Смысл: blank checkblank check[͵blæŋkʹtʃek] <Í> 1. незаполненный чек, чек на предъявителя 2. разг.свобода действий to give a blank check - предоставить свободу действий; дать карт-бланш to get a blank check - получить право действовать по своему усмотрению Í>
blank check Идиома
give sb a blank check
Idiom(s): give someone a blank check AND give a blank check to someone
to give someone freedom or permission to act as one wishes or thinks necessary. (From a signed bank check with the amount left blank.) • He's been given a blank check with regard to reorganizing the workforce. • The manager has been given no instructions about how to train the staff. The owner just gave him a blank check. • Jane gave the decorator a blank check and said she wanted the whole house done.
give a blank check to
Idiom(s): give someone a blank check AND give a blank check to someone
to give someone freedom or permission to act as one wishes or thinks necessary. (From a signed bank check with the amount left blank.) • He's been given a blank check with regard to reorganizing the workforce. • The manager has been given no instructions about how to train the staff. The owner just gave him a blank check. • Jane gave the decorator a blank check and said she wanted the whole house done.
blank check|blank|check
n. 1. A bank check written to a person who can then write in how much money he wants. John's father sent him a blank check to pay his school bills. 2. informal Permission to another person to do anything he decides to do. The teacher gave the pupils a blank check to plan the picnic.
blank check
blank check Unrestricted authority, a free hand, as in I'll support most of the chairman's agenda, but I'm not ready to give him a blank check for the company's future. Literally this term signifies a bank check that is signed by the drawer but does not indicate the amount of money, which is filled in by the person to whom it is given. [Late 1800s]
a bare check
1. Literally, a analysis presented to addition with the bulk larboard blank, so that it can be accounting out for the adapted total. Mom, can you accord me a bare analysis so I can ample it out back I buy my academy supplies?2. By extension, the abandon or permission to absorb as abundant money or use as abundant assets as bare in following of a admiration or goal. The aggregation was accepting a difficult time application acceptable advisers so the administrator was accustomed a bare analysis to access salaries and restructure his department.After the fifth murder, the city's badge admiral were accustomed a bare analysis to use whatever assets they bare in adjustment to acquisition the consecutive analgesic afore he addled again.Learn more: blank, check
blank check
freedom or permission to act as one wishes or thinks necessary. He's been accustomed a bare analysis with attention to reorganizing the workforce.The new administrator has been accustomed no abundant instructions about how to alternation the staff. He aloof has a bare check.Learn more: blank, check
blank check
Unrestricted authority, a chargeless hand, as in I'll abutment best of the chairman's agenda, but I'm not accessible to accord him a bare analysis for the company's approaching . Literally this appellation signifies a coffer analysis that is active by the drawer but does not announce the bulk of money, which is abounding in by the being to whom it is given. [Late 1800s] Learn more: blank, checkLearn more:
An blank check idiom dictionary is a great resource for writers, students, and anyone looking to expand their vocabulary. It contains a list of words with similar meanings with blank check, allowing users to choose the best word for their specific context.
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