Синоним get one's laughing gear round


To partake in a feast or large meal
feast banquet dine eat indulge regale gobble gorge gormandise gormandize gourmandize overindulge consume devour gollop junket partake shift snarf stuff hoover binge-eat indulge in pig out pig out on shovel down wine and dine dine on eat sumptuously eat your fill feast on make short work of partake of put away stuff oneself stuff your face tuck into binge on eat one's fill of eat to your heart's content fare sumptuously gorge on overindulge in pack away pig oneself on stuff down stuff oneself with wolf down cram in make a pig of oneself on get outside of ingest munch gulp chomp gobble up tuck away polish off scoff down chow down tuck in feed on scarf down put down scarf up swallow scoff bolt scarf wolf ingurgitate gulp down sink graze on snarf up mow down eat up inhale gorge oneself on toss down snack on snarf down stuff one's face with dispose of chew swill take down finish nosh gobble down champ guzzle cram down bolt down finish off demolish gorb nibble manducate feed lap up meal on snack absorb dig in make a pig of oneself attack digest have ruminate dispatch feed one's face peck at masticate engorge take in feast upon pork out on bite get stuck into cram crunch gnaw grind glut slop graze chaw pasture chumble raven browse drink crop bite on crush taste overeat chomp on eat greedily eat hungrily Hoover satiate triturate murder gnaw on crunch on live on eat heartily fill rustle forage scrunch gluttonize binge englut prey on cloy jade sate tear live off munch on gum blimp out subsist on exist on rend sink your teeth into chew up surfeit eat like a horse nibble at imbibe chow clean out neck swill down sup touch swig lap kill assimilate toss drop belt chugalug destroy get down engulf dispose choke slosh put rip chavel squash chow on cram oneself with gourmandize on scarf out dive in pork out load up on overfeed bite at lunch breakfast press mash soften reduce smash bevvy bib take over swallow up overfill bevy drink in guzzle down eat quickly delight in browse on shovel it in eat to excess wash down sicken nip wound chew noisily congest nauseate depend on break up pall satisfy have breakfast have tea lunch on have lunch have dinner breakfast on have supper tuck on take nourishment gnaw at bite off tear at bite into chaw on clamp pick at eat between meals pulverize knead gnash rely for nourishment on thrive on have as food swallow hurriedly pulverise subsist eat voraciously chew the cud fare on rely on for nourishment take as nourishment sustain oneself of

Антонимом get one's laughing gear round

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