Sinônimo de to go into details


To confess to be true
admit confess acknowledge profess reveal concede divulge agree declare disclose accede accept own affirm allow expose recognise recognize assent grant realise realize appreciate avow confirm leak sing spill acquiesce bare communicate concur confide indicate narrate proclaim state talk tell uncover unveil yield come clean let on open up make known own up blurt out fess up own up to spill the beans about tell all about bring to light give away let out make a clean breast spill your guts squeal about get something off one's chest make public blow the lid off bring into the open cop to cough up blow the gaff on come out of the closet make a clean breast of 'fess up announce impart say broadcast discover blab utter betray assert pass on aver express publish purport maintain allege report come out with claim tell all cough asseverate relate let slip avouch unbosom suggest mouth tell the truth go public with let on about spill the beans contend unmask protest let drop convey publicize publicise pass unfold blow the gaff vouchsafe let the cat out of the bag about insist release swear uncloak warrant attest lay bare air pronounce go along with bring out promulgate hint vent argue lay down inform make out talk about spill your guts about blow wide open let the cat out of the bag put forward blurt intimate guarantee deliver certify speak mention articulate admit guilt hold be conscious of take on board be aware of disseminate out vow enunciate accept blame accept responsibility plead guilty verbalize testify cite voice circulate present depose vouch explain relay phrase imply exhibit opine recount come out stress advertise advertize bring out into the open make a clean breast of it repeat verbalise see render perceive put into words get across spell out get off your chest put across cognize know accord babble throw out unburden register note whisper vocalize let fall post spread attest to insinuate squeal snitch word evince chirp make a clean breast of things propose get off chest specify spout predicate be completely honest break denote spiel notify sound give outline discuss mutter detail propound advance frame cry shout give out intone emphasize display advocate address clarify come clean about modulate vocalise emphasise asservate put give the game away summarise summarize translate reassert allegate reaffirm take the lid off give utterance to swear on bible make clean breast let cat out of the bag set forth speak out bring forward swear up and down give testimony get off speak about pop off give voice to bear witness admit as true cede support chime in lay open suppose transmit vouch for verify cop disburden stipulate witness move describe unfurl overshare open represent confess to admit to unburden oneself validate burst out with slip record open one's mouth transfuse conduct transfer spring tattle bewray gossip trickle transpire spill all confide in cross one's heart acknowledge that get out instruct teach go public tip off debunk undress nail be conscious that be aware that let hair down blow the whistle allow to be valid show up put it on record make it known tell the truth about carry the can blow the whistle on unclothe show unearth raise ventilate table fold ditto compromise waive award annunciate moot broach couch submit cooperate with bow to agree to approve of concur with accede to acquiesce in debate defer to expound blare herald look trumpet import designate formulate incriminate oneself admit to one's crimes put your hand up to something acknowledge information confess all admit to one's sins implicate oneself admit to one's actions connote inflect bespeak blazon intonate cry uncle yes one say uncle cave in take an oath be wise to understand yell clothe roar sympathize cop a plea give utterance put over get over give expression point out talk of pour out put in words go into give expression to shout from the rooftops testify to give vent to play ball with bury the hatchet come out of closet go public on discern apprehend comprehend engage give the show away dish the dirt throw in the towel go with the flow subscribe to grasp conceive fess break the news bring to public attention bring to public notice bring out into open put cards on table get out of system give the low-down take the wraps off sense assimilate sympathise be united prove be as one be in sympathy savvy manifest be as one man be down with soapbox stump croon constate respect compass catch seize get intuit behold weasel unbosom oneself fink unload finger blow exclaim grok decipher dig decode twig dump on sound off tip hand clue in humble oneself level with rat on spit out fess up to be of the same mind see eye to eye be of the same opinion press recite remark talk big cross heart say so get something off your chest open one's heart tumble to make clean breast of act as if get on soapbox blow hot air offer plead chatter enounce orate mumble breathe be cognizant of cotton to catch on to quote retell signal perorate rehearse yammer pipe read soliloquize drawl jaw yak regurgitate lip gab gas murmur declaim buzz put forth reel off make clear sound out pipe up with cotton on to self-declare self-disclose self-respond self-report self-divulge unload on spill to crack to open your heart lay it on let in on share a confidence lay the gaff bend an ear elucidate demonstrate flash put out placard blaze delineate give an account of chronicle enlighten issue unriddle demystify explicate clear up illuminate unravel set out share distribute produce illustrate portray resolve interpret depict chart advise simplify market signify crack catch out pitch construe define apprise drum splash itemize acquaint enumerate give notice of smoke out itemise sort out solve promote shed light on hype plug document provide details tout put on the table puff bill peddle propagandize ballyhoo list spruik push endorse flog flaunt sell boost paint flack characterize spin propagandise catalogue sponsor fill in brief retail spot huckster circularize particularize figure out dope out characterise untangle merchandise spread around analyse analyze circularise catalog hard sell break down throw light on particularise hype up put on the map bang the drum for get to the bottom of give publicity to cast light on give insight straighten out give a plug to give insight into give a puff to call attention to get off one's chest lay out beat the drum for highlight elaborate preconize find out tweet work out settle spotlight keep posted purvey give details of wire cable write tell of give notice give the facts noise abroad picture print praise trail trailer suss write up blazon abroad answer make obvious educate defog puzzle out blurb alert clear illumine make plain go into detail name account for suss out tell on wise up run with get on soapbox for shed light give the details of spread abroad make a pitch clear the air comment on run through put in plain English build up make head or tail of out with it run over soft sell beat the drum crack up flesh out shout out let it be known trust entrust pinpoint propagate give up ferret out ejaculate unshroud celebrate let something slip introduce put the spotlight on lay something bare open up on flourish renown splatter establish jabber hand on feed gazette boast inscribe unjumble declare one's preferences unroll bring into view cue telephone radio debrief have printed to make clear blow something wide open burst out call out let the cat ouf of the bag utter suddenly run off at the mouth cry out put in print ring up get through hold up to view spill one's guts let somebody in on crystallize crystallise crack wide open decrypt descant expatiate discourse voice-over cover launch evoke edify package explicitize tip one's hand sketch out send word let know pass out expose information let it all hang out package as conjure up put in circulation bruit about send out bruit abroad churn out explicitise charge familiarize allude to touch on remark on refer to bring up give a account of inform of advise of give a description of paint a word picture of provide details of paint in words give the facts on give a rundown of recap give details on adumbrate have one's say hold forth tell a story give a report of paraphrase rationalize headline billboard immortalise skywrite immortalize extol soft-sell press-agent draw a picture of clear the air about make simple get something straight make perfectly clear rationalise reword be an indication of sketch familiarise level verse weave bring word communicate information give details bring word on tabulate deduce gloss rephrase brandish numerate catch up give an account put in the picture make explicit denude nake play up grass fathom cipher make sense of cypher encipher spell sling track leave word put before give facts call upon shop circumstantiate identify epitomize embellish recapitulate instance penetrate work convert find the key find the answer to find the key to trot out spill the beans on pull the plug on offer for sale spit it out give evidence of be evidence of epitomise individuate individualize individualise specialise squeak break a story spin a yarn give the word lay it on the line run down clue one in let one's hair down shoot the breeze make manifest make a pitch for restate recast draw up get down to brass tacks fly speck quote chapter and verse be specific about specialize report on sweat details tick off put on view let cat out of bag rat dish make available riddle out put on the market put on sale reveal all speak up find an answer to get straight split on tell the facts give it up reveal information grass on divulge information metaphrase transpose issue a statement about call blast do into state in layman's language champion popularize read out recommend back encourage supply pass the word posit run off at mouth shout something from the rooftops aggrandize annotate disentangle paint a picture unscramble diagram make intelligible express in words spell it out set the scene put in plain words guide give an explanation of traffic in campaign for set down get behind deal in popularise cry up puff up talk up

Antonym de to go into details

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