Sinônimo de wends one's way


To go or travel somewhere in a slow or leisurely way
goes slowly crawls creeps meanders pootles tootles drives slowly wanders rambles roves maunders drifts strolls treads trudges strides marches tramps hikes treks traipses ambles advances saunters goes steps promenades moves plods troops footslogs patrols roams paces perambulates prowls toddles proceeds ambulates moseys pads yomps steps out parades scuffs tours prances canters slogs makes your way stumps knocks about races struts files shuffles plods on lumbers takes the air locomotes shambles traverses hits the road walks stretches your legs takes a turn stalks mooches gallivants stravaigs bimbles cruises dawdles floats peregrinates galavants ranges straggles strays bats gads putters gads about kicks around swans potters jaunts vagabonds loiters tromps coasts circumambulates takes a walk rolls knocks around goes for a walk goes walkabout streels sashays hopscotches circumnutates globe-trots mills around follows one's nose mills round mills about walks the tracks mooches around walks slowly bums percolates ankles mopes lingers dallies gets some air gets some exercise bums around trails circumlocutes extravagates loiters along divagates idles wanders about backpacks zigzags winds goes aimlessly wanders aimlessly goes off at a tangent gets sidetracked moves aimlessly gets off the point clambers stooges bats around trills tarries oozes moves at a snail's pace swings trolls hoofs takes a stroll goes for a stroll gallops goes for a constitutional makes one's way pounds crosses trots pokes along foots it boogies ganders walks up and down marches up and down walks to and fro walks back and forth walks casually hoofs it travels journeys treks through struggles along

Antonym de wends one's way

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