Синоним devoid of validity

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Insincere or devoid of validity
hollow false insincere artificial hypocritical cynical deceitful feigned flimsy pretended unsound counterfeit dissembling dissimulating phony phoney pretend sham spurious untrue specious treacherous faithless insignificant invalid unconvincing weak double-dealing two-faced hollow-hearted fake affected unnatural deceptive put-on bogus mock pseudo snide forced duplicitous contrived double assumed simulated lying strained fraudulent mechanical deluding plastic left-handed unctuous Pecksniffian laboured glib unreliable labored canting backhanded fakey untruthful stilted misleading faked overdone mannered exaggerated jivey oily feigning smooth pharisaical mealymouthed captious pharisaic factitious smooth-spoken smooth-tongued fallacious pietistic sanctimonious put on stiff mealy jive self-righteous pretentious mendacious lip moralistic bland fishy pious assuming caviling pseud deceiving cavilling meretricious double-faced Janus-faced phony-baloney phoney-baloney perfidious shifty dishonest devious sly disingenuous overworked unfaithful overripe imitation slick evasive ambidextrous superficial actorly delusive delusory fabricated wooden studied ham hammy beguiling unfounded inaccurate wrong erroneous invented constrained made up self-conscious goody-goody formal holier-than-thou manufactured rehearsed improvised mala fide untrustworthy hypocritic overblown Tartuffian Pharisaical Pharisaic fictitious falsified posed posey rigid inflexible grudging bound binding conscripted begrudging stringent coercive forcible awkward counterfeited conceited imitated playacting melodramatic affectated fraud terminologically inexact illusory concocted casuistic sophistic distorted misguided impostrous plausible sophistical economical with the truth trumped up credible probable apparent sophisticated incorrect ostensible baseless empty seeming flattering ostentatious illogical presumptive likely colorable vain nugatory presumable idle theatrical campy nonnatural seemingly correct plausible but wrong apparently right underhand disloyal slippery not candid not frank lacking sincerity with tongue in cheek guileful sneaky crooked tricky unscrupulous cunning underhanded shady cheating crafty two-timing wily dishonourable unprincipled designing truthless bent false-hearted dishonorable indirect corrupt artful dodgy subtle traitorous foxy sharp recreant scheming undependable dubious knavish ersatz roguish defrauding double-crossing slim insidious fickle equivocal back-stabbing calculating immoral rogue fast unethical unfair rascally unreal perjured Machiavellian conniving imaginary shonky furtive cod oblique forged questionable synthetic inauthentic not to be depended on fair-weather not dependable fly-by-night not to be trusted swindling substitute disreputable hoodwinking shrewd dirty professed illegal pi churchy sneaking inexact unveracious inconstant Punic faux religiose clandestine villainous faulty mealy-mouthed astucious bluffing flawed avowed quasi- stagy make-believe mistaken imprecise snaky imposturous treasonable apocryphal adulterous forsworn fibbing counterfactual improper off wicked misrepresentative coloured colored not genuine cooked-up to keep up appearances smart dummy mimic man-made imitative dual backstabbing fly exploitative intentionally misleading canny clever reproduction so-called purported double dealing uncandid astute rascal bum serpentine catchy unfrank stealthy pretending unspontaneous prevaricating equivocating paltering salty ornery hostile illicit chemical cast alleged not entirely truthful not trustworthy for form's sake of bad faith ironic illusive fanciful off the mark contrary to fact surface untrusty ambiguous supposed quack charlatan shammed masked in name only covered concealed dissimulated paradoxical cryptic enigmatic sardonic irresponsible fink iffy trustless base uncertain unsporting surreptitious unsportsmanlike unsafe scoundrelly falsehearted foul malevolent venal malicious mythomaniac apostate renegade mean secret secretive pirate covert back-alley hugger-mugger below the belt shrouded cloak-and-dagger hidden veiled hole-and-corner wannabe reticent doubtful afraid mincing hesitant euphemistic elaborate arty-farty precious quasi murky backstairs snidey conspiratorial cagy cute cagey low-down virtual smug priggish double-meaning double-edged self-styled simpering apish genteel highfaluting airish conscious artsy camp chichi as it were would-be errant obliquitous erring gimmicky moralizing not real not legit not kosher to all intents and purposes faking one out under the table playing politics playing games not straightforward diffident overdelicate restrained prim self-satisfied superior stuck up gone Hollywood pompous preachy censorious bigoted stuffy moralising trumped-up too good to be true criminal unlawful unjust amoral malfeasant elusive sinister backbiting

Антонимом devoid of validity

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