invention falsehood cover delusion distortion unfaithfulness disloyalty inconstancy double cross jape practical joke system daylight robbery bad deal scenario insincerity bad buy manoeuvring curveball sanctimoniousness crocodile tears maneuvering posturing conning flattery way subversion squeeze lay theft illegality lawlessness beguilement monkeyshines lure little game horseplay slant allurement red herring oldest trick in the book hypocrisy push lying crafty designs road map grand design means cant draft practice draught idea Tartufferie deceptiveness secret scheme phoneyness deviousness illegal scheme illegal enterprise criminal activity wiles sophistry betrayal lies propaganda soft sell treason struggle agenda underhandedness illicit scheme empty talk hypocritical talk hypocritical behaviour management dupery fourberie tricks connivance complicity two-timing stall catch forgery imitation bilk ride shuck reproduction counterfeit copy cover-up secret understanding number bull story line mock-up dummy phoney knowledge agreement involvement consent approval plotting skunk guiltiness guilt collaboration cahoots flam diddling barratry monkeyshine hoodwinking criminality string villainy lookalike likeness phony foul play collusion bad deed dirty deeds pinchbeck knock-off pirate hoky-poky cruel act fraudulent artifice fradulent artifice snake oil wooden nickel pseudo four-flusher junque simulation fabrication replica make-believe elaborate explanation measure facade façade front act step show disguise instrument camouflage mask guise cloak medium semblance finesse pose course bait airs playacting agency resort recourse false front resource expediency veil stopgap entrapment refuge enticement temptation path feigning parody faking road distraction false show seducement mode instrumentality travesty inveiglement aid come-on smoke screen tack veneer appearance policy sport makeshift fit-up manipulation secret display escapade substitute operation demarche shuffle screen tool schtick inducement pitfall hook avenue falsification apparatus technique routine carrot vehicle process posing mechanism garb acting shuffling ostentation posture image snivel impression channel manner false pretense procedure false appearance dumb act route outward appearance fashion organ ministry agent intermediary auspices factor play-acting instrumentation ways and means modus operandi stepping-stone drawing card approach equivocation kicker antic feat innovation coinage concoction creation wrinkle winning move option proposition cunningness improvisation hidden danger loss-leader shtick duck formation clever move plans farce pantomime possibility alternative promotion fun concern publicity device eye-catching novelty fixture snow jiving planning set of tactics toils deed bit scene mock attack trumped-up charge false charge phoniness dissembling gin mere show attraction movement initiative false colors contraption appliance burlesque fiction smoke dragnet snag pretentiousness simulacrum pageant mimicry ensnarement motion one-upmanship shifting paraphernalia machinery equipment organisation measures power organization impersonation mummery draw deviation disturbance distractor commotion diversion interruption costume personation color colour revel masking false display solution complot confederacy proceeding attempt progress effort incentive attention-grabber booster stoolie blow off sitting duck stick beard nark stool pigeon shill league curve ball false face false clue fool's errand false trail wild-goose chase diversionary tactic misleading clue sedition hookup countermine counterplot sweetener bribe magnet golden circle invitation call interest -gate mousetrap siren song turn-on

Antonym de rug pull

Music ♫

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