Sinônimo de snoozer


One who snoozes
drag bore nudnik snooze nudnick drip yawner dullsville droner yawn tiresome person bother pain hassle annoyance nonevent trial bind mind-numbing experience pain in the neck waste of time tiresome thing tedious person tedious thing dullard snoozefest snorefest snore yawnfest boring event boring person boring thing nag nuisance pest headache vexation burden trouble nark pill blighter blister pain in the bum source of annoyance fair cow pain in the backside hang-up boring situation bad situation pain in the rear irritant inconvenience aggravation peeve bugbear problem botheration irritation irk ruffle exasperation thorn frustration worry plague rub source of irritation difficulty hair shirt aggro tribulation skelf thorn in the flesh menace tease strain nyaff bane gall grief distress worriment rigmarole palaver infliction thorn in one's side source of vexation bane of one's life pressure teaser embarrassment gadfly annoyer torment persecutor gnawer concern scourge pinprick nudge besetment curse blight provocation creep source of difficulty bummer discomfort source of aggravation burr under someone's saddle burr in someone's saddle bug goad schmo pet peeve source of trouble nightmare displeasure agitation downer louse offense offence pesterer obstacle frump botherment bum insect terror pester chagrin upset disruption sore point stressor gripe hindrance thorn in your side cause of annoyance fizzle inopportuneness pain in the behind poor excuse old one-two bitter pill cuss demand encumbrance source of disruption uphill battle cross to bear charge intrusion onus load encroachment restraint imposure constraint obtrusion imposition anxiety uphill molestation perplexity job flurry bellyache thorny problem

Antonym de snoozer

snoozer Idioma

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