Синоним as one might say


To a certain level, degree or extent
kind of rather fairly quite somewhat relatively moderately pretty slightly enough kinda something sorta kindly like a bit a little a tad a touch sort of to some extent a shade a mite in a manner of speaking in a way ish to a degree more or less of sorts after a sort after a fashion a thought reasonably to some degree comparatively to a certain extent to a limited degree to a certain degree passably to a limited extent marginally to an extent a little bit tolerably vaguely faintly in part to a point up to a point in some measure within limits adequately partially satisfactorily in a certain degree remotely so-so some sufficiently decently on a small scale ratherish averagely obscurely dimly temperately mediumly lightly mildly in moderation within reason to a slight extent a trifle to a certain level not much narrowly poco medium nominally just a spot a whit a smidgeon comparably almost nearly approximately not exactly in reason quite a bit more than not tolerantly acceptably barely suitably amply commensurately little largely notably sizably respectably pretty much abundantly proportionately uncertainly hazily unsurely ambiguously admissibly pretty well partly half incompletely part not wholly not entirely not totally partway halfway not fully just about quasi- fractionally all but very nearly scarcely inadequately piecemeal insufficiently by degrees piece by piece little by little cautiously sparsely sparingly hardly thinly not nearly pretty nearly nicely okay alright creditably good fine middlingly serviceably OK well by the skin of one's teeth noticeably carelessly measurably all right in a general way at worst at least at most not strictly speaking at best bit by bit in bits and pieces in some ways so far as possible up to a certain point by installments

Антонимом as one might say

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