Синоним acting devices


The plans and methods used to achieve a particular short-term aim
tactics method approach system way strategy plan procedure technique scheme methodology manner means tack style policy recipe stratagem course fashion manoeuvre maneuver line ploy form move trick device how channels planning disposition campaigning generalship manoeuvres campaign manoeuvring maneuvering maneuvers red tape plan of attack methods ploys ways hows campaigns systems maneuverings generalships manners lines recipes courses tricks approaches schemes dispositions tacks campaignings plans moves styles stratagems manoeuvrings process practice routine course of action modus operandi programme program operation formula tactic mechanism mode route line of action line of attack regimen path blueprint proceeding game plan arrangement design master plan road direction measures action steps protocol angle custom step drill modus plot plan of action road map grand design MO the book medium agency avenue rules attack measure framework setup agenda conduct option theory exercise transaction tenor workflow artifice alternative series of steps method of working set of procedures ground plan how-to standard operating procedure nuts and bolts systematic process the numbers variation model shift set activity stages channel undertaking machination scenario contrivance point of view practise game mind-set choice ruse modality rubric schema praxis behaviour possibility wrinkle instrumentation vein treatment formation project layout enterprise vehicle mode of behaviour behavior workings racket mode of conduct regularity ways and means touch pattern structure fixed order set of principles logical order set of channels logical process frame of reference orderly process set of guidelines agendum performance set of tactics SOP


The necessary items for a particular purpose
equipment apparatus stuff tackle gear kit paraphernalia supplies accoutrements baggage rig tools appurtenances equipage gadgetry implements instruments material materiel outfit stock amenities hardware provisions resources accouterments appliances articles fittings furnishings furniture gadgets impedimenta materials regalia things trappings utensils accessories accompaniments attachments belongings clobber contraptions contrivances facilities fixtures gubbins habiliments machinery miscellaneous provisioning setup shebang store traps armamentarium bits and bobs bits and pieces odds and ends box of tricks kit and kaboodle odds and sods machines gizmos apparatuses mechanism gimmicks widgets doodads doohickeys thingamabobs whatchamacallits thingamajigs jiggers invention kits convenience aid mod cons doodahs rigs gismos whatsits waldos agents outfits engines means black boxes whatsises doobries dinguses doojiggers systems plants agency setups media gimcracks construction structure whatnots thingos units bitzers objects thingummies fitments ware harness armory armoury mechanics motors weapons wherewithal vehicles enginery technology accouterment accoutrement collection furnishing works dingbats materiels iron fandangos whatsitsnames hickeys whatshumacallits thingies novelties components installation features attachment soldering irons appendages fitting clockwork creation makeshifts riggings creature comforts niceties comfort help accommodation luxury divine intervention dei ex machina appliance instrument contraption tool device implement gadget machine gizmo utensil contrivance goods effects accessory junk gimmick rigging dunnage widget turnout possessions plant doohickey necessary rubbish whatchamacallit movables agent doodad appointments stores piece of equipment personal effects thingamajig set wares medium thingamabob encumbrances jigger luggage system whatsit chattels miscellaneous articles property gimcrack whatsis labour-saving device necessaries waldo mod con goods and chattels munitions arms appurtenance trapping trimming items impediments matériel fitment facility obstruction hook line supply habiliment vehicle aids produce pack set of tools tools of the trade bits unit trimmings weapon staple adornments ornamentation personal belongings fixture array dingus doobry gismo doodah ironmongery clubber entities incidentals conveniences extras additions adjuncts thingo bitzer doojigger plumbing kitchenware ironware metalware housewares fasteners tool of the trade engine household goods holdings household furnishings duds bells and whistles plunder moveables personalty dingbat black box assets article amenity valuables wealth trek worldly goods tangibles personal property bags and baggage possession tricks whatnot resource makeshift piece of apparatus piece of hardware Rube Goldberg invention range stock-in-trade merchandise


Plural for a cunning ploy or trick with a particular goal or aim
ruses tricks ploys schemes artifice wiles dodges gambits subterfuge manoeuvres maneuvers machinations gimmicks contrivances shenanigans play flimflams sleights jigs game feints shift stunts knacks juggles fetches intrigue design wheezes craft fakes chicanery rackets craftiness evasion cabals traps proposition loopholes cunningness finesse improvisation stratagems tactics deception expedients plans moves plots cons hoaxes scams methods strategy deceits blinds lurks set-ups setups fraud courses of action sleight of hand cheats impostures shams means smokescreens game plans bluff rorts pretence pretense grifts programs measures programmes schlenters trickery twists buncos conspiracies flankers swindles angles pretexts con tricks wangles projects arrangements stings confidence tricks booby traps covers blueprints rigs actions switches capers funny business systems policy put-ons put-up jobs canards brainchildren ventures decoys snares red herrings curveballs secret ground plans master plans enterprises ideas cunning demarches dirty tricks scenarios stalls chicanes fixes feats misrepresentation Trojan horses lures allurements escapades smoke screens duplicity snow jobs hustles maneuverings frame-ups pranks leg-pulls lies manoeuvrings practice instruments slants catch manipulation distraction ways road maps bait covin imposition masquerades shuffles gamesmanship sport invention procedure courses makeshifts resorts stopgaps steps operations kickers antics jokes duck pretensions hoodwinkings make-believe draft draught subversion scenes bits one-upmanships spoofs sellouts sweet talk soft soap whitewash dirty work humbug sells falsehood sharp practice double-dealing treachery delusions rip-offs distortion fakery ambushes creation innovation wrinkles coinage formations fabrication concoction recipes proposals layouts outlines formulae disguises masks screens cloaks camouflage fronts facades guile jiggery-pokery dishonesty artfulness horseplay hanky-panky slyness monkey business legerdemain jugglery cheating skullduggery dissimulation skulduggery beguilements recourse refuge equivocation expediency resources counterfeits concern fixtures shticks apparatuses promotion jests aid fun paths lines roads approaches tacks deviations fools' errands disturbance distractors commotion false faces diversion interruption wild-goose chases jives rides dragnets confidence games snags hooks shucks mare's nests inveiglement enticement temptation bilks con games pitfalls seducement come-ons cover-ups gin illusion hokums initiatives deeds act proceedings agency efforts control expertise know-how art numbers gifts skill exploits ability hangs technique codology fraudulence kidology charades underhandedness deceptiveness deviousness knavery sophistry management swindlings guises dissemblings semblance falseness crookedness hocus-pocus deceitfulness hypocrisy show simulation dissemblance feignings posturings veils curtains fig leaves veneers furtiveness surreptitiousness waffles unscrupulousness verbiage hot air nonsense talks snow fiddles charlatanry quackery footwork forgery phoninesses burlesque fiction imitation smoke falsity cant insincerity sanctimoniousness propaganda phoneyness closetings disguisings maskings dupery crookery dirty pool overreachings foxiness wiliness misleadings two-timing lyings bluffings ambidextrousness cozenings ambidexterity defraudings guilefulness trappings cozenages attitude dissimilations poses posture chasers displays playacting phonies affectations shuck and jive appearance phoneys posings stances falsification performance


Plural for a device for peeling fruit or vegetables


Plural for a false, contrived, or assumed purpose or reason


Plural for a device or organ that detects certain external stimuli and responds in a distinctive manner


Plural for a key designed to fit many locks by having the interior of the bit hollowed


Plural for any drug used to dilate and relax the bronchial passages and ease the flow of air to the lungs


Plural for a smoke detector


Plural for an electronic device connected to other devices or networks


Plural for a device that uses atomic energy to produce heat

Антонимом acting devices

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