Синоним crankest

Имя прилагательное

Superlative for feeling or expressing joy, jubilation, or triumph
proudest bubbliest bounciest gayest joyfullest happiest mirthfullest luckiest highest merriest gladdest jolliest chirpiest sunniest blithest smuggest wonderfullest cheeriest gladsomest pleasantest winsomest liveliest peacefullest rosiest zippiest zappiest smiliest best zingiest playfullest wildest peppiest lightest perkiest comfortablest most jubilant most triumphant most exulting most prideful most exuberant most vivacious most buoyant most effervescent most frolicsome most frolic most gamesome most cock-a-hoop most high-spirited most joyous most gleeful most elated most delighted most overjoyed most euphoric most excited most enraptured most swaggering most ecstatic most thrilled most boastful most stoked most triumphal most triumphalist most wigged out most cheerful most celebratory most glorious most prizewinning most dominant most animated most flushed most rapturous most rapt most delirious most frenzied most hysterical most carried away most corybantic most victorious most content most pleased most wrapped most blissful most festive most chuffed most thankful most fulfilled most satisfied most jovial most contented most amused most jocund most blithesome most hilarious most enchanted most lighthearted most entranced most winning most inspired most stimulated most elevated most uplifted most gruntled most charmed most jocose most jocular most enjoyable most fantastic most heartwarming most pleasurable most welcome most delightful most pleasing most carefree most radiant most jumping most boisterous most glowing most upbeat most humorous most uproarious most amusing most optimistic most fun most sanguine most hopeful most paradisal most paradisiac most beatific most paradisaic most rousing most rocking most rhapsodical most orgasmic most untroubled most beaming most paradisiacal most rollicking most saturnalian most special most congratulatory most intoxicated most blessed most smiling most magical most sportive most convivial most chipper most Panglossian most rose-colored most starry-eyed most full of beans most feel-good

Имя прилагательное

Superlative for light-hearted and carefree
gayest merriest cheeriest brightest jolliest gladdest liveliest happiest sunniest blithest joyfullest mirthfullest playfullest bounciest sprightliest bubbliest chirpiest jauntiest perkiest airiest briskest cantiest friskiest gladsomest jazziest peppiest pertest pizazziest pizzazziest raciest slaphappiest snappiest sparkiest springiest winsomest zippiest brashest keenest pushiest wildest breeziest zingiest zestiest vividest lustiest spriteliest eagerest boldest spunkiest supplest zappiest smiliest most cheerful most animated most buoyant most vivacious most jovial most frolicsome most carefree most exuberant most festive most upbeat most blithesome most debonair most effervescent most gleeful most elated most frivolous most gamesome most insouciant most joyous most lightsome most active most animate most chipper most convivial most devil-may-care most energetic most frolic most happy-go-lucky most high-spirited most jocose most jocular most jocund most kinetic most lighthearted most mettlesome most rakish most rollicking most spirited most unconcerned most vital most ludic most sportive most waggish most alert most confident most self-assertive most full of beans most ebullient most zestful most enthusiastic most peart most irrepressible most vibrant most dynamic most vigorous most excited most bright-eyed and bushy-tailed most scintillating most boisterous most dashing most passionate most ardent most euphoric most hilarious most daring most jubilant most optimistic most positive most genial most bullish most sanguine most hopeful most resilient most elastic most expansive most rocking most jumping most exciting most swinging most turnt most gallant most laid back

Антонимом crankest

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