Синоним awfully long

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(after a measurement and in questions) Describing a length that has been explicitly specified

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Of having a great duration or lasting a long period of time
prolonged protracted lengthy overlong extended spun-out enduring dragging slow sustained lingering interminable marathon verbose long-winded prolix tedious time-consuming boring wearisome dragged-out drawn-out long-drawn-out seemingly endless spun out wordy rambling diffuse discursive meandering tiresome digressive windy circumlocutory circuitous garrulous dragged out pleonastic periphrastic dull ambagious wandering maundering logorrheic logorrhoeic lengthened laborious delayed ponderous loose roundabout unending palaverous circumlocutionary diffusive redundant convoluted continued very long persistent vague king-size elongate oversized elongated king-sized waffling verbal endless padded longish king size stale prosing flat commonplace pedestrian gassy lasting flowery monotonous unimaginative prosaic uninteresting humdrum far great long-lived long-lasting long-term profuse copious exuberant turgid random lavish full of verbiage overextended boundless tardy dilatory late limitless for ages without end desultory forever and a day excursive digressionary digressional leaping prosy waffly timewasting inefficient onerous arduous broad spreading deviating free roaming musing erratic roving conversational informal repetitious chronophagous loquacious tautological bombastic voluble talkative tortuous gabby expansive chatty sesquipedalian inflated flatulent rhetorical talky pretentious pompous orotund fustian grandiloquent indirect superfluous iterative swollen elaborate empty oratorical gaseous rhetoric oblique over-elaborate superficial shallow breezy tumescent tumid overblown mouthy effusive gushing multiloquent babbling multiloquous blathering prattling jabbering repetitive yakking wittering prating gobby yacking involved magniloquent big-mouthed tautologous full of air repeating with the gift of the gab having kissed the Blarney stone

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Having a good ability to remember

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Without breaks, gaps or interruptions
solid continuous steady unbroken uninterrupted continual incessant unremitting perpetual relentless running ceaseless lengthy protracted prolonged undivided everlasting permanent unrelenting eternal ongoing unfaltering consecutive endless perennial regular continued unending closed extended unceasing interminable nonstop recurring unabating constant extensive persistent sustained drawn out drawn-out never-ending non-stop stretched out outstretched elongated lengthened timeless infinite interminate dragging unbound looped spun out day-and-night without end no end of seemingly endless strung out no end to on a treadmill continuing round-the-clock unrelieved unflagging recurrent repeated around-the-clock unfailing frequent unabated enduring unwavering unvarying unwaning indefatigable untiring persisting unchanging repetitive staying oft-repeated unwearied chronic lasting dateless connected aeonian dogged undeviating persevering tireless unswerving round the clock inexorable unyielding habitual monotonous unwearying always-on without respite direct day and night unstoppable inevitable inescapable irrevocable unavoidable 24-hour undying ageless without interruption abiding 24/7 amaranthine world-without-end imperishable stable undisturbed long-lasting never-ceasing all day long at all times all day and all night for ever and ever without surcease steady-going with no let-up without a break untroubled straight successive smooth straightforward through without stopping in succession unsparing diligent assiduous sedulous unalleviated hard

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Large in magnitude or number
powerful enormous great sizeable considerable gigantic large massive significant sizable entire immense prodigious substantial colossal extensive full immeasurable mammoth monumental substantive titanic whole abundant advantageous hefty huge monstrous noticeable sufficient voluminous ample astronomic astronomical big complete elephantine herculean hulking jumbo king-size king-sized large-scale lavish lucrative major marked oversized plenteous plentiful profitable profuse prosperous solid superabundant whopping king size high vast giant gargantuan mountainous tremendous husky stupendous humongous ginormous thumping whacking mighty heavy monster grand mega Brobdingnagian weighty epic cumbersome oversize unwieldy towering goodly ponderous bumper awkward largish gross humungous outsize biggish outsized unhandy vasty walloping cosmic Himalayan galactic supersized leviathan cosmical cumbrous unmanageable whacking great whopping great thumping great bulky beefy stout hulky strong boundless appreciable extreme terrible Herculean protracted extended pronounced supersize numerous spacious mastodonic decided broad fat Bunyanesque massy excessive bull brobdingnagian expansive cavernous mondo prolonged heavyweight monolithic wide lengthy super-duper oceanic pharaonic gigantesque cyclopean planetary heroical heroic super stellar total behemothic unbroken undivided continuous livelong handsome tidy ungainly overgrown inordinate boxcar unlimited unmanoeuvrable incommodious girthy giant-sized man-size giant-size very large of considerable size man-sized dirty great very big almighty behemoth grandiose extraordinary imposing pythonic blimp very great infinite generous staggering princely whale of a limitless tall whaling terrific fantastic formidable exorbitant extra-large capacious phenomenal extravagant healthy roomy good copious impressive thundering commodious striking incalculable rip-roaring bountiful magnificent titan overwhelming measureless prolific super-colossal strapping burly serious barn door full-size comprehensive unbounded outstanding roaring decisive whopper conclusive emphatic great big resounding notable unmistakable memorable remarkable noteworthy unqualified unusual awesome statuesque a whale of a super colossal out-and-out thorough lofty kingly cracking brawny endless superhuman eternal liberal spanking mahoosive Cyclopean interminable illimitable Gargantuan extremely large jumbo-sized extremely big sweeping larger-than-life socking great sky-high megalithic bounteous far-reaching mastodontic steep good-size good-sized detailed meaty daunting ominous august elephantic astounding mesomorphic Brobdignagian bigger than life thrashing fathomless unfathomable OS awful stiff larger greater rich fine not inconsiderable Olympian widespread through the ceiling Moby expanded mundo economy size large size spectacular lank consequential Homeric thick measurable respectable never-ending swelled deep fair-sized family-sized family-size fair-size economy-size life-size magnific economy-sized wide-ranging far-flung spread-out all-inclusive stretched-out global wholesale wide-reaching exhaustive mass universal nationwide leading heavy-duty packed across-the-board international chock-full stuffed intercontinental awash all-encompassing worldwide important brimming crowded immoderate powerfully built muscular undue sinewy lumbering sturdily built buff obdurate stalwart heavily built muscled muscly tough robust thewy ripped lusty well muscled manly stark jacked pumped up stocky broad-shouldered sturdy well-built bruising rugged hearty thickset hunky unwarranted intemperate unrestricted unbridled exaggerated superfluous unrestrained gratuitous needless unconscionable overmuch unreasonable extortionate disproportionate prodigal surplus plethoric uncontrolled profligate wanton improvident dissipated indulgent overabundant imprudent dizzying overdue insane overweening uncurbed intolerable redundant outrageous unmeasurable wasteful unhampered out of all proportion self-indulgent ridiculous recrementitious too many stratospheric unchecked overindulgent ludicrous overboard O.T.T. over the odds overextravagant supernatural overkill unfettered overgenerous extra way out unnecessary uncalled for too much silly a bit much OTT more devilish over the top preposterous uninhibited

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Impressive or grand in size, appearance, or manner
epic grand great heroic grandiose ambitious extraordinary impressive monumental gallant glorious magnificent noble classic elevated extended heroical Homeric imperial imposing magnific massive prodigious regal royal stately arduous august baronial exalted Herculean huge lofty majestic splendid vast marathon larger-than-life very great very large very long Miltonian grandiloquent high-sounding extravagant high-flown bombastic proud resplendent superb striking palatial awe-inspiring dignified opulent distinguished sublime marvelous marvellous spectacular sumptuous luxurious commanding fine kingly awesome stunning splendiferous lavish eminent princely illustrious excellent elegant remarkable gorgeous outstanding arresting beautiful towering large swanky renowned lordly rich superior solemn formidable statuesque terrific divine big queenly celebrated fantastic ostentatious supreme breathtaking acclaimed staggering honoured brilliant plush imperious dazzling dramatic pompous venerable posh ritzy amazing splendacious magnolious stirring fabulous wondrous ominous honored something else tremendous bold splendorous famous elaborate exaggerated honourable showy overwhelming honorable famed esteemed unforgettable smashing fab pretentious aristocratic legendary mind-blowing memorable radiant deluxe powerful splashy first-class haughty unreal first-rate eye-catching immortal portly well-known sensational heavenly palatine exquisite stupendous colossal celestial sightly considerable large-scale wonderful high worthy fancy ample authoritative magisterial ceremonious dynamite admirable super sovereign fit for a prince noted bright triumphant costly transcendent portentous maestoso overambitious incredible ornate resounding Olympian mythological classical fit for a queen fit for a princess cool tall in the saddle shining astonishing expensive glittering phenomenal bigger than life astounding classy out of this world flash flashy effulgent jaw-dropping fit for a king unfathomable theatrical handsome very good immoderate immodest audacious splendrous swank swish brave plushy notable preeminent gratifying adored time-honored palatian exorbitant extreme excessive enduring perennial evergreen time-honoured abiding traditional ageless timeless magnifico flamboyant baroque solid gold outrageous disproportionate important remembered respected prestigious insane ballsy fanciful adventurous zealous unreasonable wild commemorated staid hallowed highfalutin' highly regarded high-ranking of repute well thought of of high standing of distinction paragon genius laureate storied mega high-minded exciting moving effective overblown forcible one for the book something to write home about

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Reedy or elongated

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Large in amount or scale
extensive comprehensive wide broad thorough vast complete extended sweeping universal boundless far-reaching wholesale wide-ranging widespread all-inclusive exhaustive great huge large pervasive profound all-embracing all-encompassing big deep expanded expansive large-scale lengthy sizable blanket far-flung humongous major massive prevalent protracted rangy across the board catholic comprising hefty inclusive indiscriminate interdisciplinary multidisciplinary scopic scopious unrestricted cross-disciplinary unexclusive wall to wall general global across-the-board overall common full worldwide ubiquitous total pervading rife pandemic rampant omnipresent unlimited all-round overarching international epidemic permeating predominant spacious ample roomy prolonged immense spread out generic mass significant radical inescapable all-around wall-to-wall voluminous nationwide ecumenical long-drawn-out wide-reaching capacious diffuse thoroughgoing drawn-out outright umbrella lengthened popular long-term everywhere far-ranging enlarged absolute lasting elongated marathon long-lasting commodious infinite present everywhere outstretched continued panoramic encyclopedic coast-to-coast broad-brush sprawling drawn out compendious prevailing far outspread penetrating rambling encyclopaedic faraway stretching astronomical countrywide worldly planetary distant long-lived long-drawn spread enduring regular cosmic cosmopolitan whole multinational elongate generous of considerable length enormous spread-out stretched out all-over all over the place stretched immeasurable strung out spun out very long dragged out considerable colossal abundant overwhelming extreme spreading ubiquitary eclectic life-changing intercontinental important continuing copious widened fat endemic sustained lingering immanent unmitigated unconditional broad-based grand permeative permeant overlong all in-depth undisputed all-pervasive dragging all-present ever-present all-pervading longish mundane accepted broad-spectrum one-size-fits-all remote tall stretch stringy high running towering lanky gangling lofty company-wide far-off straight-out giant cavelike cavernous limitless broadly-based systemwide bodywide world broad-ranging lengthwise never-ending interminable time-consuming very common collective straggling entire cyclopedic bulk quantitative embracive endlong long-run preponderate endless slow persistent can't get away from inflatable expanding elastic dilating swelling omnibus national abiding durable wordy prolix verbose long-winded unanimous customary celestial empyrean terrestrial usual stellar extendable stretchy enlargeable distending in quantity in bulk plentiful systemic delayed sizeable non-selective state linear longstanding dilatant expansile unsuppressed unrepressed in the mass insidious raging current frequent broad-gauge cover-all broad-gauged all-in long-standing long-running broad-minded diverse liberal tolerant diversified unsectarian unbigoted scattered out-and-out all-out suffusive on a large scale rolling comfortable complicated flexible undogmatic momentous thick latitudinous beamy ambitious numerous ruling regnant profuse many thronged multitudinous influential weighty consequential complex longitudinal without end widely distributed general-purpose open-minded world-wide varied unspecialized multiculti all-purpose unprejudiced unqualified all over the country from Land's End to John O'Groats wide-stretching intricate dispersed indeterminate receptive charitable straggly leading bulky heavy-duty good strapping packed husky walloping bull oversize whopper mammoth chock-full burly whopping thundering substantial jumbo hulking prodigious stuffed monster mondo heavyweight detailed healthy awash ponderous tremendous gigantic brimming crowded everything panoptic encompassing wide-extending all over far reaching elaborate sophisticated extending far-stretched far-spread far-going far-extending of moment of significance wide physically of consequence of great import advanced drastic difficult involved super colossal all-encompassing all-embracing widening growing without exception fanned out revolutionary broad in content including all members including all categories patulous radial a whale of a tricky open king-size increased oversized king-sized unfurled unrolled proffered conferred unfolded king size

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Straight and flat

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Reaching the ankles

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Having multiple or many syllables

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Composed of, or resembling, string or strings

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Not going in a direct course or line
indirect winding tortuous meandering twisting circuitous serpentine roundabout curving sinuous crooked rambling devious zigzag anfractuous snaking discursive wandering circular deviant erratic divergent sidelong long-drawn-out twisted convoluted snaky windy bending flexuous curvy curved curling curled crazy meandrous mazy twisty ambiguous coiling digressive deviating zigzagging oblique labyrinthine spiraling spiralling involved intricate ambagious serpentiform looping excursive irregular spiral undulating turning circumlocutory periphrastic gyrating wriggly jagged evasive twisting and turning complicated circumlocutionary long-winded digressionary digressional desultory leaping maundering lengthy errant collateral roaming askew verbose involute awry bent sinuate ogee meandry full of twists and turns writhing bendy entwined detouring digressory digressing diverting roving vermiculate episodic diffusive snakelike asymmetric asymmetrical slinky lithe deviative flowing vagrant contorted unsymmetrical distorted uneven aslant slanting slanted skewed lopsided tilted wiggly tacking squiggly coiled tipping slantwise diffuse atilt circling corkscrew swirling incurving kinky angular screwy catawampus agee tortile kinked wavy pitched complex listing cock-a-hoop traveling travelling nomadic unstraightforward confusing misleading tricky oscillating transverse fluctuating inclined crinkled sloping waggling serrated diagonal deceptive overlong cunning byzantine difficult perverse long way going around back road winding around difficult to follow long way around by way of implied non-linear obliquitous taking the long way curvilinear sweeping loopy straying bowed arched warped hooked curvilineal rounded bowing warping arching twining veering wry curly turned sigmoid S-shaped excursional tangent excursionary aberrant aberrative tangential heteroclite

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With all parts included
full complete comprehensive thorough exhaustive extensive whole entire unabridged detailed encyclopaedic encyclopedic broad grand intact perfect absolute abundant adequate ample compendious copious cyclopedic embracive global integral plenary plenteous plentiful choate compleat inclusive itemised itemized largest omnibus panoramic total uncut universal unlimited all-embracing all-encompassing all-inclusive in depth in-depth most all-in broad-gauge broad-gauged cover-all sweeping wide-ranging far-reaching general overall widespread wide blanket thoroughgoing overarching all-out across-the-board catholic deep expansive umbrella wholesale wall-to-wall careful across the board meticulous profound worldwide out-and-out pervasive all-round intensive all-around unrestricted common painstaking full-scale scrupulous prevalent pervading large-scale clean interdisciplinary multidisciplinary broad-brush rampant pandemic generic cross-disciplinary minute international indiscriminate overwhelming full-dress whole-hog far-flung unconditional rife broad-ranging rigorous ubiquitous radical unmitigated epidemic nationwide permeating mass countrywide exact particular efficient extended rangy coast-to-coast panoptic from A to Z assiduous unqualified blow-by-blow full-blown elaborate discursive outspread eclectic categorical omnipresent predominant broad-based outright encompassing significant major thorough-going integrated utter inescapable popular diffuse diligent considered systematic bird's-eye serious without exception one-size-fits-all company-wide straight-out vast circumstantial conscientious soup to nuts clocklike particularized tough all the way slam-bang royal plenty open plenipotentiary encyclopaedical encyclopedical quorate immense unbounded final fully constituted latitudinous panned catchall earnest considerable searching categoric prevailing scopic sedulous boundless outstretched particularised thoroughpaced proper preponderate pure sheer all in aggregate gross wholistic replete maximal bright clear methodical rounded substantial meaningful encircling containing infinite comprising synoptic on a large scale all over the place collective holistic full-out unrestrained catch-all all-together non-selective leaving no stone unturned the works generalized unselective generalised exaggerated overstated overdrawn cosmopolitan ecumenical in toto all together with everything included ball-of-wax the whole shebang the big picture of great scope drastic personal immediate lock stock and barrel desperate severe forceful stringent long-range long-term unanimous multinational mundane worldly regular astronomical accepted purposeful intricate experienced full-on big picture full-spectrum undiminished plain violent draconian well-rounded well rounded exclusive revolutionary all-over firsthand direct penetrating essential elemental specific definitive consummate intimate special everything all first-hand the word no stone unturned broad in content including all members including all categories broad-spectrum ruling public wide-reaching majority cosmic planetary received all-purpose nonspecific usual customary joint standard shared far-ranging communal empyrean undisputed terrestrial stellar celestial non-specific large unconfined limitless basic nonexclusive endless vague mainstream master broad-minded diverse liberal tolerant unsectarian unbigoted diversified taken as a whole unspecified flexible undogmatic average orthodox everywhere endemic national wonted stock general-purpose multiculti open-minded world-wide varied unprejudiced unspecialized routine ordinary conventional current insidious raging immanent frequent habitual typical natural societal established commonplace vulgar indeterminate charitable receptive permeative permeant present everywhere suffusive widely held extreme far-stretched far-spread in force in vogue middle-of-the-road far-going without end widely distributed wide-extending in circulation wide-stretching far-extending profuse numerous many thronged multitudinous regnant obscure hazy nebulous all-encompassing all-embracing mutual composite cumulative cooperative consolidated socialistic combined collated united compiled assembled unified concentrated social

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Showy in speech
big bombastic grandiose complicated flowery grandiloquent orotund pretentious erudite formal highfalutin histrionic learned magniloquent ostentatious overblown pompous scholarly verbose rhetorical oratorical declamatory articulate eloquent fustian high-sounding hyperbolic aureate mouthy effusive silver-tongued turgid rhetoric florid sonorous bombast ornate tumid euphuistic overwrought pedantic overdone overripe magnific purple high-flown windy puffed-up lofty haughty high inflated tall overwritten flamboyant elaborate affected labored laboured extravagant Ossianic convoluted strained hifalutin over-elaborate stilted pleonastic arty-farty flatulent baroque hyperventilated gassy gaseous exaggerated wordy swollen fulsome showy theatrical rococo ornamented fancy long-winded fussy rotund busy contrived Ciceronian imposing epideictic periphrastic Demosthenic Demosthenean embellished boastful overdecorated braggart bragging Falstaffian exalted sesquipedalian gingerbread grand-sounding over-embellished over-ornate overworked overelaborate ponderous portentous self-important figurative windbag excessively ornate dramatic stuffy fluent big-talking stagy elocutionary prolix ornamental tumescent majestic impressive mannered actorly elevated heroic curlicued wedding-cake boasting la-di-da oratorial lexiphanic very elaborate elegant Miltonian epic Homeric puffed stodgy high-falutin gingerbreaded bedizened gingerbready solemn tedious egotistic flashy arty high-wrought high-minded snobbish euphistic tall-talking redundant diffuse euphemistic prim overornate overembellished pontifical tiresome decorative garnished rich luscious verbal linguistic glib vocal grand voluble over-the-top stylistic highly decorated bold splendid yellow brilliant golden overinflated discursive booming melodramatic arresting fervid impassioned persuasive gesturing vivid forceful gesticulative senatorial loud noisy expressive intoning important noble stentorian shallow superficial breezy serious arrogant grave cluttered blathering ranting blustering rhapsodic loudmouthed balderdash overstated crowded stuffed shirt full of hot air over-detailed untidy mixed-up excessive messy muddled disarranged staged disorderly excessively ornamental

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(of a person) Having a greater than average height with a rangy build
tall lanky rangy long-limbed spindly gangling gangly leggy long-legged spindling beanpole beanstalk stringy lank thin skinny bony spare scrawny size-zero gawky lean slender gaunt angular slim weedy skeletal skin-and-bones scraggy awkward attenuated raw-boned twiggy spindle-shanked lumbering rawboned wiry reedy emaciated attenuate ungainly inelegant uncoordinated delicate pinched ungraceful graceless meager meagre loosely built loosely jointed loose-jointed like a bag of bones spidery stilted extenuated weak elongated unco svelte sylphlike limber trim wispy willowy loose-limbed clean-limbed snake-hipped shadow shrivelled wasted narrow stick rickety stilt cadaverous slinky peaked subtle stalky small pole rarefied undernourished puny shriveled underweight fragile threadlike fleshless lightweight twiglike slight wan starved wizened ethereal featherweight haggard all skin and bones thin as a rail anorexic underfed macilent lithe looking like a bag of bones hollow-cheeked boney skin and bones fatless drawn withered shrunken stick-like gracile anorectic starveling thin as a rake as thin as a rake slightly built lissom famished hollow-eyed half-starved very thin frail light skin and bone as thin as a reed hungry lantern-jawed little undersized atrophied graceful underdeveloped ultrathin skin-and-bone fine scraggly without an ounce of fat pint-sized feeble wraithlike worn to a shadow sharp bare tenuous rattleboned broomstick stark over-thin sinewy hairline paper-thin needlelike slim-jim waifish sticklike like a skeleton like a matchstick lithesome lissome aciculate acicular raddled like a rail malnourished peaky skeleton deathlike no fat skeletonlike phthisical looking like death warmed up thin as rail Lilliputian meek undersize homuncular stunted diminutive tiny shrimpy stubby pint-size dwarf peewee fun size small-boned dwarfish shrimp squat elfin pygmy runtish bantam midget mere short a slip of a … petite


To have a strong want or desire
yearn pine ache wish burn hunger thirst itch pant hope crave need covet want desire hanker lust yen be bent on be consumed with desire be desperate be dying be eager be unable to wait dream of eat one's heart out over hanker after hanker for have a yen lust after set one's heart on set your sights on would give one's eye teeth dream be itching long for have a longing fancy sigh be aching hunger for wish for be desirous thirst for be athirst have a yen for suspire be hungry want badly pine for yearn for be thirsty aspire have a hankering be greedy pray be consumed with the desire seek miss chafe strive languish obsess drool hope against hope carry a torch cry out for set your heart upon suspire for would give one's eyeteeth for be athirst for be desirous of yen for feel a longing regret the absence of cream for be consumed with desire for partial to be burning lick one's chops be eating one's heart out be consumed with a desire hunger after lust for die drool over be very keen be very eager will aim spoil for choose have a fancy be gagging be impatient have one's heart set on ache for itch for be desperate for pine after be dying for be unable to wait for lament cross your fingers envy have the hots for have hard feelings turn green eat your heart out be envious die over object to aspire to be covetous of cry for hold out hope shed tears for dream about regret the loss of pant for expect pursue be passionate be eager for have a crush on aim for aim to long to hope to hope for desire to wish to want to yearn to hanker to have the objective of struggle hunger to raise standards push the envelope thirst after want more be ambitious seek to raise the bar try expect more expect to raise expectations sigh for burn for await anticipate look forward to wait for thirstily await be counting down the days to anticipate with pleasure be eager to await with anticipation intently await be excited to vigorously await really want thirstily anticipate energetically await actively anticipate cannot wait await with pleasure anticipate with gusto ardently anticipate be enthusiastic about fervently anticipate can't wait impatiently await repine for eagerly anticipate earnestly await await with gusto actively await be enthused about expectantly anticipate have your eye on impatiently anticipate await with enthusiasm breathlessly anticipate be interested in enthusiastically await enthusiastically anticipate be gung ho about fervently await be keen on be impatient about breathlessly await ardently await vigorously anticipate eagerly await spiritedly anticipate salivate for longingly anticipate count the days until spiritedly await hungrily await hungrily anticipate have an eye on earnestly anticipate longingly await intently anticipate anticipate with enthusiasm zealously anticipate be hung up about expectantly await lick one's lips over energetically anticipate zealously await be excited at count the hours until anticipate with anticipation be greedy for be hungry for be thirsty for repine grieve for carry a torch for like have eyes for be attracted to be wild about be infatuated with find attractive be crazy about be taken with have a thing about find sexy have the horn for find sexually attractive lech over be hot for have a thing for take to lech after have an eye for be captivated by be mad about take a liking to lick your lips


To deplete, or be depleted, in physical strength or energy
languish fade flag weaken decline decay wilt wither fail sink deteriorate droop dwindle diminish sag ebb lag emaciate go rot waste molder moulder sicken faint pine tucker hunger hanker yearn ail brood despond teeter go downhill waste away grow weak wither away fade away fizzle out go to pieces knock out go into a decline conk out go soft die on vine degenerate wane worsen atrophy regress crumble fall retrograde devolve drop slump lessen retrogress collapse slide get worse slip disimprove disintegrate go down the toilet break down degrade falter become worse tire debilitate hit the skids depreciate lapse shrink go backwards go to pot stagnate disappear go to rack and ruin perish lower fall apart grow worse be in decline lose strength shrivel go to the dogs decrease go down the tubes spoil recede vitiate give out wear away lose energy go bad fall off drop off melt away subside abate etiolate weary become dilapidated debase die fall into decay shrivel up dissolve wizen contract pall dry up impair die away grow less go to seed become debilitated die out slacken descend peter out backslide corrode skid lose quality die down drain away fall to pieces fall away be the worse for wear go to the pack be on your last legs run to seed escalate succumb become emaciated evaporate thin nosedive peak wear out ebb away tire out take a turn for the worse come apart at seams sap enervate grow feeble enfeeble suffer devitalize pine away dry moderate ease tucker out be neglected prostrate poop out injure adulterate be worse for wear alloy lose it mar break undermine taper be handicapped appear in a poor light be at disadvantage be damaged be impaired be shown to disadvantage relent soften remit desiccate be on one's deathbed be giving up the ghost be slipping away be about to die be in extremis become moribund have one foot in the grave be at death's door be breathing one's last be approaching death constrict fold deflate blast blight age become limp melt become fatigued grow tired grow weary trail retire become marcescent pain strain come to an end taper off let up ease off ratchet down phase down de-escalate become stale cave in feel weak feel faint become listless deplete vanish drain dilapidate putrefy dissipate dim attenuate plummet disperse gutter reduce go down break up wind down become less go into decline become weak fall apart at the seams go away grow dim tail off wear off relapse go from bad to worse revert retrocede decompose devaluate go wrong run low slack off flounder return take a nosedive retreat slash curb quiet check settle go pear-shaped lighten quell recidivate go back calm down restrain lose edge narrow down slow down wear down fall into disrepair decrement go to ruin depress plunge give way give in dip fall short fade out erode fall back run down decompensate move backward rebate drift tumble damage weather spiral make something worse bate grow weaker go down the tube grow faint cut down modify tail away curtail evanesce downsize downscale blur become smaller grow smaller run out pejorate go back to be on the way out die off give up rot away go mouldy go off get smaller draw to a close devalue stray cheapen dive fall steeply become shrunken become enfeebled get ill again have a relapse suffer a relapse get worse again peter go into a tailspin reach a new low cut reach depths hit rock bottom come apart at the seams take a dive hit the floor mark down downgrade slip back discount go astray leave the straight and narrow go down the primrose path fall from grace drift back lower in price devalorize write down write off lower in value sink back move back turn back lose headway turn the clock back roll back lose ground throw back fizzle miscarry founder flop bomb bust be deficient go awry go amiss be wanting be insufficient fall through be ruined strike out be lacking be inadequate be found lacking not come to ripeness


To indulge in fantasies about something desired
dream fantasise fantasize daydream contemplate imagine envision visualise visualize contrive muse romanticise romanticize fancy crave hanker idealise idealize lust pine woolgather picture aim for aspire to build castles in air conceive of conjure up pictures desire to hanker after hope for hunger for live in a dream world long for pipe dream seek to thirst after thirst for wish for wish to yearn for have as one's aim have as one's goal ideate set one's heart on set your sights on sigh envisage conceive see vision conceit image conjure up fantasy feature hallucinate conceptualize conceptualise dream up moon think of build castles in the air think up make believe depict romance indulge in fantasy fantasize about dream about indulge in fancy indulge in wool-gathering build castles in Spain see in your mind's eye gush think rhapsodize view perceive project swoon rhapsodise form a picture of form a mental picture of give free rein to the imagination conjure up an image of see in one's mind stargaze suppose apprehend evoke pretend consider divine assume create trip out realize realise infer dream of head trip call to mind make up bring to mind be in a brown study conjure up a mental picture of plan represent portray appreciate conjure up a picture of figure create in your mind concoct stare into space languish mope brood frame be lost in thought be unrealistic yearn scheme be inattentive believe be in cloud cuckoo land be miles away predict anticipate conjecture guess surmise cook up be in a reverie propose expect foresee intend have your head in the clouds suspect reckon grasp objectify regard behold materialize survey externalize mean gather externalise materialise interpret sentimentalize look upon lie exaggerate conjure presume hypothesize sentimentalise supposing presuppose hypothesise preconceive take as a hypothesis say reflect object be under the impression think it conceivable be inclined to think think likely be of the view trump up be of the opinion think it likely have an idea be economical with the truth view through rose-tinted glasses make up stories tell stories look at through rose-colored glasses let your imagination run away with you stretch the truth think romantically think about call up get the picture conjure up an picture of form a mental image of picture in one's mind's eye see visions play-act make-believe

Антонимом awfully long

Music ♫

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