Синоним ants in your pants


The quality of being eager or enthusiastic
impatience eagerness keenness enthusiasm hunger avidity excitement appetite thirst lust longing zeal avidness ardor fervor fervour ardour yearning expectancy desirousness earnestness suspense greed heat greediness excitability haste intentness hastiness hurry rashness impulsiveness passion desire anticipation zest gusto willingness intensity yen expectation craving devotion vehemence fervency hankering appetency wholeheartedness ardency readiness urge itch interest passionateness fanaticism relish pining alacrity commitment zealousness liveliness voraciousness voracity frenzy ebullience wish need love fury zing anxiety fancy drive jones thirstiness ache letch impetuosity fire appetence hope ecstasy expectance rapture hopefulness fever high hopes assiduity strong desire diligence intense desire conscientiousness aridity thirsting hungering thrill ambition dedication flap agitation furore delirium uproar hysteria furor feverishness demand liking warmth turmoil rage uncertainty hubbub distraction solicitude deliriousness wishing propensity inclination spirit butterflies rampage exuberance vigor vigour taste stomach addiction proclivity vivacity verve vivaciousness tension energy sap dynamism expectingness unrest ferment brio conviction feeling motivation partiality awaiting butterflies in the stomach looking forward oomph pep vim devotedness emotion fervidness life restlessness penchant appetition weakness excitation gaiety mirth intenseness dash go exhilaration flare get-up-and-go joyfulness zip zap activity fieriness élan glow joy flame hurly-burly soft spot big eyes keen interest white heat red heat vitality animation sparkle bounce pizzazz spiritedness punch pzazz esprit moxie force push effervescence hardihood elan juice snap buoyancy initiative enterprise ginger high spirits fondness forcefulness starch gas beans violence sprightliness vinegar cheerfulness determination welly happiness panache strength spunk vibrancy fizz gumption elation perkiness devoutness feistiness resolve vigorousness brightness power enjoyment sincerity potency faithfulness spark attachment affection aggressiveness tenacity cheeriness stamina constancy doggedness action piety hustle confidence reverence allegiance jollity piousness spirituality fidelity pleasure vibrance religiousness fealty optimism deference service observance consecration adherence fierceness birr steam favour favor preference sunniness sanctity kick merriment devotement single-mindedness light-heartedness jauntiness adoration worship delight high-spiritedness pietism boldness lustiness religiosity perseverance breeziness religionism tuck like guts chirpiness joie de vivre shine resolution cheer briskness heart gameness impetus might robustness disposition pluck bullishness jazziness will radiance bang will power gladness virility joviality zestfulness satisfaction appreciation irrepressibility vehemency endurance motive bent flurry peppiness predilection faith application ambitiousness momentum aspiration jazz mind aggression vividness fortitude effort sanguineness fire in belly bias delectation good cheer mettle flair persistence fire in the belly urgency depth purposefulness love affair mania heartiness right stuff leaning flamboyance resoluteness backbone glee resource purpose clout daring use infatuation soul blitheness pepper jolliness assertiveness palate tendency easiness sureness trust encouragement calmness assurance certainty idealism positivism attraction lightheartedness activeness affinity stimulation thing impact sanguinity self-motivation good humour colour color get up and go amenability loyalty good humor humour humor positive attitude gratification what it takes joyousness goodwill obligingness contentment vim and vigour rose-colored glasses bounciness steadfastness style contentedness courage looking on bright side flourish imagination stimulus firmness committedness inspiration scintillation creativity inventiveness airiness effusiveness incentive resourcefulness alertness madness flutter stylishness perturbation emotionalism euphoria virtue peartness exuberancy balls intrepidity grit tooth self-assurance leadership bite seriousness empressement pertness positiveness striving capability impellent stuff bustle craze ferocity adventure fun hot-bloodedness impulse adventurousness pep talk powerfulness movement friskiness toughness druthers predisposition muscle fascination blithesomeness proneness exertion wildness want effectiveness go-getting burning cup of tea obsession aim bloom sanctimoniousness preparedness admiration respect glory sentiment sensation bliss feelings emotions intent hungriness estimation psyche light praise support insistence unction ferociousness forcibleness nervousness buzz vociferousness swagger splendour emphasis forthrightness outspokenness indulgence instigation religious observance religious zeal religious fervor care sense of God lustre glitz bound bob joys of spring pizazz virtuosity volatility excitedness goods fixation luster punchiness richness facility address thrust ado agreement consent agreeableness splendor calenture wits strength of character strength of mind youthfulness excess severity concentration positivity point sassiness flamboyant confidence sense of purpose burning passion resilience carefreeness emulation savor savour kicks intoxication charge extremity engrossment deliberation pertinence pertinacity pertinaciousness decidedness decisiveness tenaciousness monomania eye spring sedulousness great enthusiasm anger puissance cooperation volition compliance jubilation vital spark life force sinew obsessiveness fandom operativeness efficiency spontaneity resources efficacy hurrah solemnity Pollyannaism great expectations rosy outlook silver lining bright outlook bubbliness content beef overenthusiasm firmness of purpose labor industry labour have-a-go attitude hustle and bustle incandescence grievousness strain charisma elegance favouritism favoritism turn on a sense of purpose originality gayness abandon gladsomeness torrid heat sweltering heat extreme heat tropical heat intense heat oppressive heat high temperature over-enthusiasm stress ingenuity good spirits nerve transports entrepreneurial spirit snappiness favourite spunkiness elan vital favorite stir commotion aptness ease willpower love of life imaginativeness fight brilliance being full of the joys of spring bravery competitiveness morale audacity cleverness openness intensity of feeling yearn panting dream goal éclat bottle ability talent warmness impressiveness transport hard work needfulness covetousness strong interest titillation weakness for thing for ripeness will to win militancy provocation incitement spine staying power dispatch dazzle venturesomeness wild emotion what-it-takes stick-to-itiveness fluster innovativeness valor whim velleity tumult gallantry greatheartedness doughtiness courageousness daringness fearlessness gutsiness dauntlessness heroism intrepidness list persuasion quick-wittedness prowess stoutness native wit self-reliance spirit of adventure positive thinking pecker valour panic stout-heartedness intestinal fortitude confusion amusement state of anxiety entertainment play a buzz a charge foolery playfulness blast buffoonery merriness festivity a kick tomfoolery festiveness ball jocularity gleefulness living it up wantonness silliness foolishness jocundity knavery clowning funniness facetiousness jocosity felicity gamboling romping joking comedy laughter nonsense rejoicing revelry hilarity gambolling roguishness waggery riot solace treat jocoseness grins good time humorousness gambol levity mischief diversion jesting mischievousness mirthfulness rascality sportiveness


The state of being mentally concerned, uneasy, or anxious
unease anxiety apprehension disquiet nervousness disquietude uneasiness agita agitation angst anxiousness apprehensiveness care concern concernment distress fear nervosity perturbation solicitude sweat worry trepidation all-overs botheration butterflies creeps doubt downer drag dread fidgets flap foreboding fretfulness fuss heebie-jeebies jitters jumps misery misgiving mistrust nail-biting panic restlessness shakes shivers suffering suspense trouble uncertainty watchfulness willies worriment cold sweat goose bumps sense of foreboding tension consternation stress fearfulness edginess tenseness nerves jitteriness suspicion twitchiness yips abdabs dubiety collywobbles jim-jams screaming abdabs butterflies in the stomach Joe Blakes alarm discomposure inquietude unrest disturbance discomfort anguish horror upset dismay confusion vexation fright terror disconcertment chagrin strain discomfiture fluster alarum disconcertion malaise bother irritation shock embarrassment torment scare flusteredness presentiment annoyance abashment woe disorientation mortification distraction discombobulation sorrow jumpiness qualms turmoil habdabs hesitation chill frustration cold feet sudden fear screaming habdabs timidity difficulty grief burden pressure torture awkwardness turbulence sadness solicitousness perplexity funk nerviness trepidity displeasure trembling blue funk problems wariness excitement impatience antsiness tizzy dyspathy qualm dysphoria scruple compunction premonition depression stage fright fidgetiness unpleasantness a blue funk shudder emotion inconvenience pins and needles discontent heartache disorder disruption ailment storm ferment nag awe upheaval suspiciousness tremors cravenness surprise shuddering paranoia blues agony Weltschmerz affright flinching aversion phobia shiver mid-life crisis disquietedness mistrustfulness forebodingness doubtfulness affliction conflict mental strain remorse instability penitence disbelief constraint queasiness hardship nervous excitement tribulation mental stress emotional strain fidget misgivings pain shame humiliation palpitation responsibility bad feeling burdens dissatisfaction beating ruin failure defeat aggravation unwieldiness discontentment harassment demoralization undoing disappointment nonplus rout overthrow unhappiness envy disgruntlement disadvantage comedown descent demoralisation conquest vanquishment defeasance discontentedness cumbersomeness drawback downside issues resentment grievances disaffection unhandiness strife regret excitability moodiness troublesomeness untimeliness dithers dilemma struggle hassle task touchiness pique bad feelings tremulousness anger unfitness exasperation trembles quivers feverishness delirium neurasthenia animation sensitivity neuroticism stimulation hindrance row pitfall unsuitableness nervous tension gloominess stew tiresomeness bothersomeness scrape puzzle nuisance value to-do chip on your shoulder hang-up

Антонимом ants in your pants

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