Синоним alarmed at

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Feeling fear or apprehension
afraid fearful frightened scared nervous terrified alarmed apprehensive intimidated petrified worried tense anxious cowardly panicky timid concerned timorous uneasy bothered daunted jittery nervy spooked disturbed frantic horrified jumpy perturbed aghast cowering hysterical rattled shaken startled affrighted cowed fretful pusillanimous terrorised terrorized trembling troubled afeared chicken hysteric overwrought shocked feart frit frozen stunned upset yellow apprehensive about intimidated by beside oneself in a flap in a fluster on edge panic-stricken scared stiff scared to death terror-stricken faint-hearted in a cold sweat in a funk in a state in a tizz in a tizzy scared witless horror-stricken horror-struck in a blue funk terror-struck in awe shaking like a leaf having cold feet running scared frightened out of your wits scared out of your wits shaking in one's shoes with your heart in your mouth spineless scary lily-livered agitated gutless hesitant uptight craven disquieted edgy unnerved dismayed antsy shaky weak-kneed mousy recreant shrinking weak shy wimpish distressed fainthearted sissy wimpy chicken-livered unheroic unsettled quaking twitchy chickenhearted queazy insecure hung up diffident dithery stressed soft discomposed queasy unquiet tremulous yellow-bellied skittish windy easily frightened restless dastardly fidgety milk-livered frightened to death mousey worried sick meek aflutter trepidatious funky overstrung toey wired chicken-hearted ill at ease het up poor-spirited worked up stressy lacking courage pigeon-hearted poltroon in a sweat goosey atwitter wet unmanly hinky spiritless have cold feet fearsome flustered retiring appalled uncomfortable strung up in a dither in a panic in a stew abashed pigeonhearted taut tentative base browbeaten having butterflies in the stomach flurried angsty unassertive shivery uncertain spooky squirrelly ruffled unglued solicitous feeble disconcerted neurotic bricking oneself strung out stupefied in a twitter having kittens suspicious all of a dither tormented keyed up in a twit on tenterhooks vexed anguished perplexed all of a lather weakling excitable irresolute on pins and needles self-effacing boneless frenzied unconfident coy bullied rabbity sheepish white-livered careful candy-assed fretting discouraged overwhelmed overawed nerveless bashful annoyed unassured limp-wristed aroused highly strung numb doubtful under stress strained self-conscious phobic irritable distraught angstful numb with fear bugged beset discombobulated irked riled a wreck a bundle of nerves tortured plagued shook up hot and bothered in fear and trepidation in a state of agitation dazed dumbfounded worried stiff pushing the panic button harassed in a flat spin like a cat on a hot tin roof like a fish out of water with one's stomach in knots weak-willed half-hearted easily scared sensitive reserved quiet demure modest unassuming flighty excited panic-struck skittery febrile panicked brittle spasmodic creeped out tame fussy awed humble reticent fluttery traumatized adrenalized agog blanched disheartened exercised astonished all of a doodah butterflies jellyfish in a frenzy squeamish overcome shell-shocked awestruck easily agitated high-strung faint shuddering amazed awe-struck shaking restive watchful hyper surprised traumatised dreading in suspense very scared disillusioned deterred reluctant goose-bumpy quivery abject run scared scared rigid foreboding mistrustful paralysed with fear in a spin in a state of nerves sookie stiff a basket case sweating bullets characterless frail effete invertebrate wishy-washy weakened milk-and-water namby-pamby unsure impatient shot to pieces tied up in knots biting one's nails sissified caitiff like a cat on hot bricks embarrassed fraught unrestful discomfited dispirited demoralized downcast ignoble milksoppish speechless paralyzed paralysed cowhearted backward worthless self-doubting angst-ridden benumbed transfixed having stage fright biting nails having a funny feeling in turmoil palpitant all nerves wrung on the qui vive peevish irascible enervated debilitated fixated cringing dishonourable dishonorable obsessed overanxious irrational paranoid lacking confidence unforthcoming afflicted asea immobilized immobilised inhibited not self-assured lacking self-confidence introverted passive cringey paper tiger no guts having the willies demoralised put off put out exacerbated puzzled displeased chagrined inconvenienced aggravated pained confused mortified pestered harried harrowed miffed provoked irritated submissive Milquetoast wavering capricious vacillating gentle vague Delphic touchy questioning choked unpoised touch and go up in the air hanging by thread on thin ice distracted hassled muddled clutched sad unhappy saddened sorrowful heartbroken depressed fazed mournful hurt inconsolable disconsolate dejected miserable despondent doleful down blue heartsick grieved thrown heavyhearted cheerless woebegone forlorn downhearted despairing brokenhearted melancholy crestfallen low beleaguered joyless disappointed grief-stricken glum gloomy desolate heartsore discountenanced down in the mouth down in the dumps tearful wretched broken-hearted low-spirited woeful bewildered cast down sorry droopy bummed out nonplussed melancholic hard-pressed cut up hangdog morose grieving unrelaxed flummoxed bereaved fuddled emotional sullen awkward in pain dismal broken mystified dolorous devastated at sea under pressure hurting bemused befuddled heavy-hearted unstable gutted wounded confounded sombre somber agonized floored baffled stumped rueful preoccupied aggrieved taken aback bundle of nerves regretful agonised in the dumps bad turbulent affected hounded crushed stressed out under the cosh up against it all torn up fitful pressured bamboozled teary disoriented wound up bedevilled tristful bedeviled down-hearted sorrowing bushed at sixes and sevens mazed wildered wrought up thrown off balance at a loss injured shook persecuted unbalanced moody careworn out of place astounded haunted hag-ridden wistful clueless unsteady weepy dragged suffering sleepless unpeaceful mixed-up lugubrious shot down shaken up in grief in doldrums maladjusted in tears dreary fidgeting put upon addled foxed beaten peeved pessimistic solemn destroyed out of sorts bowed down hectic wrecked listless fed up with your back to the wall tossing and turning singing the blues flapping difficult desperate distrait heated overactive unhinged wakeful intermittent offended galled insomniac angered oppressed nerve-racking nail-biting hot under the collar unzipped absent-minded engrossed bitter messed up mourning weeping up the wall withdrawn long-faced violent frayed unsleeping angry stricken broken up moved nervous wreck insomnolent hurried fevered funereal chapfallen all of a flutter grim heavy with grief overcome with sorrow bleak creepy quivering hunted white-knuckled in difficulties down-in-the-mouth black befogged fogged hard put active pensive racked with suffering worn out down in dumps sick at heart lost dull ruthful uncomprehending in a tight corner in a tight spot gray at the end of your tether grey mixed up at the end of one's rope down and out languorous triste with one's back up against the wall saturnine languid comfortless sulky twittering ripped badgered indecisive unconsolable basket case burned sore contused dithering exasperated disorderly gauche faltering unnatural intense flushed overemotional damaged blushing swithering narked aquiver stilted lamenting remorseful histrionic unreluctant scunnered caught up impaired frustrated overexcited afire hyped-up wrought-up atingle hyperexcited disorientated anxiety-ridden ground down distrustful under a strain shattered pining inflamed nonplused feverish hyperactive grievous haggard besieged downtrodden chafed frisky stirred up wreck moving shot fretted emotionally unstable emotionally unbalanced worn down emotionally damaged emotionally injured depressive falling apart frazzled juiced up zipped up hot discomforted hopeless heavy luckless put out of countenance strange dumbstruck in a lather discontented painful downbeat blank in a bad way white knuckled in the pits elegiacal crummy cast-down elegiac emotionally defeated verklempt ailing racked grumpy lachrymose pressurized defeatist tetchy teed off staggered flabbergasted mirthless in disorder rebellious alienated changeable itchy roving bustling transient unruly wandering inconstant footloose nomadic in despair in low spirits rushed piteous on a downer bleeding in shock psyched out come apart weighed down sunk as sick as a parrot brooding mopey sick as a parrot awake testy prickly crotchety pressurised dolent in sorrow heartrending full of sorrow in mourning tear-jerking affecting troubling cautious strict conventional tongue-tied lacking social skills hot-tempered captious snappy temperamental chippy bad-tempered querulous short-tempered crabbed quick-tempered bowled over blown away ill-tempered hapless morbid down in mouth let-down not happy alert oversensitive critical undermined reproachful besotted had their heads messed with stressful feeling anxious vigilant disgruntled stung piqued dysfunctional disordered got caused to be at a stand made to scratch their head beat graveled buffaloed thrown off gravelled confusticated abstracted without sleep wide-awake attentive wide awake languished having blue devils negative dysphoric having the blahs crabby absent diverted old-fashioned at wit's end nerves on edge on the defensive discontinuous disconnected interrupted inattentive visited by preyed upon distant absorbed faraway shook-up emotionally scarred emotionally disturbed erratic incomplete fragmentary heaving struck hit possessed psyched-out chap-fallen sorry for yourself not best pleased absentminded gripped cut to the quick distressing bumpy messed-up consumed caught off balance out of countenance in botheration dolesome emotionally confused screwed up ill-adjusted dominated controlled miles away dreamy sidetracked unfocused unnerving disturbing hairy distressful agitating unsettling disquieting worrisome nerve-wracking wailing aching bewailing bemoaning mad cursed seized jerky jouncy raging choppy disrupted sporadic dogged overpowered surrounded pushed smitten insane devoured held bewitched trying rolly rough punchy dopey pixillated silly spaced spacey zonked-out muddleheaded spaced-out punch-drunk dopy addle pixilated muzzy addlepated raddled zonked slaphappy dizzy spacy not with it fiendish busy tricky time-poor overloaded overburdened overtaxed overworked racked with pain storm-tossed deeply affected driven to distraction harmed fuzzy emotionally charged taken over under a spell in the grip of pressed struggling herky-jerky struck down laid low in dire straits hard at it between a rock and a hard place

Антонимом alarmed at

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