Синоним act of cruelty


(count noun) Something which prevents a being from experiencing happiness or good in their lives, or inflicting harm
evil harm pain hurt misery sorrow suffering trauma trouble disaster detriment destruction loss misfortune catastrophe calamity affliction brutality cruelty horror mischief woe ruin evildoing hardship ills injury adversity damage problem mishap distress mischance trial misadventure grief worry unpleasantness tragedy anguish grievance strain tribulation malice knock ill bad luck ill luck torment hassle shock wrong difficulty setback heartache disability issue upset torture burden accident blow travails bummer tough luck dire straits bad break anxiety agony impairment disquiet annoyance irritation vexation sadness unhappiness agitation disfigurement wounding incapacity disablement disturbance pangs struggle failure hangover aftereffect disadvantage scar effect legacy debacle infelicity inconvenience commotion mishappening cataclysm bother tumult hitch snag bad news offense offence ill-treatment disservice prejudice travail persecution boo-boo straits rotten luck hot water disbenefit hard luck reverse wretchedness heartbreak reversal crisis cross hell hardness asperity rigor buffet vicissitude danger jam drag stress contretemps dolour crunch stroke of bad luck pain in the bum kiss of death harsh conditions ill-luck pain in the backside clutch downer hard knocks poison nakba tough situation hell on earth deep water jinx pain in the rear evil eye the worst ill fortune reversal of fortune can of worms rigour trials and tribulations ill-fortune pain in the neck hurting stroke of ill luck skids hard times


An extremely wicked or cruel act, typically one involving physical violence or injury
atrocity enormity monstrosity horror outrage crime cruelty wrong abomination offence obscenity wrongdoing evil iniquity transgression affront atrociousness badness brutality depravedness depravity diabolicalness evilness heinousness hideousness injury sinfulness vileness violation wickedness abuse barbarity injustice malfeasance scandal tort villainy act of barbarity act of brutality act of savagery act of wickedness infamy killing massacre murder offense ruthlessness violence act of violence disgrace inhumanity personality barbarism misdoing evildoing mischief sacrilege profanation desecration inhumane act immorality sin turpitude outrageousness vice grossness egregiousness flagrantness flagrance viciousness flagrancy glaringness rankness baseness monstrousness corruption degeneracy dreadfulness nefariousness brazenness perversion awfulness bad blatancy obviousness frightfulness ghastliness gruesomeness ungodliness horridness grisliness repulsiveness misdeed shamefulness profanity impiety impurity devilishness devilry pervertedness malignity evil-doing grievance disservice ill curse infringement degradation torment boldness noticeableness iniquitousness malevolence shadiness impropriety crookedness indecency freak unjust act savagery bane shame grievousness mutant mercilessness monster abnormality unscrupulousness decadence wantonness miscreation mutation unjustness anomaly inequity abortion unfairness debauchery malformation deformity trespass unholiness godlessness delinquency dissolution dissipation dishonesty error corruptness profligacy degeneration peccability infraction peccancy miscarriage sacrilegiousness maleficence freak of nature unrighteousness deviltry damage insult diablerie oppression darkness raw deal lusus naturae malefaction foul play lubricity looseness vulgarity seriousness foulness rottenness naughtiness fearfulness sunfulness assault ugliness nastiness blackness cruelness heartlessness savageness pity anathema bestiality brutalism coarseness insolence barbarousness plague bugbear odium irreligiousness irreverence horribleness deviant immoral act hell bête noire despicability contemptibility lowness impiousness blasphemy oddity shamelessness ostentation indignity eyesore bother nuisance aberration double-dealing roguery criminality knavery rascality evil action curiosity massiveness size bigness greatness enormousness immensity bulk vastness tremendousness hugeness magnitude dissoluteness scurrilousness decay fiendishness scurrility diabolism squalor balefulness lawbreaking misconduct lawlessness venality villainousness ill-treatment public display libertinism libertinage Frankenstein irregularity lechery demoralization debasement dissipatedness rakishness lasciviousness degenerateness decadency abjection licentiousness lewdness treachery scoundrelism bad deed peccadillo bastardization unlawful act bad act illegal act bad action demoralisation flagitiousness hurt discourtesy bias misdemeanour harm mistake slight misdemeanor slander prejudice persecution spite imposition libel blunder faux pas improbity ogre abnormity teratism hellishness loathsomeness malpractice shaft breach freakishness grotesqueness maltreatment suppression railroad tyranny repression dirty deal

Антонимом act of cruelty

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